The Witch’s Wolves by Ellie Mae MacGregor


Even the shortest stories take a village to bring to life, and this one was no exception. First and foremost I want to thank my incredibly talented cover designer, Amanda aka @talk_about_swoon. Everything you touch is gold. I am immensely thankful for your existence and your friendship.

Thank you to my beta readers: Kelly, Eliza, and Aveda. Thank you for making me feel like a good writer - while also giving me incredible advice to make my story better, kinder, and less of a hot ass mess. And an extra special thank you to Kelly - any comma you see placed correctly is thanks to her.

Thank you to Sophie and Marianne for your French assistance. I love that I got to sprinkle your lovely language into my story, and it wouldn’t have been possible without your help.

A special thank you to Katee Robert, who I don’t know personally and probably doesn’t know I exist. Your love of gritty monster romance inspired this story. Of course, once I brought it to life it became far less gritty, and much more wholesome. Still, I am grateful for your insistence on writing exactly what you want, how you want. Your work inspires me to stick to my guns and stay true to myself.

Lastly, thank you to everyone on bookstagram for continuing to believe in me and support me. I don’t know how I would have survived this past year and a half without you.