Fight For Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Thirty-Four



Luna and Tiagoare walking across the street to the Wilson’s home after touring the empty house. According to our scouts and the infrared equipment, there are at least ten adults inside the house. Mason has another team in Seattle investigating Juan Carlos Medina’s whereabouts, as well as any charges against the Wilsons in the United States. We want to take him and his wife home and make sure they pay for the shit they’ve done. In this country, they might end up paying their way out in less than a year.

“I’ve reached Esteban’s parents.” Bradley’s voice comes through the communicator. “They are aware that we are here and ready to bring their boy home. I didn’t mention where we are, but if anyone from the inside reports that to Oscar, he might be trying to escape soon. Keep your eyes open.”

There’s a long pause. “Everyone in place?”

I scan the area, nod at Hawk. “Can I just say that you look hot, babe?” I touch my earpiece. “That number makes your ass look tight. I could tap it all night.”

“Kick him, Hawk,” Tiago mumbles through the communicator. “How many times do I have to remind you she’s my little sister?”

“Please don’t kick him,” Luna pleads dramatically. “I want to be the one slitting his throat. I warned you, Everhart. Don’t call me babe.”

“I was talking to Tiago, Luna. That’s my way of letting him know that everything is safe, and I’m bored to tears. But I confess, you look hot too,” I add, looking through my binoculars.

“Stay quiet, Everhart,” Tiago warns me. “One more word and I swear I’ll have someone shoot you.”

“I want to see who’ll be brave enough to shoot me. They’ll be dead before their finger touches the trigger.” I roll my shoulders, trying to loosen the knots on my back.

“What is it now?” Hawk mumbles. “Your family is far away. Why are you behaving like a two-year-old?”

I grind my teeth, clenching my jaw. Luna, I mouth, tilting my head toward the other side of the street.

“Imagine she’s Aspen. How would you feel?” I set the scene in a way he’ll understand.

His eyebrow arches at the mention of his fiancée. Luna isn’t my fiancée, but she’s the most important person in my world. He nods twice and pats my back.

From the corner of my eye, I notice movement on the right side of the house. “The garage door is opening,” I announce, dropping the binoculars and grabbing my weapon. “Someone might be going grocery shopping or escaping.”

“Can I help you?” I hear a rough voice through the communicator.

Focusing on the door, I see him: Oscar Wilson. He’s shorter than Tiago and about five inches taller than Luna. He’s lean but doesn’t look too strong, at least not from where I’m watching.

Buen día,” Luna greets him.

“Sorry, my Spanish is terrible,” he says, blocking the entrance. “But whatever it is, I’m not interested.” He taps the small bronze plate next to the doorbell.

“Oh, nice sign.” She smiles.

“I assure you, we’re not here to talk to you about God, vacuums, or any charity.” Luna brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear, straightens up and pushes her tits up with her arms. “We are here looking for a house. We might end up being your neighbors across the street.”

She turns slightly to her left, pointing at the house where I am.

“Call the realtor,” the guy suggests, his eyes focused on her chest.

I move the target to his forehead.

Motherfucker,move your eyes away from her, or I swear her tits will be the last thing you ever see.

“Oh, that part is over, actually. We just finished the walkthrough,” she continues. “It’s lovely. Cozy. And it’s big enough to raise a family. But I’m wondering if you could tell us more about the neighborhood? I’ve lived in the US for the past ten years, and the city has changed so much.”

“Look, lady, this isn’t a good time for me.” Oscar looks around, signaling his wife. Then, looking at Tiago who hasn’t uttered a word. “No buen tiempo,” he translates in Spanish as he stares at T.

Tiago blinks twice, crossing his arms. He’s served the guy his I’m about to kick your ass glare.

“I need a shadow for that car in case Luna can’t stop them from leaving,” Mason requests. There’s urgency in his voice. “Santillan, ask him more questions. Bat your eyelashes or—I don’t know, just keep him engaged. We’re going to try to break in through the back. I’ve disabled their cameras and the alarm system. Once I give you the okay, you can force your way through the main door.”

“Shall I shoot him?” I question, focusing on my target.

“Not yet,” he answers.

“And when you do, don’t kill him. We want him alive,” Bradley responds, exhaling loudly. “T, nod if you’re ready. Everhart, you know what to do.”

My heart beats fast as I get ready to shoot. My finger is on the trigger, my eyes set on Wilson.

“Are you sure you can’t give us a few minutes?” Luna touches his forearm, not moving it. Her left leg bends lightly. “We’re driving back to the airport. Our flight leaves in a couple of hours. I just want to know about the area. This neighborhood seems friendly and safe. But we want to know more about the places where we can invest—” She clears her throat— “our money. Schools are important.”

The man narrows his gaze at Luna, then looks to Tiago. “You’ll have to excuse me, but I have to leave. I’m on a deadline.”

He takes a step forward. Luna swings his arm counterclockwise, kicking the back of his knee with her right leg. He falls on his back. With a swift movement, she lifts her arm, pulling one of the chopsticks from her hair. Squatting, she points it against his throat. “I’m on a deadline too, Mr. Wilson. Where is Esteban?”

Tiago sets his industrial boot on top of his forehead. “I suggest you answer her.”

“You’re too late,” he says, laughing.

“To kill you?” Luna says. “I don’t think so.”

“Big guy, there’s movement in—”

A gunshot interrupts me. I fire my weapon, the first gunman drops to the ground, right by the entrance. But there’s a second one. Tiago moves his entire body to the left, covering Luna from the second round of bullets.

“Motherfucker,” he groans. “This hurts like hell.”

I move the target, shooting the man who is coming toward them with an AK-47. Luna throws her weapon like a knife, hitting his forehead. The two men fall almost simultaneously to the ground. With all the commotion, Wilson rolls to the side, pushing Luna away from him.

“Watch my back, Harry. There’re more men inside coming after us. Someone help my brother,” Luna orders.

Faster than I would’ve thought possible, she leaps to her feet and takes out another one of her sharp hair accessories. She throws it toward Wilson, hitting him right on his spine. His back arches a bit in pain. The hit makes him stop briefly, but then he continues jogging toward the car. Luna pulls one of her bracelets, straightening it and using it as a blade. She tosses it as if it were a Ninja star hitting him on the side of the neck. Then a second one lands on his left arm.

She wears weapons, not jewelry. What the fuck? I went through airport security with an armed woman and no one fucking noticed?

This woman is my fucking hero.

I move my attention toward the door, shooting two men who are opening fire as they rush toward the entrance. Tiago is no longer on the floor. Where the fuck did he go?


“We are inside,” Bradley responds. “Keep an eye on the outside details.”

“Shoot the tires,” Luna orders, taking her shoes off and speeding toward him. “Someone stop that car before they leave.”

I fire three rounds to the back tires. “Done. Whoever is on the ground, go and get the driver,” I say as she’s about to leave the car. I shoot her once on the left leg and twice on her hand. “Well, she’s going to need medical attention.”

My eyes go back to Luna. She is about to catch up with Wilson. When she’s right next to him, she pulls the stick from his back making him jolt. Then, she kicks him in the knee, flips to the left, and kicks him with the other leg in the jaw.

Wilson groans, as his head snaps back and he falls to the ground. He rolls on the pavement and Luna pulls one of her ribbon bracelets off her arm. Her foot goes around his neck, and she lowers her body, grabbing his hands.

“I suggest you stay put and start talking. Where’s Esteban?” She ties his hands together, then repeats the same operation on his feet.

“You can kill me,” Wilson says. “I won’t talk.”

She laughs, shaking her head. “Lovely wish, but I’d rather turn you in to the authorities.”

“And what do you think the authorities will do to me, bitch?”

Luna touches her sternum. “Oh no, you called me a bad name.” She punches him right in the nose. I hear the crack of his bones.

“Fuck. She’s insane.” Hawk clears his throat.

“What’s next, whore, cunt? I don’t care what you say.” She pulls his hair, moving his head closer to where her face is. “Right now, I own you. You’re my bitch. And by authorities, I meant the FBI.” She releases her hold and pats his cheeks.

Luna pulls the last stick holding her hair. She draws a line across his neck with the sharp edge. Wilson’s eyes widen. “I’m losing my patience. Tell me where Esteban is?” Her voice is vicious.

“We found him,” Tiago announces.

Mason has the kid in his arms. “Hawk, call Aspen. Esteban is unconscious. He’s breathing, but we found some medication next to him. I texted her the picture. Tell her that I think they were drugging him. I want to know if we can do something to help as we drive him to the hospital.”

“You got it, boss.” Hawk takes his phone.

The boss looks around, then walks toward one of the vans we drove in. “Everyone pick up and let’s move this party. The forensic team should arrive here soon. Please, go through the house and take all the evidence that you can gather.”

“Santillan, what have I told you about littering the streets?” He shakes his head. “Untie his feet and pick him up. We’re sending him and his wife on a first-class trip to FBI headquarters.”

Luna does as she’s told and orders him to stand up.

“I can’t feel my legs,” Wilson complains.

“Oops.” Luna sighs, her shoulders slumping. “I might have damaged his spinal nerves.” She shrugs. “Who knows what happened. I’m not a doctor.”

Bradley grins at her. “You did great, kid. I think I like you more than your brother.”

I can feel myself finally starting to relax when she climbs in the van with Bradley. We have to clean the area, and I won’t see her for several hours, but I know she’s safe. And fuck, she was amazing. We have to have her on our team.

Harrison: You did awesome.

Luna: You weren’t bad, Harry. Thank you for having my back.