Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Eleven

Shane wishedthe comforting vibe he'd experienced the evening before would come back but—with what he'd learned—such a thing wasn't possible. There was a reason Dice Montrose had gotten away with shit for as long as he'd been able to. He'd come along like a savior three decades prior, offering to revive a pack facing utter financial ruin. He'd been charming, friendly, and helpful—until he'd gotten them under his thumb. When he revealed his actual self, he'd managed to place the wolves that had come to him in unspeakable circumstances.

Many of his pack, including Luna's parents, had been trapped.

The male purchased land in the area or offered loans, applying rent and mortgages to homes and businesses in disarray. The interest and fees weren't bad initially, allowing the community a chance to breathe, which was precisely what the male intended when he'd offered to save them. When he'd revealed his true colors, a majority of them couldn't find other packs or go their own way. While supernatural matters were vastly different from human problems, money issues were the same for both. Alphas didn't run credit checks, but they did listen if a werewolf's previous Alpha warned them about a potential member's financial stability. There was nothing more dangerous than someone desperate for money. Since packs were secretive, they didn't take members who might sell them out if the opportunity arose. The more resourceful a pack was, the stronger. Dice had the ability to ruin all of their lives, and he'd let them know it.

Some had managed to leave, but they'd done so at a serious price. The primary departures were also unmated and could take a risk. That was the reason there weren't any dominant males in the pack. While many considered overthrowing Dice, they didn't out of concern for how their actions could affect everyone else. The town was poor, standing on its last leg. Even if one of the males had taken Dice's place, they didn't have the resources to assist a dying pack that couldn't support itself.

Fortunately, Merrick didn't have the same problem.

He was ready to resolve the issues Dice had created. He was furious the Alpha had taken advantage of unsuspecting wolves in the first place.

While he'd only established himself two decades prior, Merrick's construction business had gained serious revenue and had a solid reputation. The man and his pack had saved, preparing to find their own place in the world. He had the know-how and smarts to make things work and thrive. In fact, Shane wondered if Rhodes might become another Atrum Hill in the future, thriving and offering supernatural residents a safe haven.

He shifted, drawing his mate closer to him.

He'd refused to leave Luna at her parent's place, bringing her along while he'd gone to a small diner to meet Merrick. He'd chosen the location for a reason. The pack lived in a town complete with the businesses that allowed Dice to weasel his way into the domain in the first place. Everything wolves needed was there, from tools offered at the home improvement store to the grocery market. By meeting the other Alpha at the primary location where pack members were known to visit, he ensured Merrick wouldn't have to place any calls. Everyone around them could sense the power flowing from them, identifying them as Alphas straight away.

Word would travel, and it would travel fast.

It already had.

Since they'd taken seats in a booth, over a dozen werewolves had ventured to the business. He'd heard the whispers, aware someone had clued Dice into the visit. Their attention darted from the wolves surrounding him to the table where Luna's parents were seated. Dice liked taking care of problems right away, ensuring he maintained control of those he'd taken advantage of for so long. He'd arrived shortly and the matter would be resolved. Everything was going better than expected, with one exception.

Luna's sister.

He'd sensed his mate's pain when Moira hadn't answered her parents' call, his chest tightening as she remained silent and accepted what she couldn't control. She'd absorbed the rejection and folded in on herself. Her misery affected him, his nature demanding he alleviate her suffering. The only reason he hadn't demanded an audience with her sibling was due to Luna's request that he not be angry with her sister. Even if she'd been wronged, she didn't want anyone to be hurt.

His female had a heart beyond measure.

"Interesting turn of events," Merrick said quietly, nursing a cup of coffee. "Do you smell that?"

The Alpha didn't have to ask.

As soon as Shane had entered the diner, guiding Luna to the booth in the corner where Merrick and his pack waited, he'd been cloaked in numerous scents. Some of the werewolves around them were tense. Others were openly fearful. The two fragrances remained until more wolves had arrived. They'd taken up booths, seats, and stools at the counter. Since Shane told Merrick they should stay put, attempting to clue the pack into what was happening and let them know things were about to change, the scents had shifted.

One fragrance carried above all.


"I smell it," he replied and nuzzled Luna's ear. "It's a good sign for you."

He'd been open about who and what Luna was to him, touching her often, showing his adoration and affection. She'd liked the possessive displays, leaning into him, encouraging each one. He'd paid attention to those seated nearby, eager to know how they'd react. All of them were pleased, studying them like a lifeline.

A wave of anger rose.

Dice might take the hint and flee, knowing he'd just sparked a match and set everything on fire. If that happened, Shane would have to hunt the bastard down after he took out Wade and cemented his position in the pack. He'd do it, but the unnecessary travel and searching weren't something he felt keen about.

"They won't tell him why he needs to come here. They'll keep what we are out of the conversation." Merrick stated, picking up on Shane's irritation, intuitive as all Alphas were prone to be. The male sounded agitated himself. "These people want the asshole gone."

"They sure the fuck do," Gunner growled softly, shifting closer to the booth. "They are at their wit's end. It's amazing this shit has lasted so long. " His gaze darted around the room, his ebony eyes turning gold, and his fury increased. "Shame you can't kill the fuckhead twice."

Instead of responding, he met Merrick's gaze.

He wanted to see the weapon he'd handed over to the male.

Merrick shifted and lifted the hunting knife Shane had given him. As soon as Shane got a glimpse of the weapon, he gave Merrick a nod. He wouldn't employ it in when he faced the werewolf that had attacked Luna, but he'd make ready use as soon as he took the fucker down.

The heady drum of a big engine and loud mufflers hit his ears. The sweet scent of hope coming from those around him morphed into fear once again. He didn't turn toward the sound, but he did glance at the source of the noise as it pulled into the parking lot. A massive truck with beaming rims parked in location designated for the Alpha.

Merrick's prediction was correct.

Dice had been contacted, but he had no idea what was in store for him. He climbed out of the truck without a care in the fucking world. The male was enormous, almost seven feet tall, and broad as a barn door. His size and presence would be enough to cow a normal werewolf, but not Shane.

Merrick grasped the knife sheathed in leather, rose, and tucked it into the back of his jeans. "Time to roll," he said quietly, hiking his chin. "Let's do this."

The plan had already been placed, so his wolves did as told.

Gunner strode to Merrick's side. The rest surrounded the booth. They waited for Shane to move, prepared to surround Luna the minute he left her side. He'd chosen their location with purpose, knowing she'd be tucked against the wall and clear of the window. He didn't want Dice to see her before he challenged him.

"No matter what happens next, you have faith in me, mate." He kept his voice soft, stroking her thigh. He'd told her how this would go, instructing her to remain with the wolves he'd put in place to protect her. "Don't say anything unless I ask you to."

Her trembling fingers rested over his hand.

She turned to him, her lips parting like she wanted to say something. She must have decided against it, lowering her head. Her response wasn't due to a lack of faith but concern for his safety. At the very least, she didn't say it aloud, aware those nearby could hear. She'd kept the connection with her beast open, allowing him to call on their bond. While their connection didn't form actual words, he received a message, understanding what she wanted to say.

Come back to me.

"You stay right where I place you," he instructed, sliding a hand around the side of her face, forcing her to turn in his direction. "I could make this last for days, but I won't. For your sake, I won't drag things along."

Luna didn't say a word as he took her hand and slid from the booth. She followed his lead, lifting her chin, putting on a hell of a show. She even managed to make the scents coming from her change, turning them from timid and concerned to determined and calm. Since he'd conversed with Lucas on occasion, he was the one he took her to. He slid her hand into the crook of Lucas's arm and met the male's gaze.

"Don't let her out of your sight."

Lucas gave him a nod. "You have my word."

He didn't bother with anything else, allowing his wolf to rise, striding out of the diner. His muscles flexed, and he felt the brush of fur under his skin. Everyone in the vicinity would feel the strength and fury radiating from him. Merrick had already stepped outside, blocking Dice's path. Although visibly shorter, Merrick was more than capable of handling the man that narrowed his eyes as he approached.

"Who the fuck are you?" Dice growled.

"The least of your problems," Merrick answered, dismissing the question. "It's the one behind me you should be worried about."

Shane shrugged out of his coat and tossed it aside. He'd dressed for the occasion, wearing an old T-shirt and tattered jeans that he didn't mind throwing away. As eager as he was for blood, he'd be covered in it by the time he finished. Dice's gaze darted to him, and their eyes met. The Alpha didn't hesitate or cower, his own irises sparking in anger and turning bright yellow.

At that moment, Shane realized he wasn't dealing with an ignorant bully.

This Alpha had the power to back up his sadistic behavior.


Another vehicle pulled up, likely Dice's Beta, but he didn't rip his attention from the male he'd come for. He blocked out everything else, realizing this fight would be downright nasty. He'd told his mate he wouldn't drag things along, but he wasn't certain he could kill the bastard quickly. Like Shane, Dice had also called on his wolf. They sized each other up as they came toward each other.

"See that female behind me?" Shane spoke loudly, wanting everyone to hear. He waited as Dice's gaze flicked behind him to release a growl of his own. "She's my mate. You attacked her, and only a wolf with a death wish would come after something that's mine."

Dice slid out of his coat and let it drop to the ground. "You're lucky you still have the bitch. I could have killed her the night she went mad."

His wolf snarled at the insult and reminder, the tingle under his skin growing rapidly. In another couple of feet, the fight would start. He hadn't had to offer a challenge. Apparently, Dice confronted and wrangled with any males that entered his territory. If anything, it appeared the bastard like to scrap. No wonder there wasn't anyone around to put him in his place.

"I came here to give her a present."

"What might that be?" Dice headed in his direction. "Sanity?"

"Your fucking head."

They collided, snarling like the crazed animals they were. They landed blows to each other's faces. Shane was the first one to draw blood, splitting Dice's lower lip. Despite that small victory, he didn't come away unscathed. The punch to his jaw rattled his teeth. He was equally strong but at a disadvantage. Dice had a longer reach than he did. If he lost his head and didn't defend himself properly, he wouldn't be giving Luna shit. It wasn't easy to back off when he wanted to rain blow after blow on the male's head, but he took an immediate step back, keeping his arms up.

He heard scuffling nearby, but he didn't have to look to see what was going on. Merrick let him know immediately, snarling, "I'm on the Beta."

So this was it.

The two of them were engaged in life and death situations.

"That all you got, pup?" Dice grinned, trying to rile him up. "No wonder you mated with a blind bitch. No other would have you."

He felt the frenzy of the animal within him, and he had to struggle for control. He couldn't shift now. If he did, he'd be easy prey. He reminded the wolf of that, ordering it to back off, showing it what they needed to do.

"Tell you what." Dice's gaze darted to Luna, and he said, "After I kill you, I'll finish what I started with that mate of yours. How does that sound?"

Son of a bitch.

He felt the fire raging over his flesh as fur started to replace skin. His fangs dropped, his nails lengthening. Again, he relied on the control that came with his nature, fighting an inner war with his other half. The wolf didn't like being restrained but had learned a long time ago it had to listen. Gaining that careful balance was something that required skill and patience.

Some Alphas were never able to master bloodlust.

This is how he's killed so many males.

He goaded them to lose control.

It wasn't a bad tactic, especially if one could get away with it. That was probably why Luna had gotten a jump on the bastard. He used emotional warfare to get things done. She'd caught him off guard by coming at him without verbal provocation. The thought had Shane planning ahead, using the same tactic. He kept distance between them, letting the other male think he was hesitating and fighting for control.

Dice fell into the trap, lunging at him hard and fast. Shane pivoted out of reach at the last possible second and put all his power behind a kick aimed at the fucker's knee. The joint snapped sideways, the sound loud enough to reveal he'd knocked it out of place at the very least. He didn't go down, but he staggered as he turned. Those long arms of his were still a threat, but thanks to the lack of stability, the entire fight had changed.

Dice's blazing yellow eyes were feral as he studied Shane. "Cheap shot."

"No more than you deserve." This asshole had taken advantage of others long enough. "You ready for more?"

"Bring it, pup."

They clashed again, only this time it was easier to avoid the swings Dice aimed in his direction. A good thing, too. He packed so much power behind his punches, Shane could almost hear the air parting and making way for his fists. The times he did make contact, he cracked a couple of ribs and busted Shane's nose. Shane focused on the man's center, weaving and dodging as he aimed for his kidneys. When the opportunity arose, he landed a few punches to Dice's jaw. He wasn't fast enough to avoid knuckles that landed on the side of his face, splitting the skin over his brow.

The wolf within howled and snarled, wanting free yet again.

To appease the animal somewhat, he loosened his fists and let his claws go. When he lashed out, he opened his hands. The sharp tips ripped through Dice's shirt and tore through flesh. As Shane pulled back, he felt the thick rush of blood coating his fingers. Dice stopped, chest heaving. His expression became one of absolute fury.

By drawing that kind of blood, Shane had changed the game.

Dice lost any control he had over his wolf.

Shane braced himself as the male charged despite having one lame leg.

Dice's size alone took them to the ground.

Shane got his bearings, able to move faster than the other Alpha, ensuring he was on top as he unleashed his fists. He got several punches in before Dice tried to get a hand around his throat. The male had unleashed his own claws and was going for his jugular. Shane stopped with the punches, getting down and dirty. He let his nails drop, brought them to Dice's face, and sank his thumb and forefingers into the male's eye sockets.

The Alpha's outraged roar was music to Shane's ears.

He broke free of the hand at his neck, gave Dice a couple of raps to the head, and placed his hand around the man's throat. Blinded and unable to see, Dice clutched Shane's wrist and tried to land blows with his other hand. Shane shifted and grasped the other man's forearm. He did what Dice wanted to do, sinking his claws into the werewolf's flesh, going deep into the artery that would cause him to bleed out.

Time to end this shit.

His gaze darted around as he searched for Merrick. Everyone had come outside the diner to watch. He didn't pay close attention to them, but he did note Luna was clutching Lucas's arm. Her brows were furrowed, her anxiety and worry evident in her expression. He was about to remove that look from her face.

If he had his way, she wouldn't ever feel this way again.

Merrick was standing a few feet away. The Alpha had ended his own fight, but he hadn't killed his opponent. Instead, he'd knocked the Beta out cold. Merrick saw that Shane was ready and strode toward him, pulling the knife from his jeans. He removed the leather sleeve and handed it over.

Shane grasped the hilt, got in position, and went to work.

Numerous scents filled the air,and Luna tried to scramble through each of them. As soon as the metallic tang of blood hit her nostrils, she'd had to fight back panic. She wasn't certain who had been seriously hurt. Her parents had moved behind her, and they hadn't said a word or made any indication Shane was in trouble.

She could make out ragged gasping, like someone was choking on water. It went away, replaced with a noise she couldn't identify. An odd crunch ricocheted in her ears.

Another scent blasted from those around her—relief.

That meant Shane had won.

She heard footsteps coming her way and wanted to sag in relief when his earthly and appealing smell grew stronger. Lucas gently removed her hand from his arm and stepped away. She stood still, waiting for her mate, feeling everyone's attention resting directly on her. All of them had to know why she'd left. If her parents hadn't told them the story, her sister would have gotten the job done.

Shane stopped before her, his clothes shuffling with his movements.

"What did I tell you I'd give you, Luna?" Shane's voice shifted as he asked, indicating he'd bent over to place his prize on the ground.

He actually did it."His head."

"That's right. I've placed it where it belongs—at your feet. He'll never hurt you or anyone else again." He exhaled softly and said, "I want to touch you, but I need to clean myself up first."

He's covered in blood.

The potent aroma was wafting from him.

"I don't mind," she whispered, meaning it.

"I know you don't," he responded, affection apparent in his tone as he kissed the top of her head and moved to her side, "but I do." He cleared his throat and stated loudly, "I'm rescinding my place as Alpha to Merrick McCormick."

The surrounding wolves didn't speak, but their confusion was obvious to anyone with a functioning nose. The reaction was to be expected. Shane had killed Dice. He'd known when he'd done so the pack would expect him to announce his status as their Alpha. Having him give away the position as quickly as he did alarmed them.

"Easy, now," Merrick ordered, his voice a soft growl. "I'd have taken the position on my own if Shane didn't have a prior claim. Your Alpha attacked his female. He had every right to challenge him. We came to an agreement on the matter, and it's now closed. None of you know me or mine, so I don't expect you to trust us immediately, but we'll prove ourselves. That stated, we're not going anywhere. I'm claiming my position as Alpha of Rhodes. It's best you accept that now."

"What about Eric?" someone asked quietly.

"Who's Eric?"

"The Beta," numerous people responded at once.

"I'll leave that up to all of you," Merrick replied. "What do you want me to do with him?"

No one spoke for several seconds. Luna wasn't of much help. She'd never interacted with the male, although she'd been introduced years ago. To the best of her knowledge, he tried to maintain balance as best he could.

Another voice chimed in. "He was Dice's Beta."

"Meaning?" Merrick questioned.

Several members whispered to each other.

"He used to help us," someone else answered, "but he stopped stepping in a few months ago."

She heard footsteps, then a loud snap echoed in her ears.

"That's one problem solved," Merrick said, returning to them, and Luna shivered. He'd broken the Beta's neck. "I'd like to deal with the most important issues first. All of you need to gather and have a discussion. Shane's leaving soon, and I owe him a conversation. While that happens, call who you need to, have them come here, and get yourselves sorted. If you need anything in the meantime, this is Gunner. He's my Beta, and he holds that position for a reason. I expect you to show him the same courtesy you do me."

"Any questions?" Gunner chimed in. "If so, form a line."

"Lucas," Shane said quietly, "would you mind?"

"Not at all."

Something brushed against her, and she realized Lucas had offered her his arm. Shane wanted to clean himself while Merrick addressed the pack. Since they'd left Max at her parent's place, she needed someone to guide her. She grasped his upper arm, following his lead as he took her back inside the diner. He didn't try to touch her, letting her get her bearings when they made it to the table.

As she slid into the booth, Shane said, "I'll be right back."

He walked away, and she started to get comfortable when a familiar scent drifted to her. Her head darted up, and she tried to see which direction it was coming from. The door to the diner opened and closed. As the hint of lavender and vanilla faded, she realized that some things changed and others remained the same. Despite everything that happened, her prior actions had consequences.

Her sister had come to see the fight, but that was it.

After the event was over, Moira was ready to go.

Some fences took longer to mend.