Convincing Leah by Becca Jameson

Chapter 22


My girl is on fire. I know this because every time I check on her, she’s grinning like a loon, her fingers flying over the keys. I haven’t caught her pacing a single time since this morning.

No frowning. No stomping. No sighing. Just typing.

I’ve given her a notebook and pencils too. She has papers spread around her with notes on them. I know from looking at her office at her apartment that she’s one of those creative types who functions best in a chaotic environment.

To occupy my time while she works, I have downloaded the first book in her previous Suzanne series. I’ve already read half the book. It’s fantastic. She’s very talented. I hope the crazy asshole who decided to take extreme measures to ensure she would change her series ending hasn’t ruined her ability to keep doing what she’s so passionate about.

Then again, when I peek into her room for the tenth time, maybe she needed to set Suzanne aside for a while.

I’m wading in unknown waters this week. Winging it with Leah. After lunch and after her timeout, I considered putting her down for a nap like I’d told her earlier in the morning. But she was filled with pent-up energy, ready to write, so I decided forcing her to lie down would be counterproductive.

I’m loath to interrupt her either. She’s so focused. I had a friend years ago who was a painter. I remember he would go for hours without realizing how much time had passed or stop to eat or sleep. I won’t let Leah miss meals or stay up all night, but I also don’t want to step on her creative juices.

Keeping in line with my lucky streak, Davis shows up late in the afternoon. I’m humbled as I let him in. “I hope you didn’t alter your plans for the day. I didn’t mean for you to drop everything to come help me out.”

He shakes his head. “Nope. Your timing was perfect, actually. I was secretly pleased when Colton called me to see if I could fit you into my schedule anytime soon. Britney was having a disagreeable day, so she needed some kind of discipline. She hates when I leave her with a babysitter.” He grins wide. “Win-win.”

I chuckle. I know Britney runs on the younger end of age play, but it’s still fascinating to hear that Davis doesn’t leave her home alone. The two of them stay deep in the space at all times when they’re home. I can’t quite see that with Leah, especially if she’s going to work from home.

Davis heads for my kitchen table where he opens his backpack and pulls out some information about various alarm systems. He picks up one particular one. “Based on what Colton has told me, I’m thinking you need a system like this one.” He opens the flyer and taps the inside of the trifold.

I skim over the details.

“I like to refer to this one as the ultimate peace of mind. It includes sensors on all the doors and windows in your home as well as security cameras positioned both outside the doors and inside wherever you want them. I generally recommend sticking to the living room and kitchen areas. If you start putting them in the bedrooms, you run into privacy issues. I know my little girl would have a fit if she thought I could watch footage of her naked in her room.”

I snicker. “I don’t want to see footage of myself naked either.”

“Good point.”

“If this is the one you recommend, I say let’s do it. When can someone come out and install it?”

He smiles. “I can do it right now.”

“Seriously? That would be amazing. You sure I’m not infringing on your weekend?”

Davis chuckles. “I’m certain Britney is rather furious, but I’ll fully enjoy spanking her little bottom when I get home, so it’s all good.”

“Okay then. Where do we start? If I can do anything to help, let me know.”

“Just need to grab some things from the truck and I’ll be back to get started.” Davis heads for the front door.

“I’ll go warn Leah that you’re here. She’s working in her room.”

“Sounds good. Just tell her to ignore me. I won’t get in her way for more than a few minutes. Just long enough to ensure her bedroom window is secure.”

I head for Leah’s room while Davis is outside. I ease the door open. “Sweetheart, can I interrupt for a minute?”

She lifts her face, her eyes blank as she glances around, and then she settles her gaze on me. “Wow. What time is it? How long have I been working?” She pushes her chair back and stands, stretching her arms above her head to work out the kinks.

I love the view of her dress rising up so high that I can see her cute panties. “It’s almost five. I didn’t want to disturb you but Davis is here. He’s going to install an alarm system for us.”

She grins and comes to me, throwing herself at me like she has been known to do several times now. The act makes my heart stop every time. “Thank you, Sir. You always make everything better.”

I grab her around the hips and lift her up.

She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I hold her up with one hand on her bottom and one on the small of her back.

She gives me a quick kiss.

“If this is the reaction I’m going to get every time I do something to make you feel safer, I’ll come up with something new every day.” I kiss her back. A quick return peck on the lips that makes my cock stiffen. That and the way she’s pressing her pussy against me.

“You’re silly.” She giggles, the sound so light and happy that it stays with me as I kiss her again. I kind of wish Davis wasn’t currently about to enter every room of the house. I’d rather strip my little girl’s clothes off and have my way with her.

“Can you take a break or be done for the day, sweet girl? Is this a good stopping point?”

She nods. “It’s fine. Let me put my computer and my notes away though, okay?”

“Of course.” I let her slide to the floor and watch as she piles everything up, closes her computer, and stuffs everything in her safe in the closet.

When she spins around, her skirt flows out adorably. She claps her hands together. Her eyes are dancing with a happiness I haven’t seen on her. I still don’t have a clue who Lizzy is, but I really like her.

“Did you get a lot written?” I ask as I lift her again, wanting her wrapped around me.

“Yep. It was refreshing. Won’t pay the bills, but it was fun.”

I smile. “Maybe someday Lizzy can help out with the bills?” I suggest.

Leah shakes her head. “Nope. She’s just for fun. But she makes me happy.”

“Well, all I care about is that Leah is happy. I don’t care if it’s Suzanne or Lizzy that makes my sweet girl happy. Nor do I care if she can pay the bills.”

Leah wraps her arms tighter around me.

I cup the back of her head. “Do you want to change clothes while Davis is here?”

She chews on her bottom lip and then shakes her head. “No. I’m good.”

I lift a brow. “You sure?” It’s huge that she’s willing to let yet another member of Surrender into the circle of people who know she’s dabbling in age play.

She hugs me tighter. “I’m fine.”

My heart soars as I carry her to the kitchen and sit her butt on the island.

“Dinner might be a little later tonight. How about a snack?”

She nods. “Cookies?”

I chuckle. “Mmm. How about one cookie and an orange?”

She sighs. “Okay.”

Davis steps back into the house, his arms filled with boxes.

Leah twists around to see him and gives the hem of her dress a tug in an attempt to cover her panties.

“Hey there, Leah,” he says as he unloads his boxes onto the kitchen table and then comes toward us. “I heard about what happened. I’m so sorry. Hopefully, this alarm system will help you feel more secure.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she murmurs, not quite meeting his gaze.

“No problem. I’ll get this installed and get out of your hair as quickly as I can.” He heads back out to his truck.

Leah grabs my shirt with her fists and sets her forehead against my chest. “It’s weird seeing people I’ve known for a long time.”

I rub her back. “I know, sweet girl, but they understand, and everyone is entitled to try new things.”

“At least he’s a Daddy. At least he knows the dynamic,” she tells me.

“Yep. He’s a very strict Daddy too. He left Britney with a babysitter to come over here.”

She tips her head back, her expression shocked. “Don’t you ever do that to me.”

I give her pigtail a tug. “Mmm. We’ll see,” I tease.

She shakes me, her fingers gripping my shirt. “I mean it, Craig.”

I chuckle before tipping her head back and kissing her lips. “We’re a team, sweet girl. I promise we’ll negotiate every detail along the way.”

“That option is off the table, so put it out of your mind.” She shudders.

“Noted.” I tickle her to lighten the mood.

When she releases me, giggling, I step back and head for the pantry. “I have some chocolate chip cookies. Will that work?”

“I love chocolate chip. Can I have two?”

I lift a brow as I turn toward her, holding the package. “You can have none if you don’t stop arguing with me.”

She pushes out her bottom lip adorably before sighing. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

I hand her a cookie.

“Thank you, Sir.”

I grab an orange and peel it as I return to her.

“Can you get all the stringy white parts off?”

I chuckle as I set it on a napkin next to her hip. “I’ll do my best, princess.”

Davis returns and starts working which causes Leah to grow quiet. Not surprising. She’s had her secret exposed to yet another person. It will be a miracle if she ever agrees to return to Surrender. And I don’t even care. As long as she’s mine, we never need to leave the house again as far as I’m concerned.

“Hey, I started reading the first book in your recent series, by the way. Suzanne’s series, that is.”

She winces. “And?”

“I love it. You’re an amazing writer with a fantastic imagination.”

“That’s too bad.” She sighs. “Between my writer’s block and being held against my will to rewrite the ending, I’m not sure Suzanne will ever stop pouting and write another book.”

I stroke her cheek. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve been through a lot. Give it time. Don’t try to force it. At least you’re writing. Who cares what it is right now? You’re being creative.”

“Yeah. I’ll try to remember that.”

When she’s finished with her orange, every speck of “white, stringy parts” stripped off each wedge, I toss the napkin of peelings in the trash and lift my sweet girl from the counter. “How about you settle into the corner of the couch? You can either read or watch television while Davis works.”

She nods. “Can you get my phone from my bedroom? I’ll read off of it.”

“Absolutely.” I settle her on her bottom and then head for her room, returning a minute later with her phone, a soft pink throw blanket, and the polar bear she left on her pillow.

She’s beyond tickled by my choices as I tuck the blanket around her legs. Within moments, she’s lying on her side, her sweet head on the arm of the couch, the blanket covering nearly all of her, the stuffed animal tucked up against her chest, and her phone open to a book.

Again, I’m struck by how strongly I’ve fallen for this woman. Every part of her. The adult Leah. The little Leah. The sassy Leah. The sweet Leah. The Leah who needs to be spanked just for good measure. The Leah who stands in timeout for discipline. The Leah who curls up with me in my bed. The Leah who curls up with a polar bear in her bed. The Leah who tunes out the world when she works.

I’m also entranced by her other personalities. I don’t know who Lizzy is yet, but I’m getting to know Suzanne through her writing.

I’m head over heels for this woman and I can do nothing but stand by her and pray that when the cards fall into place, she wants to be in my life for the long haul.

I move through the house with Davis, assisting him any way I can. It takes a while, but eventually, we have the entire system hooked up and I literally blow out a breath of relief the moment Davis leaves and it’s fully armed.

When I turn around, I find Leah on her knees on the sofa, her elbows on the back, her chin on her hands. “Is it all hooked up? Am I safe?” She implores.

“Yes, sweet girl. It’s armed and ready. I’ll teach you how to use it tomorrow, okay?”

She nods, but I can see she’s shaking.

I come to her from behind the couch and cup both sides of her face, tipping her head back. “How about if I order a pizza, and then spank you while we wait for it to arrive?”

She smiles, her face flushing. “I’d like that.”

“I figured. I know it was stressful having Davis here and letting him see your little. Let’s chase that anxiety away with my palm, yeah?”

She nods. “Thank you.” Her gaze is still on mine though and she tips her cheek into my palm. I can tell she’s pleased that I can read her so well.

As soon as I have the pizza ordered, I sit on the couch, angle her over my lap, push her dress up, and pull her panties down. “You know I’m not punishing you right?” I want to be clear about our spanking sessions.

“Yes, Sir.”

I rub her sweet bottom with my hand. “I want you to get the release you need. Let go of all your stress while I’m spanking you. Do not equate spankings with anything naughty you’ve done. I know in the past you’ve asked people to spank you to feel some sort of redemption for an erroneous list of wrongdoings. Not anymore. If you misbehave, Daddy will discipline you swiftly with a punishment to fit the behavior. Not spanking. Spanking is for relieving stress.” I keep rubbing her bottom, making sure she’s listening.

“Yes, Sir.” She squeezes her thighs together, indicating to me she’s already aroused from the setup before I’ve even given her a single swat.

I reach for her panties that are around her thighs and push them all the way off her legs. “Pull your knees up against my thigh. Put your weight on your knees.”

She whimpers at my instructions as she arranges herself in the way I’ve instructed, causing her bottom to be higher than the rest of her.

“Spread your knees wider, Leah. I’ll let you come, but you’ll wait for me to touch you. You won’t be permitted to rub your pussy between your legs or against my thigh.”

The soft mewl she makes causes my cock to stiffen.

She turns her head toward me and licks her lips. “Will you let me ride you after you spank me, Sir?”

It’s difficult not to groan. “We’ll see.” I don’t want to commit to that in case she doesn’t have the energy. I’ll decide after she screams out her orgasm. After I’ve spanked her long enough for her bottom to remain pink and hot all evening.

She rocks back into my palm as soon as I land the first swat.

I set my free hand on the small of her back to ensure she has minimal movement, and then I spank her again. I love the way she keeps rocking back and forth while I spank every inch of her cute bottom and the backs of her thighs.

I watch closely, making sure once again that I don’t strike her hard enough to prevent me from doing it again in twelve hours if I so desire.

She moans nearly constantly while I continue to pinken her pretty skin. When she lifts her face, gasping for air, I know I’m done with that part of this evening’s entertainment. I immediately reach between her legs, thrust two fingers into her, and find her sweet spot.

She cries out, her neck arching.

I find her clit and press my thumb into it, knowing the spanking alone has brought her so close to the edge that she will come in seconds. She’s soaked and needy.

Sure enough, with minimal effort, she comes, her pussy clamping down on my fingers as she rides them. I’m not sure she even realizes she’s bucking on and off my fingers, leaving me to do almost none of the work.

When her body is done trembling, she drops down onto my thighs, sprawled out and panting. After a few moments, she slowly grins. “My turn?”

I chuckle. “All the turns are your turn, sweetheart.” I mean that. My singular goal in life has come down to giving my woman pleasure.

She smiles and scrambles off my lap. Standing between my legs, she reaches for the button on my jeans.

I don’t stop her. If this is what she wants, this is what she gets. I lift my hips to help her get my jeans down over my cock.

She yanks her dress over her head, leaving her deliciously naked before she climbs up to straddle my lap, her wet pussy hovering over my cock.

I palm her hips. “You’re so very sexy like this,” I tell her.

She slams down, impaling herself completely. “How about now?” she pants. “Am I sexy like this?”

“Even better.” When I bring my hands around to palm her bottom, she moans. I love this look. The mixture of pain and pleasure.

I let her ride me however fast and deep she desires. I’m putty in her hands. Does she realize that though I’m the Daddy, she is fully in charge?

I want to watch her fuck me, memorize the expressions she makes, the way her eyes roll back, the way her neck elongates, how her lips part. She’s working hard, chasing her own pleasure while giving me mine at the same time.

What a gift.

When I’m close, I slide one hand around to reach between us and pinch her clit. That’s all it takes for her to reach another orgasm. And the cries of her release push me right over the edge with her.

We’re staring at each other, smiling and panting. It’s not until I feel my come running out of her that I stiffen, my eyes going wide. “Shit.”

“What?” She searches my face.

“Condom. We forgot the condom.”

She relaxes, her hands smoothing around my chest. “I’m on birth control. We’re okay.”

I swallow hard. “I swear I haven’t had sex with a single woman since my ex-wife without a condom.”

“Then we’re good. I’ve never gone bare even once.”

I smooth my hands up her back and pull her closer. My voice is low. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I guess I lose my mind around you.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s fine. You can stop worrying about condoms.”

I press my hand between her shoulder blades, bring her lips to mine, and kiss her for so long that we’re both panting and aroused all over again. I’m lost in her when the doorbell rings, and I break the kiss with a, “Shit. Pizza.”

She giggles as I lift her off me, tuck her under the blanket, and tug my jeans back into place so I can get the pizza. I probably look like I just had sex when I open the door, but who cares?