Perfect for Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“In our ever-changing universe, lives collide, and, like runaway planets, we just keep going.” ― Michael R. French


Scott wasout of the country for too long. Two weeks that felt like years. I’ve been busy with his and my responsibilities. The next time I see him, we’ll have a long chat about his automated out-of-the-office email response.

I’ll be out of the country, but if you need immediate assistance, please contact Hazel Beesley.

Is he freaking kidding me? Everyone contacted me, asking for help. I barely had time to pick up lunch today. Zoe offered to pick it up for me, but I had to get out of the office. As I’m about to enter the coffee shop, my phone rings.

“Hey, do you want to go out to lunch?” Elliot greets me on the other side of the line.

“Lunch?” I frown, looking at the menu. What’s an alfalfa sprout and broccoli wrap? I scrunch my nose. That’s too healthy for me.

“I’m picking it up as we speak, rain check?”

“Any plans for tonight? We can eat dinner at your place. I’ll cook.”

“Sorry, I have a prior engagement.” I move my phone and double-check what event I’m attending tonight. “Homeless Youth Outreach Center. It’s a gala, dinner.”

I freeze. Scott is not in town. Just to cover my bases, I text him to make sure he’s not coming. Not that I expect him. It’s not like he could’ve come. Last night, he arrived in New York City. He has work to do before he can travel to San Francisco. I move from the line and lean against the wall, closing my eyes briefly because I don’t want to go alone.

Hazel: You forgot tonight’s charity gala.

Scott: Was it today?

I put the phone back to my ear and invite Elliot. “Do you want to join me?”

“As your date?”

I stare at the line that’s beginning to grow and decide to go back to it before I miss my chance to get something to eat. My date is miles away from me. Is it okay if I take Elliot with me? I type the question, but Scott fires a new text.

Scott: Why do I have it marked on my calendar for next Tuesday? This saddens me. I had plans for us.

Hazel: You had plans?

Scott: Coat closet+you+me= x

Scott: That’s where I want you.

Hazel: We aren’t sexting. We don’t sext anymore. Remember, the last time was a fiasco.

Scott: No, the last time my brother threw a party at your house. This time, you should skip the gala. I’ll send a check, and we can have Skype sex.

Scott: Actually, hop on a plane and come to me. I miss you. It’s been too long since I saw your beautiful face.

The scenario is tempting for the first two seconds, but then, I’m transported back to reality. I have too much to do today—and tomorrow.

Hazel: Don’t you have work to do?

Scott: I’m at a board meeting.

The board met, and they didn’t invite me? My heart shrinks slightly. I’m missing the fun.

Hazel: I thought it was next week.

Scott: There’s another one next week, and you HAVE to be here.

Hazel: I know, I already have a plane ticket. Are you having fun?

Scott: No. You’re not here. Harrison is either sexting Luna or reading old texts. Hunter is smiling at his phone, and Fitz is babbling about the merger you voted against.

Hazel: Is there a problem with it?

Scott: No, he’s just explaining the process he’s following to recover the money I gave in good faith. I’d hate it if we lost that money.

Hazel: Sorry, I just don’t think it was viable.

Scott: You’re right, and I appreciate your input.

Scott: I’m sorry that you have to skip tonight’s event. I know you hate to go alone as much as I do.

Hazel: Don’t worry about it. I’ll take someone else with me.

I hold my breath, waiting for his answer. But when he responds, I realize I was expecting more. The story of my life, expecting more from Scott and only getting a smidgen of what I wanted.

Scott: I can adjust my itinerary.

My eyes widen when I read his response. Adjusting, what does that mean? I hold my breath. Be careful what you wish for, Hazel.

Hazel: It’s not necessary, but thank you for the offer.

“It’s not a date.” I clarify. “I’ll text you the information in a bit.”

“Okay.” His voice has a mix of excitement and confusion.

Scott: Time zones are beautiful if you know how to use them. I’ll pick you up at six.

“Next,” the guy behind the counter calls to me.

“One second,” I excuse myself and turn to the person behind me. “Would you like to go first?”

Hazel: I invited Elliot.

Scott: It’ll be interesting to have dinner with him. See you at six.