Perfect for Me by Claudia Burgoa



Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. ~ Anonymous.


A year later

We sit by the terrace on the swing seat overlooking Central Park. The sweet scent of flowers wafts over the warm breeze.

“I want to stay here forever.” Hazel rests her head on my shoulder as I pull her toward me.

“You have about an hour before we have to cook,” I offer. Turning to look at her, I lean forward to kiss her belly. “Luna promised to bring you enchiladas.”

I place a hand on her small bump. “How are you feeling?”

“Happy and a little tired.” She yawns and sighs when our dog, Murphy, trots toward us holding his leash.

“We just went for a walk, Murph,” my beautiful wife complains.

“You chose a very active dog, my love.” I kiss her nose, then brush my lips against hers.

“But I don’t want you to move,” she protests, patting the empty spot next to her and encouraging the dog to jump up.

“Come with us. It won’t take us long.” I grab the leash from him.

She springs out of her seat and nods as she looks around the terrace. Proud of her garden. It’s a tribute to my parents and a way for her to relax. This is her favorite spot, her haven. The place where I proposed and where we married. Fitz officiated the ceremony. Willow and Luna were the bridesmaids. Hunter and Harrison were the groomsmen. The service was intimate, only our family. That’s the way we wanted it.

As the sun set, the cello played Vivaldi’s “Winter.” Hazel marched toward me, her arm linked through her grandfather’s. My heart stopped when I saw her. The most beautiful woman walking toward me wearing the brightest, most warming smile I’ve ever seen. That day, in front of our family, we promised to spend the rest of our lives together, to ignite the flame of our love every day, and to continue creating magical moments. After we came back from our honeymoon, we had a big reception with our clients, business partners, and friends.

“You’re thinking about our day,” she says, smiling. “It was cold, but I couldn’t say no to marrying you during the winter solstice.”

“I’m so thankful that I found you,” she whispers, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love you so much, Scott Everhart.”

“We found each other, Bee.” I bend over, kissing her slowly as I sway with her. We dance to the rhythm of our own beat. This is how I want to be with her, forever.

…Four months later.

After twenty hours of labor, we finally meet the best part of us. Our baby girl. She’s tiny like Hazel. Our little miracle is the love of our lives. Brielle Christine Everhart is only a couple of hours old, but like her mother, she stole my heart the moment I met her. She’s precious.

I sit in the chair next to Hazel, rocking Brie back and forth while staring at my beautiful wife, who finally fell asleep. Once my girls are settled, I carefully open the letter Hazel left for me in her hospital bag.


Congratulations, you’re a Dad!

Today, we learned that we’re expecting a girl. I’m scared and excited but happy to know this tiny life we created has you as her dad. Right now, we’re in our home office. You’re planning her future, researching the best hospitals, schools, and places to raise children.

It’s at these moments when I remember why I adore you. Every second we’re together, you make sure I’m safe, that I’m protected, but you don’t treat me like I’m made of glass. I love you because you push my limits and love me with all my imperfections. Belonging wasn’t a clear verb for me until I met you, until we took that journey and stepped away from our comfort zone to discover our infinite love.

But this isn’t why I’m writing you this letter. I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for melting my frozen heart, for being the light in my darkest days.

Thank you for holding me next to you every night.

Thank you for being my confidant, for trusting me with your heart.

Thank you for giving me a family.

For becoming my dream.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t about the fairy-tale happy ending. It’s about the happy beginning with millions of adventures waiting for us. How silly of me to wish for a great end when the real joy is to look forward to tomorrow.

Most of all, thank you for our little Brielle. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

With infinite love,

Hazel Everhart