Perfect for Me by Claudia Burgoa

Chapter Thirty-One


It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together. ―Nora Ephron


When I arrivedat my office from lunch, I find chicken fingers and sweet potato fries with a little note attached to the bag.

I can’t wait to see you.


P.S. There’re protein bars in my office, in case you need a snack.

My heart beats fast, melting just a little. He sent me food.

Hazel: Why did you send me food?

Scott: Why in the world did you order a Cobb salad?

The man has a point, I don’t like to eat salads. I picked through the one I ordered, but I barely ate.

Hazel: You flustered me.

Scott: I’m sorry. I’ll see you soon.

Hazel: Have a safe flight.

Another incoming text pops and it’s Harrison again.

Harrison: There’s a rumor you’re getting back with your ex. And by that, I mean the douchebag, not my brother.

Rumor? Fitz opened his mouth once again. The man should understand what confidentiality means. As a lawyer, he knows the meaning of that word. However, he doesn’t use it with my personal information.

Harrison: Don’t ignore me!

Hazel: I wouldn’t say getting back together, only getting to know each other.

Harrison: What are you doing, Beesley?

What am I doing? That’s an excellent question, Harrison. I’m not doing anything. There are two men whom I wanted to have everything with, but decided I wasn’t enough. Suddenly they’ve decided I’m enough for them.

Is that what’s happening?

Hazel: Who told you about Elliot, Everhart?

Harrison: Fitz, who is heading to your rescue.

Hazel: Thank God!

If someone can run interference between Elliot and Scott, it’s Fitz. He’ll make light comments, be funny, and drag his brother’s attention toward him. Tonight’s impending disaster will push my limits. I might change my identity and move to Bermuda to avoid any confrontation.

Hazel: Hey, wise old man, answer this: can one care for two men at the same time?

Harrison: Care? Of course. You can care for as many as seven billion people. Not be in love with both, if that’s what you’re asking.

Hazel: What does that mean?

Harrison: I don’t think you love Scott and Elliot equally. I believe you once loved one and you are in love with the other.

Hazel: That doesn’t help me.

Harrison: My advice is that you shouldn’t throw away two years of magic just because my brother is an idiot. If anyone deserves a second chance, it’s him.

Hazel: It was only nineteen months of … that.

What was that?

I beg you not to write us off,he requested. His husky voice carried so much pain, lust, and desperation. The beating of my heart speeds up as I remember his question, is it over for you?

I don’t know. My soul hurt as I listened to his words. My heart wept as I recognized his pain.

Hazel: We weren’t together.

Harrison: Please, Hazel. You can only lie to yourself. I witnessed your relationship. We went on vacations as couples.

Hazel: Whatever we had, ended.

Hazel: Hey, don’t you have a few countries to save?

Harrison: Text if you need me. I’m off-the-grid.

Hazel: Another mission?

Harrison: No, my woman is coming home.

I see the dots dancing on the screen and fire a text before he tells me he’s about to have sex with his wife—in extreme detail.

Hazel: Please, stop before you disclose things I won’t be able to erase from my brain. Tell Luna that I miss her.

I miss her so much. She’d understand me. At least she could tell me something like…what would she say?

Shut up, Hazel, and have sex with them both. It has been too long.

Would they mind if I have sex with both? We can work out a schedule. I shake my head and concentrate on my food.

“I love you,”Willow says instead of hello.

Those words are the beginning of a long lecture. I check my email, but the inbox is empty. Maybe I should head home, lose the call and turn off my phone. No, wait, I must get ready for the gala.

“That’s not how you greet people over the phone, sweetie,” I remind her.

“Scott?” She shrieks. “Seriously, you’ve been sleeping with Scott for the past two years and never told me?”

“It’s complicated,” I deflate, resting my forehead on the keyboard.

“That’s what Fitz told me.”

“So, you’re up to date,” I say, gathering my things and heading to the elevator.

“But you can fill in the blanks. The name Elliot was thrown around a few times, but nothing specific was said,” she says, with that bossy voice I hate.

While I drive home, I tell her all the details starting with my relationship with Scott and then what’s happening with Elliot.

“And I swore that you had a crush on Harrison.”

“For the millionth time, Harrison is like my big brother.” I gag.

“That’d be disgusting,” I protest.

“But as I replay everything that’s happened since I met the Everharts, it makes sense. You and Scott have been a couple for a long time.”

“That’s crazy talk, Wills,” I say, trying my best to act casually.

I hope she’ll stop. This conversation is shredding my insides as I think about the many times Scott and I missed out on love. If that’s what we shared.

“Are you feeling alright?” I feign ignorance while searching for a dress. “Because what you just said makes no sense. Scott was only my friend with benefits. Elliot and I were together for years.”

She laughs. “Denial, little sister. I like your approach.”

“Is there something you know that I don’t?”

“Well, the night I met Scott he spent his evening helping you with your math homework via Skype. Like he did every night. That man sacrificed his evenings to help you with homework? Please, he was just trying to be with you.” She laughs. “I thought he was flirting with me, but he was only annoying Hunter.”

“Scott already had someone. You. I’ve witnessed it. That hot piece of man has always been by your side. He adores you. The guy goes above and beyond for you. He’s uprooting his life to be close to his Bee.”

She goes quiet. The pause is too long, deafening. “And you love him too.”

I hold my breath. I mull her words over as my heart shrinks, thinking about what I might lose. Or I might gain depending on who I choose. But wait, if it was so obvious, why was it that no one noticed? What do I do with that information?

“Elliot loved you so much,” Willow continues her analysis. “You two were inseparable. I remember him professing his love and swearing he’d give you everything you wanted. But will he?”

“What does that mean?” I throw a black strapless gown on the bed.

“You want someone who will go the distance for you,” she explains. “Will Elliot confront his demons for you? I’m not sure. He’s yet to come to New York to claim his girl and apologize.”

“Well, I’m here.”

“Yes, you’re there. But you wouldn’t know if he ever intended to reach out to you, do you? You left because Scott fucked up—twice.”

“That’s not exactly it,” I defend my stance. “I didn’t come looking for Elliot, and yes I was hurt because Scott didn’t want more with me. But I also felt alone, empty.”

“I get it, we take a little too much from you, and forget to check if you’re alright. Everything makes sense. The doubts, the need for space, and the avoidance.”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“Hey, I’m glad you took off and looked after yourself for a change. I bet trying to please everyone while looking fabulous is exhausting.”

“I love you,” I say, closing my eyes. “But what do I do?”

“Follow your heart,” she says. “Everyone deserves a second chance. Scott and Elliot are asking for it. And if you feel like Elliot is the love of your life, go for it. We’ll support you.”

Is he the love of my life?