The Witch’s Wolves by Ellie Mae MacGregor

Author’s note

This is a story set in France. What I like to think of as “olde timey France”. I put very little effort or thought into making it “historically accurate”, mostly because it’s a short story about werewolves and I personally don’t really care about historical accuracy.

However, I did think a lot about whether to include some French in the dialogue– I won’t apologize for what my brain decides is important or not. I decided to include some French because I thought it would be fun. I chose to put that French in italics. There have been several people discussing how they are against the use of italics when the speaker is speaking a mix of languages simultaneously, like Spanglish. I chose to use italics because my speakers are technically only speaking French and I thought it would make things less confusing. I thought this was important to note because I think the overall pushback against italics for “foreign” languages is very valid, and it is not an argument that I want to speak over.