Fight For Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Thirty-Six



My heart thudsinside my rib cage, threatening to jump ship when I see Harrison standing right outside the airplane, holding a bouquet of flowers and a couple of metallic balloons. A sudden storm of emotions swells within me, expanding with every step I take towards him. He’s here, waiting for me, safe. I break down in tears as every single event that happened since we boarded the plane finally hits me.

“Fuck, you’re exhausted,” he says gently, harboring my body between his arms. “Did you sleep at all?”

I shake my head and try to control myself, but there are only two things I can do: cry and hold onto him tightly. I grit my teeth, fighting to control my tears but they come faster as the rage travels through my veins, frustrated that all these people are witnessing me breaking down.

“Harrison, make sure that the two of you visit the counselor before heading back to New York,” Mason orders. “Luna, this is the only time you can work on a mission without sleeping for so long. We have certain rules too. You have to take care of your emotional and physical health.”

I dry my tears roughly, pushing myself away from Harrison’s grasp. His eyes soften as he hands me the flowers. “We’ll sleep for a few hours before we file our reports. And after what happened, we are required to visit the therapist.”

“I didn’t shoot anyone,” I say with a steady voice.

“You killed one person using your weapons.” He touched my bracelets. “Fuck, you’re the coolest kid on the block now.”

He kisses my cheek. “Let’s go home, sleep for a few hours and then discuss what’s next, please?”

“Home?” I look around. “This is Seattle. You live here?”

“I have a place here, and it’s also my home,” he comments, playing with the laces of the sweatshirt I’m wearing. “I like how you look with this. If you want, I have a T-shirt you can wear to bed.”

“Bed?” I sigh.

He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his forehead on mine. I can feel his soft breath caressing my face, and every cell in my body finally settles. “I’m going to kiss you when we get home,” he says, quietly. “I want to lose myself on your lips and erase the anguish I lived through while I waited to have you in my arms again. I need to feel the beat of your heart close to mine. There’s no name for what’s happening inside me, it’s beyond love. And I swear, Luna, I don’t want it to stop.”

Yes, I want those strong arms wrapped around me, his breath caressing the side of my neck. Don’t stop it, never stop it. Let it blossom and spread through the entire universe.

“I know what you’re doing,”Harrison says when we enter his apartment. His lips are red and swollen from all the kissing we did while his driver drove us from the airport. “You’re stalling the inevitable.”

“We have to talk,” I sigh, touching my tingling lips.

“Does it matter to you what I say? Or how I feel?”

“I—” I bite my lip as he comes closer to me.

His blue eyes blaze. He slips a hand behind my neck, leans in, and kisses me.

It’s slow.


Delicate as the petals of the flowers I hold.

His lips fit perfectly with mine.

This kiss is different from the first one. I see as the elusive threads from his heart weave a strong bond with mine. A spark ignites the small flame as our tongues continue dancing. It grows, burning my body. My soul jolts as the blazing heat awakens my dormant soul filling it with passion. An unknown tune plays inside my head. It matches the rhythm of beats as our kiss intensifies. It’s a song I never want to end, a melody I want to continue for eternity as I’m consumed by him.

And then all at once, everything stops.

He sighs, moving his gaze to blink up at the ceiling for a few beats. “I want this to happen between us.” He runs a hand through his hair, closing his eyes and shutting me out of the desire I saw within them. “I want us to be together. But once it happens, you have to know that I’ll never let you go.”

My brain fizzles. “I want to stay.” I find my voice, even when my legs are shaking, and all I want to do is kiss him.

I’m desperate for his touch.

I want to feel the fire in me burn slowly as he caresses every inch of my body.

And I’m willing to give him whatever he needs in exchange.

“Please,” I whisper.

“Not here,” he says against my lips. “I want this to be special. To be perfect. To be ours.”

He leads me through the hallway toward a bright room. The walls are just big windows. Harrison takes the remote on top of the nightstand and uses it to lower the drapes to what’s classified as the walls. In only a few seconds, the place has darkened. With just another click, a softer light illuminates the room. Tossing the remote back where it belongs, he lifts his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor.

I stare at him, searching for the right words to say. Do I even need to say anything?

“You’re thinking too much, Luna. I can hear your thoughts.”

He takes me into his arms, crushing his mouth against mine.

This kiss is demanding, impatient, hungry. His hands slide down my sides gently, grabbing the edges of my clothes to pull them over my head. I feel exposed in just my bra and panties, like my heart is open, and my soul is visible. There’s nothing I can use to cover myself. Seeing as he’s almost in the same position as I am, I let myself flow within this moment. It’s been so long since I’ve been with a man. It’s been forever since I’ve cared for my partner and I’ve shown vulnerability the way I do with Harrison. He’s shown me the same openness, it’s only fair to trust him with this too.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he mumbles against my lips, sliding his hands over my naked back toward my buttocks. He places me in the center of the bed. He squeezes my ass before pushing my panties down. “I’ve wanted to squeeze your tight, beautiful ass since the morning you did that to me.”

He kisses my skin as he lowers himself down my body. “It feels like it happened eons ago. We’ve been through so much that I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

His warm hands spread and caress my legs as he disposes of the small article of clothing slowly, tempting me, scattering pleasure along the way.

“But I still have so much to discover.” He rises, staring at my almost naked body. He snaps my bra open from the front clasp. “Next time, I promise I’ll take my time undressing you. But today… I need to feel that you’re alive. To see you come alive when you scream my name.”

I press my legs together, feeling the dampness between them. Each word he professes sends a tremor through my body.

“This moment is all I’ve thought about for the past twelve hours,” he confesses, taking me into his arms, setting me down in the middle of the bed.

He plants kisses along my bare skin. Each one flutters through me. “I am dying to taste you, to feast on you. To burn from the inside out as I bury myself deep inside you.”

Harrison undoes his jeans, pushing them down. I take my time staring at his gorgeous body: the ripped abs, lean torso, and broad shoulders I’ve seen before, but never had a chance to appreciate. I lift my hand, wanting to touch him, to trace every ripple, learn each dent, and kiss every corner.

He positions himself over my body. “Are you okay with this happening between us?”

Goosebumps clothe my bare skin as his hands stroke my arms.

“Isn’t it a little late to be asking?”

“It’s never too late.” He traces a line close to my breasts, but he doesn’t touch them. “Fuck, I imagined them being two beauties. They are perfect, like you.” He runs his finger along my jaw. “I would never go through with it if you decided this isn’t what you want, never.”

“I want it.” I draw a breath in a stuttered gasp as his lips brush against the base of my neck. “I need you to fill me, to fire me up like a star.”

I float with elation as his lips touch mine. If I could ask for an unlimited supply of something, it’d be his kisses. My heart skips several beats when his long fingers trace my body. My hands slide up and down his torso, learning every sharp line of those perfectly cut muscles. His hard erection presses against my stomach. The spark is back, this time igniting the center of my core.

He nibbles my skin, caressing every inch his lips have touched. I shiver as his tongue runs down my belly, and he separates my thighs. I cover my face with my hands as I scream when the tip of his tongue touches my core.

“Your sweetness is addictive.” He murmurs, dipping his face against my pussy, his tongue flicking my swollen clit.

I grip the covers of the bed as he inserts a finger inside me and his mouth continues making love to me. A force like none I’ve ever felt builds inside my body, concentrating right where Harrison’s mouth is. I push myself harder against him, seeking release. The warmth he creates flows effortlessly in an endless stream of pleasure. He licks me, kisses me, and thrusts his fingers faster. My head is about to explode. I’m becoming stardust in his universe as I moan his name over and over.

He moves up, looking me in the eyes. “Watching you fall apart is one of the best miracles I’ve ever witnessed, Luna. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”

The tip of his cock is right at my entrance. I hold my breath as the magnitude of what’s about to happen is bigger than I anticipated. The lines are gone. We don’t have rules, only a demand for one another that’s greater than our fears. He slides inside me leisurely, pushing his length so deep we merge into one.

He thrusts in and out, filling me.

Filling us.

Every second that passes, the bond between us strengthens. It happens with every slow, loving, and tender thrust. This buildup is different from anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. It feels as if this is the first time I’ve ever been with anyone. His tender hands caress my body and mirror his movements. During this life-changing moment, no words are spoken, yet everything is said between us as we build a fire as pure and blue as his eyes. The raging flames flicker between us, blazing our bodies, igniting our souls.

And when I feel like I can’t take anymore, he changes the rhythm. It’s faster, frantic. Slow and easy is off the table, the pressure inside me begins to build up again as he pumps into me deeper. I arch as I reach my climax, my walls milking his throbbing cock. It feels like the entire universe is crumbling as we both moan aloud. He buries himself deeper, shuddering a couple of times before he stills. I cling onto him screaming his name as we both come together.

“Luna,” he whispers, and my name sounds like a prayer.

He remains silent, then kisses my neck. “You just brought me back to life,” he says gruffly.

I caress his face. My arms and legs feel heavy, just like my eyes. The orgasms have taken away the last strand of energy that I had left. All those hours of work come crashing down on me, and I finally fall asleep.