Convincing Leah by Becca Jameson

Chapter 20


When I wake up, I slowly glance around to get my bearings. Craig isn’t in the room with me, and as I push to sitting, I notice a piece of paper on his pillow.

I pick it up and read his note.

Went for a run, sweetheart. I’ll probably be back before you wake up.

The need to pee causes me to slide from the bed and pad into the bathroom. I’m naked. After Craig cleaned me up and removed the delicious plug from me last night, he didn’t give me one of his T-shirts or one of the new nightgowns I know he bought me.

We slept naked, him spooning me. I was so relaxed and sated from the perfect spanking and then the amazing sex that I fell asleep instantly.

When I come out of the bathroom, I look around for a shirt. He hasn’t left one on the floor or at the foot of the bed. I feel exposed and…lonely, so I cross the hall and enter my new room. It’s smaller than the master bedroom. Cozy. Pink. Beautiful.

I pull open a drawer and grab a nightgown, lowering it over my head until it falls into place, landing a few inches below my bottom. It’s pink with lace at the hem and puffy sleeves. It’s also sheer. Sexy in a way. The style and cut are for a little girl, but the fabric is nearly see-through. My nipples pebble as the soft material grazes over them.

I feel both young and sexy at the same time. Without hesitating, I shuffle toward the bookshelf where Craig has filled an entire shelf with stuffed animals. I peruse them for a moment, deciding that the soft white polar bear is my favorite.

I snag him off the shelf and bring him to my chest. He’s even softer than he looks, and squishy too. His fur feels nice against my cheek. When I spin around, thinking to return to the big bed in the master bedroom, I change my mind and climb into my new bed.

There’s still a faint hint of paint in the air, but it’s not bad. I love how the new sheets feel against my legs. My new pillow is soft and fluffy like the bear. When I pull the pink comforter over me, I snuggle in deep.

The blinds are closed, and it’s really early in the morning, but there’s enough sun that the walls are bathed in a rosy hue. It’s relaxing.

I’m still tired and I drift off almost immediately, my mind filled with thoughts of dolls and tea parties and coloring books. Calming thoughts that don’t stress me out like work deadlines and emails and kidnappers. Rent, electric bills, and insurance.

The next time I wake up, the room is bathed in more light that’s seeping through the blinds. I blink my eyes open and startle when I see Craig gently rocking in the huge rocking chair.

He has a book in his hand, but he glances up and smiles at me. “Hey, there, sweet girl.” His voice is soft.

I sit up slowly. “I woke up and you were gone. I hope you don’t mind that I came in here.”

He stands, setting his book aside and coming to me. He sits on the edge of the bed, his hand landing on my thigh. “Not at all. Scared me for a minute until I found you, but you looked so peaceful. You were smiling in your sleep. I hope you don’t mind that I stayed and watched you sleep.”

I shake my head and drop back onto my pillow, my hair fanning out all over the place. “This bed is so comfortable. I came in here to grab a nightgown, but it snowballed when I found this guy.” I pull the polar bear out from under the covers. “And then I couldn’t resist trying out my new bed.”

Craig leans over and kisses my forehead. “I’m glad. I’m sorry if you were scared when you woke up. I was hoping I could run and get back before you noticed.”

“It’s okay.” I grin at him. I feel decidedly happier than I have for a week. Or maybe a year. Or maybe a decade. Calmer.

“Are you hungry, sweet girl?”

I shrug.

He taps my nose. “I want you to eat three meals every day.”

“Okay. Do you have cereal?”

“Yep. I have Cheerios and frosted mini-wheats. Do you like either of those?”

“I like both.” I snuggle under the covers deeper. “But I’m so cozy. I don’t want to get up yet.”

He chuckles. “You can’t stay in bed all day, sweet girl. How about you get up and eat and then we’ll see how you feel? I bet you’ll be livelier after some milk and cereal. Maybe we can go out back for a while. Some sunshine will do you good. If you get cranky, I’ll put you down for a nap after lunch. How does that sound?”

I nod but wiggle down deeper. “Maybe ten more minutes.”

Craig chuckles and gives a tug to the comforter. When he realizes I’m holding it firmly at my chin, he laughs and yanks it harder. As soon as he exposes me, his hand comes to my tummy and tickles me.

I giggle and squirm in vain, trying to get out of his reach.

Suddenly, he stops, his hand landing on my belly, his gaze roaming up and down my body. His smile changes to something else that I can’t read. When he makes eye contact with me, I swallow.

“My God this nightgown is sexy. When I ordered it, I wondered, but the pictures didn’t do it justice.” He pushes the covers all the way down the bed.

My nipples stiffen at the tone of his voice and the look that I now know is pure lust on his face.

His hand slides up to my breast, finding and thumbing my nipple. “Jesus. I’m going to order ten more of these in every color.”

I giggle, but not in the same tone as before. I’m aroused now. My pussy is soaked.

Craig’s hand slides down to my thigh. “I love that you didn’t put panties on under this.”

I smile. The lust in his eyes is worth it.

He pushes the soft sheer material up to my belly, exposing me.

I shudder when his hand slips between my legs. “Open for me, sweetheart.”

I bend my knee and let it fall wide. My hands fist the sheets at my sides.

When he cups my pussy, I whimper. In seconds, he has brought me from zero to ten. He strokes my folds so gently I can hardly feel his touch. Reverently. Like I’m fragile and he needs to be careful.

I watch as he drags a finger between my labia and gasp when he brings it to his lips.

He holds my gaze as he sucks my arousal from his pointer, finally releasing it with a pop. His attention goes back to my pussy, his finger circling my clit now. “I love that you’ve kept this sweet pussy shaved. I want you to continue to do so.” He lifts his gaze to mine again. “Or let me do it.”

I shiver at the suggestion, imagining how it would feel to let him shave me. I squeeze my eyes closed at the visual. Him holding my folds open and gently gliding a razor over every inch of skin until I’m completely smooth.

It takes trust to let someone do that. It’s so intimate. I would let Craig shave me without hesitation.

“Will you, sweetheart? Will you let me shave this pussy?”

“Yes.” My voice is husky.

He shocks me when he suddenly stands, spins me slightly so that I’m diagonal on the narrow bed, and drops to his knees. He holds my thighs wide and lowers his face between my legs. When he inhales deeply, I moan.

“I’ve wanted to taste you for far too long.” He lowers his mouth to my pussy and licks through my folds until his tongue flicks over my clit.

I arch my chest and grit my teeth, trying hard not to scream. It’s been forever since a man went down on me. I don’t even know when was the last time, but I don’t remember it being like this.

Granted I don’t remember anything sexual ever being as intense as it is when it’s with Craig.

I can’t keep from crying out when he sucks my clit into his mouth though, and I dig my heels into the mattress, knowing I’m going to come embarrassingly fast.

I grab his shoulders, unsure if I want him to slow down or speed up.

He thrusts his tongue into me, lapping at my opening.

My head rolls back and forth. The room is spinning and blurry. I can’t focus on any thought except how good it feels.

He homes in on my clit again, flicking his tongue over it rapidly, not stopping even when I try to squirm free. Instead, his palms hold my thighs steadier, and he torments my swollen nub faster. When he suddenly bites down gently on the sensitive spot, I come. Hard. A fierce release that shakes my entire body, sending me into a spiral of tremors.

Craig slides his palms up to my breasts and cups them over the filmy material, finding and pinching my nipples until my orgasm turns into a second one, the build so quick that I can’t catch my breath.

It takes me several seconds to regain any sense of time or space, during which Craig eases away from my clit but continues to thumb my nipples.

I’m panting when he’s done.

He’s grinning at me with tremendous satisfaction.

I lick my lips. “If you plan to wake me up that way in the morning, I might be inclined to sleep in here every night.”

He shakes his head, chuckling. “As adorable as you are buried under the covers in this bed, I find I like having you in my arms at night. Especially naked. I like to know I can reach out and pull you back into my embrace if you escape.”

I giggle. “It gets too warm.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t care. I’ll turn up the air conditioning.”

“What if I sneak in here after you fall asleep?” I tease.

“Then I’ll follow you and squish in beside you. That will be even warmer.” He stands and tugs me to sitting before lifting me and standing me on my feet. He sits on the edge of the bed again, holding me at arm’s length, his gaze roaming up and down my body again. “I’m not kidding about this nightgown. I’m sending the others back and ordering more of this kind,” he jokes.

I reach for him and he lets me squeeze in between his legs to throw my arms around his neck.

He slides his hand under the short nightie to pat my bottom. “I must get some breakfast in you, sweet girl.” He stands and takes my hand, pulling me toward the door.

I give a little tug back. “Shouldn’t I get dressed first?”

He shoots me an evil glance. “God no. I might spread you out on the kitchen table and eat your sweet little pussy again. Don’t deny me.”

I giggle as I skip alongside him toward the kitchen. I feel a strange combination of sexy and little. The nightgown is indeed both babyish and so very grown-up.

When I glance down, I notice more than earlier that it’s transparent. Indecent for sure. But no one else is here but us, and if my amazing sexy Daddy wants to look at me with those lustful eyes, who am I to deny him?

Five minutes later, I’m seated at the table with a plastic cereal bowl filled with Cheerios, a chubby spoon, and a sippy cup of milk.

Craig has a cup of coffee and drops down on the chair next to me. He’s smiling as he watches me eat, propping his elbow on the table and leaning his chin on his palm. “This age suits you.”

I chew my bite, shrugging.

“Do you agree?”

“I guess. I don’t know any other yet, but it feels good.”

He sighs and seems to force himself to stand and turn away.

“Where are you going?” I ask.

He chuckles but doesn’t turn around. “I just need something else to look at so that I can let you finish your breakfast without doing exactly what I suggested—because sweetheart, I definitely want to spread you open on my table and lick that sweet pussy again.”

When he talks like that, I want the same thing.

* * *

I’m lighter than I have been for a few days as Daddy dresses me in my new bedroom. I dance around, giggling and making it difficult for him to get my panties on and then my dress, enough that he finally pulls me over his lap and swats my bottom playfully. All the while, he’s grinning.

“What do you want to do today?” he asks.

“Work,” I tell him.

His eyes widen. “On your next book?”

I nod. “Uh-huh. I’m hoping I can get some inspiration and finally settle down and start the darn thing.”

“Okay, then.” He stands from where he’s been sitting on my bed. “Make your bed, grab your computer, and come to my office. I’ll set up a workspace for you.”

I rush around, pulling my sheet and comforter up over my pillow before setting my polar bear against the pillow. He’s going to be my bed partner for sure. I love him. I grin as I stare at my bed. It’s so perfect, and I felt very little snuggling in it.

When I arrive in Daddy’s office, he’s opening a card table for me across from his desk. “I’ll order you a better desk and a chair. Maybe you’d like something that can go in your bedroom?”

I think about that for a second and then agree with a solid nod. “Yes. White, to match my furniture. With a pink swivel chair,” I declare.

He chuckles. “Okay. You’re sure? I wasn’t positive if you’d want to separate your little space from your adult space.”

I try to picture myself working, and somehow I can only see myself pacing back and forth in my new pink room. Not in here. Not in my apartment. It doesn’t feel right. Only the new room feels right. “I think that room is just my space,” I murmur softly.

He leans the card table against the wall, sweeps me off my feet, and settles me in his lap as he sits in his huge desk chair. “That room is definitely your space, sweetheart. We can set it up any way you want. If anything doesn’t feel right, let me know and we’ll move it or change it, okay?”

I nod and then look at his lap, fiddling with the front of my dress. “Is it weird?”

“Is what weird?”

I look at him. “Me staying here, spending all this money as if I’m moving in with you. We never really discussed it, and here I am practically living with you as if it’s a done deal.”

He strokes my cheek. “Sweet girl, I can’t predict everything that’s going to happen in the coming days and months, but I can say with absolute certainty that no matter what, I want you here. If I had my way, we would end your lease today, pack up your stuff, and move you out of that apartment.”

I swallow.

“I know that sounds fast to you, but in a way, it’s not. Not for me at least. I’ve known I wanted more for a while now. I’ve been taking things slowly for you because I knew you were skittish, but the situation has changed now. Lots of things changed in a hurry.”

“Yeah, but it makes me nervous.”

He kisses my forehead. “I know it does, but try not to think about the future. One day at a time. Do you need anything from your apartment?”

I shudder and look him in the eye. “I never ever ever want to go back to that apartment. Is that okay?”

“Absolutely. I’ll arrange to have your things packed up and put in storage for now.”

“What if this doesn’t work out between you and me?”

“On the off chance that happens, we’ll find you a new place to live.”

I lean my head on his shoulder. “I’m not sure I could live alone again, and that scares me.”

He holds me tighter. “I know, sweetheart, but it will get better, and you’re not alone. I’m here.” He leans back. “Were you scared this morning when I went for my run? I don’t have to do that if it scared you.”

I shake my head. “No. I didn’t even think about it.” But now I will.

“I’ll get an alarm system installed. That way you won’t have to worry when I’m not home, okay?”

I draw in a deep breath. “You keep adding more and more things to your home to accommodate a very confused woman who has no idea what she wants. That makes me nervous.”

“Don’t let it. I’m under no illusion that I get to keep you forever. Do I want to? Yes. Will it hurt if I lose you? Yes. But I need you to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. That’s my primary concern. When you get things all worked out in your head and find yourself, I’ll have to take a step back and let you go if I’m not included in your new vision.”

I sigh. That sounds so sad.

He lifts my chin. “You’re all that matters here. A lot is going on. You’re not going to figure it all out overnight. You’re going to need time. You need a place to stay. You need a soft place to fall. Let me help you. Let me be whatever you need me to be while you find Leah, okay?”

I nod. “Yes, Sir.”

He smiles. “Good.” He pats my hip. “Let’s move the card table to your room then, and set you up. I’ll order a desk and chair to match your other furniture. Yeah?”

“Yes, please.” I don’t know why I feel drawn to work in my new room. It’s weird and makes no sense. He’s got a point. It would be more reasonable for me to work in an adult space, but it doesn’t feel right. In my mind’s eye, when I picture myself hard at work, I’m pacing in my pink room, flopping on my new bed, rocking in the big rocking chair, staring out the window at the backyard. That’s where I see myself. I can’t explain it.

Daddy lifts me off his lap and sets me on the floor. Ten minutes later, he has me all set up on my temporary table, an extension cord reaching to my computer and a folding chair to sit on.

I stand in the middle of the plush pink rug and look around the room, spinning in a slow circle.

“What are you thinking, sweet girl?”

“I think the furniture is all in the wrong place.”

He smiles. “How about when the desk gets here and we see how big it is, you figure it all out, and I’ll move everything.”

I grin. “Perfect.” And then I throw myself at him again, hugging him so tight. “Thank you.”

Seriously, I don’t know how I would have survived the last several days without him. First of all, I’d probably still be locked in that crazy man’s basement if Craig hadn’t worked so hard to gather the people needed to find me and rescue me. How long might I have been held captive?

I squeeze Daddy tighter around the waist, absorbing his strength, and then I take a step back and put a serious expression on my face, pointing at the door. “Now you have to get out so I can think.”

He smiles as he bends down to kiss my lips. “Yes, ma’am. I don’t want to mess with your creative juices. May I come get you when it’s time for lunch?”

“Yes.” I watch him go. He closes the door almost all the way, leaving a crack. He is truly the best. I hope I don’t end up hating this arrangement and letting him down. The pressure of that possibility freaks me out a bit.