Sought by Aline Hunter


Gunner approachedthe last house on the outskirts of town. He'd managed to have direct contact with every single member of the pack except for one individual. For that introduction, he had to venture a decent distance from the diner. He tried not to be cranky about the trip, reminding himself things had gone smoother than expected.

Merrick had come to an agreement with Shane, one that would change things for everyone in Rhodes and Atrum Hill. The pack would be joining Shane on the full moon to get Wade's ass out of everyone's fucking life. The male could leave without a fuss and live, or he could try to stay, fight for his place, and die.

Once either event happened, everything would be gravy.

Shane had an alliance with Jackson, and he offered to bring Merrick into the mix. The three of them would be too formidable to fuck with. Things were about to get a helluva lot simpler.

He turned up the long driveway leading to the house he needed to visit.

The home rested on the border of Rhodes and Millian, meaning it straddled werewolf and human territory. When he'd worked to create a list of names and addresses of pack members, the wolves seemed hesitant to offer this particular member's information, sharing odd looks with each other. When he'd put his foot down, telling them this shit had to be sorted before they could move on with their lives, they'd given him what he wanted along with the name of the wolf he'd be meeting.

Melody Walker.

He pulled up to the house and parked his bike beside a Toyota Camry that had seen better days, glancing around as he popped the kickstand and killed the motor. The outside of the small place needed a fresh coat of paint, but the yard had been recently mowed and remained tidy. From what he'd gathered, a majority of wolves that had become his responsibility were self-sustainable. They'd learned how to stretch a dollar and conserve resources when they were being guided by a deviant fuckhead.

He climbed off the bike, about to go to front door.

A flash of movement in the backyard drew his attention, and he bypassed the porch. He wanted to make this is as painless as possible. Although anyone with decent ears would hear the rumble of the bike, he made sure to approach the area slowly. If the pack didn't feel comfortable sharing the address and name, there had to be a reason. He figured Dice had probably pulled something with the woman at some point in time. If so, his presence might intimidate her.

As he came around the corner, he froze.

Dice didn't have a Lupa, so children shouldn't have been permitted.

For that reason, he didn't expect to see a little girl seated on a swing attached to an enormous oak tree. The red coat she'd put on was faded with rips and tears here and there. She was lost in thought, studying her teeny hands, kicking her equally worn canvas shoes on the ground. When she saw him, the blank expression on her face vanished, turned to eagerness, and she jumped up.

There was no hesitation or fear as she came right at him.

From the looks of it, she was four or five years old. Her knees were dirty, her long blonde hair slightly tangled around her shoulders. When her eyes met his, he noted they were so blue they appeared violet.

"Hello," she said, acting like she'd known him all her life, stopping directly in front of him and tilting her tiny head to stare at him. Her scent came to him, full of sunshine with a hint of linen, and he got another shock.

The child was human.

"Hello, little bit." He decided to kneel. She still had to look up, but she didn't have to strain her neck. He reached out, offering her his hand. "I'm Gunner."

She placed her delicate palm against his and did her best to wrap her fingers around his hand. He smiled when she grinned and told him, "I'm Bebe."

He shook her hand gently. "It's nice to meet you, Bebe. What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"I was looking for a four-leaf clover for luck, but I didn't find any."

She likely wouldn't until spring, but he didn't tell her that. "They can be tricky to uncover for sure," he sighed, pretending to understand her plight. "Did you move around or stay in one place?"

"I moved around some, but then I gave up."

"Maybe I can help." He wasn't one to go around doing such a thing, but the way she said she'd given up tugged at his heart. "I'm pretty good at spotting them."

Those vivid eyes of hers saucered in surprise. Her grin widened, and she looked like she wanted to jump for joy. She was an adorable little girl, full of life and vibrancy.


If she wanted a four-leaf clover, he'd find her one. "Absolutely."

The distinct sound of a shotgun being pumped got his attention. He turned his head, noting a female with the same coloring as the child's. Her blonde hair was wet, and her shirt was damp around the neck. The yoga pants she'd tossed on were much the same, splotchy in places water had soaked through.

She'd obviously jumped out of the shower in a hurry.

She had the gun leveled and ready to use. "Get away from her."

"He's gonna help me find four-leaf clovers, Momma," the little girl whined, squeezing his hand. "Can't he stay?"

"Over here, Beatrice. Right now."

Bebe didn't act like the sight of a firearm was anything new. She met his gaze and frowned. "It was nice to meet you."

As she walked away, the woman that had him in her sights didn't move, staying on the porch, remaining near the door. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"I'm Gunner Newsom. I'm the Beta to your new Alpha."

She didn't lower the gun when the child made it to her, merely shifting to place herself between him and the little girl. "I don't answer to an Alpha."

"That's not what the pack indicated when they gave me your name and address. Melody Walker, right?"

"To hell with the pack. Like I told you, I don't have an Alpha."

"If I stand up, will you shoot?" There was enough distance between them that a shot probably wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt like a son of a bitch. "I'd ask that you not. I come in peace."

"Bullshit," she snapped.

"Dice Montrose is gone if that's your concern. Merrick McCormick took his place. We came from Atrum Hill when we found out what was going on here. We came to help."

"I don't want your help. You can get up and go back where you came from."

Jesus, female."I'm afraid it's not that simple. Merrick wants the pack to meet tomorrow at the diner. He expects everyone to be there when he lays some ground rules and opens the floor for discussion. The hunt schedule and location is going to change this full moon."

"Are you hard of hearing? I don't have an Alpha, and I don't have anything to do with the pack."

He drew a deep breath, making sure he hadn't been sent on a fool's errand. The child was human, so it begged to reason the female might be as well. If so, he would sit the pack down and tell them what they could expect if and when they lied to him.

When her scent hit him, he felt like he'd been sucker punched.

She was definitely werewolf, but she wasn't one that had been born. Somewhere down the line, she'd been bitten. There was something else that came with her scent, a trigger snapping inside of him. The man and wolf came together, recognizing her in unison.

Ours. Mine. Mate.

Holy shit.

He rose to his full height, taking his mate in, but didn't approach the porch.

Too many emotions and desires were flooding him.

The animal within him wanted to storm over and trap her against the wall, getting a sense of how she'd feel when he placed her in a bed beneath him. The man wanted to claim her lips and find out what she tasted like. He saw a flicker of apprehension in her gaze, no doubt from his eyes changing color. Since they were so dark, any deviation showed immediately.

He got a handle on himself and told her an absolute truth, "I mean you no harm, Melody."

"Get off my property." Her voice revealed she was shaken, but he didn't know if it was because she'd felt the same thing he had, or she was frightened of him. "Leave before I pull this trigger."

"I'm not going anywhere." He didn't want to influence her, but he wasn't going to walk away from fate. This was a once in a lifetime thing for werewolves. There was no way he'd turn his back on what was intended for him. He settled the fuck down, aware his emotions could impact hers, desperate to calm her. "Take a minute and breathe. I'm only here to talk to you. Put the gun down."

"Get inside, Bebe." This time, he knew why her voice was trembling.

Fear was etched in her features, her violet-blue irises brightening a shade. When the little girl didn't comply right away, Melody attempted to push her indoors with her legs, shifting her weight awkwardly. The hem of her pants had gotten caught under one of her bare feet, making her uncoordinated.

In other circumstances he might have stayed where he was and given her time. His mate was caught off guard and afraid. But the sight of the large firearm in her shaking arms combined with child at her wobbly legs had him taking control. He let the wolf rise even more than it already had, knowing his voice would change. As a bitten werewolf, the compulsion would be too much for her to deny.

"Put the gun down," he ordered.

She quaked as she tried to fight the command, her arms twitching violently.

That had him moving.

He took long strides, making it to her in no time. He took the shotgun from her, and she snatched up the child at her feet. She wrapped one arm around Bebe's rump and the other around her torso, lifting the girl and holding her close. He towered over the pair. Seeing the terror in her eyes as she peered up at him made him wish he wasn't built so big. Her gaze darted around before she fled into the house. He allowed her to go inside, but he didn't let her close the door in his face when she tried to do so.

She was going to talk to him and explain what in the hell was going on. He knew by scenting them that the child was hers and human. That meant she'd been bitten after she'd given birth to her daughter. He tried not to let jealousy consume him, mindful that he didn't know her history.

She swept through the kitchen area and spun around in the living room on the other side. "I'll come to the meeting, okay?" Her mannerisms and voice conveyed despair and desperation. She was afraid of him and what he represented. "When is it?"

Not so fast or easy. Not yet."When did you come to Dice's pack?"

"I didn't come to anything."

The way she answered had him switching gears. "When were you bitten?"

"Does it matter?"

It does to me.

He checked himself before he said that very thing aloud. He inspected the weapon and flicked on the safety. Once that was done, he carefully placed it on the counter and pointed the barrel at the wall. He'd never cared for guns himself, but he understood why she'd use that method of defense. She was born human and had been changed in her early twenties. She also was alone with a young one to defend.

In the future, she wouldn't need a firearm.

He'd protect her and the little girl.

He lifted his head and studied her, paying attention to her body language, scenting her emotions. Her shoulders were tense, and she was gripping Bebe far too tightly. Numerous fragrances were coming through. He sorted through them, watching her closely.

She was surprised, panicked, and felt cornered.

"The sooner you answer my questions," he said softly, staying right where he was, trying to look as non-threatening and harmless as possible, "the sooner I'll get out of your hair."

She took another step back, placing a hand on top of her daughter's head, monitoring him closely. "I was at the market in Millian when a werewolf tore through it. I was bitten during the ordeal." She drew a breath and exhaled unevenly. "It was reported everywhere. Surely you watch the news."

He recalled the incident. Damn it.

A wolf had gone rogue, attacked humans to make a statement, and took out as many as possible before he was finally gunned down by human law enforcement. He pictured her facing that very thing and felt rage and the need for destruction blasting through him. It took every ounce of his will not to growl.

"That would be three years back?" he questioned softly.

Her nod was curt, her full lips quivering. "I was introduced to the pack in this area since I had to find one I could live by and it was so close, but I've never had to attend things since I can't shift. There wasn't any need for me to interact with any of them. I bought this house because no one will sell or rent to me in Millian, but I work there. Despite everything that happened, I lead a very human life."

Her words computed, and he finally picked up what she was throwing down. She hadn't been accepted into the pack. She was a creation that had no place in the world. Dice wouldn't have fooled with a shifter who couldn't change form. He'd have viewed her like a human, believing she was beneath him and his attention.

Actually, she'd be beneath a human in that Alpha's eyes.

She was a werewolf that wasn't one at all.

Shit."You can't shift?"

Such a thing for a bitten human was rare, but it did happen.

She still had the essence of the animal within her, so she'd have the longevity and strength that came with it. She'd also sense the connection between them if she let go of her apprehension and stopped viewing him as a threat.

He had to find a way to lower her guard.

"No, I can't," she said softly, imploring him to listen with her protective cues and large eyes, behaving in a manner that indicated she'd had the conversation before. She didn't move, but he could see she was still shaking. "So you understand now?"

His attention shifted to Bebe.

Her huge and radiant eyes, so much like her mother's, were monitoring everything he did. There was no fear in the girl's gaze. If anything, the blonde cherub appeared curious and annoyed. She'd placed her hands on her mother's chest, shoving away from the arms that clutched her like a lifeline.

His gaze darted to Melody.

That one wanted to get as far from him as possible.

He didn't care if the woman meant for him wasn't what he expected or that she had a child. She was his mate, the only female in the world who could make his life complete.

There was only one obstacle in his mind.

If there was another male in Melody's life, he had to go. "What about her father?"

Those unique eyes of hers turned haunted, her shoulders sagging like the very question sucked the life out of her. When he saw the bright indigo orbs inside her expressive face gloss and shimmer with tears, he felt like shit for asking.

"He was killed in the incident," she said, sounding like the admission broke her heart. She met his gaze, torment and agony pouring from her, and whispered, "He died protecting us."

His focus drifted down, and he noted the gold band on his mate's finger.

She'd been married to a human who'd given her a child.

Fury consumed him, the need to tear something apart like a raging fire.

She was his and his alone.

No one else had the right to touch her. He'd kill anyone that tried.

He heard her gasp as she responded to his anger, sensing and scenting her terror. The aroma of grief wafting from her changed to alarm.

Damn it.

He wanted to be reassuring but was coming off like a complete asshole, thinking only of himself and the newfound emotions flipping through him. He tried not to picture her with another man, aware such thoughts wouldn't assist either of them.

Instead, he focused entirely on her.

She was delicately built, long and lean, with the legs of a gazelle. Her heart-shaped face was lovely, framing her pert nose, full lips, and enormous eyes. Any male would be thrilled to claim her, giving thanks to the things that governed such things, praising fate for presenting such a gift.

The woman was a prize beyond measure.

When she became aware of the intensity of his stare, recognizing his response for what it was, she shrank back and tightened her grasp on her daughter.

He didn't appreciate her reaction to his interest.

Does she think I'll hurt her?

"Momma, you're holding me too tight," Bebe complained, squirming to get free. "Put me down."

"As soon as our guest leaves," Melody responded, eyes glued to him, ready to bolt for cover if she had to.

She acted as though he'd harm the girl in her arms, which pissed him off. He might be a born werewolf, but he wasn't a monster. Even if he wasn't Bebe's biological father, he'd take on the responsibility soon enough. She belonged to his mate, meaning she now belonged to him.

He'd kill and die for the tiny creature without hesitation.

What was his he protected, loved, and held sacred.

"You can put her down," he informed his mate, staying where he was even as he wanted to provide shelter and comfort. "I won't hurt her."

"I said I'd come to the meeting. I'll do what you're asking me to." She sounded as desperate as she looked, taking another step back, obviously wanting him gone. "What more do you want?"

That was the problem.

He wanted things she wouldn't be comfortable with.

How to answer? What to say?

What the hell to do?

Son of a bitch.