Convincing Leah by Becca Jameson

Chapter 26


“Does your bottom hurt, sweetheart?” I ask Leah two hours later as we finally drive away from the house. She hasn’t sat much since I spanked her a bit harder than usual. We’ve been busy backing up her computer and packing some suitcases.

“It’s fine.”

I reach for her hand and rub it against my beard. “I don’t mind spanking you harder sometimes when you need it, and I know you had a lot of stress that needed an outlet today, but if it’s still pink and sore tomorrow, I’ll skip a day. I don’t want to injure you.”

“Yes, Sir.” She looks at me. “Where are we going?”

I know she’s concerned about what she’s wearing. I put leggings, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes on her. If anyone saw her like this, they would still think she was far younger than she is.

She has on a jacket though, so that gives her an extra layer of protection against the vanilla world. It hides the fact that her T-shirt says Daddy’s Girl, it’s fitted, and she’s not wearing a bra.

In addition, after spending about fifteen minutes working the tangles out of her hair, I braided it in two braids behind her ears.

I think she looks just right. To me, she’s my little girl, especially considering she’s holding the polar bear that has become her constant companion. If we had to get out of the car somewhere vanilla, she’d get by though.

“We’re going to stop by Blade’s office to drop off your computer and then I have a surprise for you.” I glance at her and wink.

“Does my surprise have anything to do with your cryptic conversation on the phone with Roman earlier?”

“Yep. Nosy girl.”

Her eyes shoot wide open. “I’m not nosy. You were loud.”

I chuckle. “We can agree to disagree.”

I leave Leah in the car while I take her computer into Black Blade Protection and grab a loner Blade said we could borrow. That part is a blessing because I know Leah won’t want to go too long without a computer. And she hates using mine since it’s not a PC.

“Are we going to a hotel?” she asks me when we get back on the road.


I can see her visibly relax at that pronouncement. She doesn’t want to be around other people, not even to get from the lobby to our room.

“How far away is it?”

I grin. “So many questions. It’s about an hour away. How about you close your eyes and rest until we get there.”

“Okay.” She pulls her polar bear up to the console and leans her head close to my elbow, curling her legs under her.

My heart stops several times a day when I look at her. This would be one of those times. I set my palm on her back and rub her for a minute until I feel her body relaxing. She has to be tired. She hasn’t had a nap, and the day was insanely stressful, not to mention the hard spanking I gave her.

Two huge things happened in the midst of the chaos today. I told her I loved her, and she called me Daddy. Twice. I counted. I wanted to fist pump. Hearing her call me Daddy was even better than her returning my words of love.

It’s still raining and growing dark as I follow the directions Roman gave me to his vacation home in the mountains. Even though Roman and I have known each other for many years, there’s a hell of a lot I don’t know about my friend. Mostly because he’s very wealthy and not pretentious. He never told me he had a vacation home an hour outside of Seattle, for example.

Luckily, he warned me the GPS wouldn’t get us there. He’s very private. His property won’t come up on any google search. But he’s given me specific directions, and I slow down when I realize I’m getting close to the turnoff.

Finally, I spot it. Like he said, it’s an unmarked dirt road that appears to go nowhere. I make the turn and hope I haven’t messed it up.

Leah rouses next to me, probably because I’m driving so slowly and it’s gotten bumpy. “Are we there?” she asks in her sweet voice, rubbing her eyes.


We round a bend in the road and seconds later, I see the sign and smile.

Leah leans forward, peering out the windshield. “Blossom Ridge?”

“Yep. Apparently, he’s named his vacation home.”

“He calls Lucy his little cherry blossom,” she informs me.

“Ah, makes sense then.” As soon as we pass the sign, we are back on pavement.

Leah spins around to look back in the direction we came. “I wonder why he doesn’t have it paved all the way to the main road. Why leave the first part dirt?”

“I don’t think he wants people to find it. The dirt road keeps anyone from turning down this way in curiosity.”

“Ah. That makes sense.” Her breath hitches as the estate comes into view. It’s not a little mountain cabin like I was expecting. A simple vacation home. It’s a huge estate much like the one Roman owns in Seattle. “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow. Impressive.” I pull to a stop directly in front of the entrance and turn off the car. “It’ll take us half the night to pick a room,” I joke.

She giggles as she takes off her seatbelt and opens her car door.

I do the same.

While Leah stands with her polar bear staring at the wrap-around patio that has several rocking chairs and a porch swing, I grab our bags from the back of the SUV.

“Maybe we should have stopped at the store for some supplies,” she murmurs. “How far are we from town?”

“A ways, but it doesn’t matter. Roman had his staff come over earlier today and stock the kitchen for us.”

Leah’s eyes go wide. “That was very nice of him.”

“I agree.” I nod toward the house. My hands are both full, so I can’t grab hers. “Let’s go check it out.”

When we get to the front door, I set the bags down and punch the code into the keypad. The door opens with a snick, and the next thing we know, we’re standing in the huge foyer.

Leah shuts the door behind us. “No one else is going to be here but us?”


“It’s…kinda scary.”

I flip on the lights, illuminating the entrance. “It’s very secure, sweetheart.” I turn back around to the door. The alarm had deactivated when I put the keycode in, but I need to rearm it now.

“Can I go explore, Daddy?” She tips her head back, imploring me with her sweet gaze.

My heart melts when she calls me Daddy yet again. Part of me thinks she can do anything her heart desires as long as she keeps calling me Daddy. But the more rational part realizes that’s not going to happen. “Nope. Not yet. You’ll stay with me where I can see you. We don’t know enough about this house yet for you to wander off on your own.”

She groans. “But Daddy, it’s exciting.”

I chuckle and take her hand, heading deeper into the house. “A second ago it was scary.”

She skips alongside me. “I changed my mind.”

“Well, since you’ll be standing in timeout for a while for whining, I guess you’ll have plenty of time to change your mind a few more times.”

Her shoulders slump, and she sighs.

“We just got here,” she whines.

I give her a stern look. “How long do you want to be in timeout, sweet girl?”

“Sorry, Daddy.”

“Uh-huh.” I’m not mad. Of course. Hell, I can’t imagine ever being mad at Leah. We have a dynamic. Part of that is the unspoken task Master Quinten gave her. She hasn’t been disciplined today, so it’s only appropriate she should pull a whiny stunt. And she knew good and well she would end up in timeout.

“Can I at least text Eve and let her know we’re here and tell her how cool it is first?”

“Nope. I’ll let Colton know we made it safely. But now you’re also grounded from your phone.”

We’ve reached the kitchen. It’s getting darker by the second outside, but the back of the house is a wall of windows overlooking the most amazing view. We’re on the side of a mountain. In the daylight I bet we’ll be able to see for miles. Mountains and valleys and forest and even a stream in the distance.

I let Leah take in the view for only a few moments before I give her hand a tug and lead her to the opposite corner in the room where two boring walls come together. I don’t want her to get to see the view while she’s in timeout.

I take her shoulders and direct her where I want her. I chuckle when I notice the hardwood floor is slightly worn in this corner. Leah is not the first little girl to stand in timeout here. I suspect Lucy has more than her fair share, but so have others.

I take the stuffed animal out of Leah’s hand as she leans into the corner in the position she knows to assume. “I’ll see what I can figure out for dinner while you stand here. Don’t move or I’ll start your time over.”

When I slide my hand down her back and pat her bottom, she whimpers. I set my lips on her ear. “Legs wider, sweetheart.”

She spreads her feet, lining her toes up with the walls. I’m being nitpicky because I know it increases her arousal. When I kiss her neck, she shivers delightfully.

Leaving her in the corner, I send off two quick texts, one to Roman and one to Colton, letting them know we’ve arrived and all is well.

It turns out the kitchen is incredibly well-stocked. We could stay here for weeks. And maybe we will. I pull out everything we’ll need for sandwiches because it’s getting late and I don’t feel like making a huge production. I’m with Leah. I want to explore the house more as soon as we eat. I can take better stock of the kitchen tomorrow.

When I have everything ready, I let Leah out of timeout. “You can come to the table now, sweet girl.”

She blows out a breath and turns around, shuffling toward me. When she reaches me, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. “What do you say, sweetheart?”

“I’m sorry for whining, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” I pat her bottom. “Sit down and eat.”

It’s impossible for me to swallow for a minute though. Not after hearing her call me Daddy so nonchalantly yet again.

After we eat and clean up, we head for the stairs to explore the second floor first.

Leah takes off skipping down the hallway when we hit the top of the stairs.

“Slow down, sweet girl. Stay where I can see you at all times.”

“Yes, Sir.” She leans into the first door on the right, flips on the light, and then turns to grin at me. “I want this one.”

I chuckle. “Already? The first one you’ve looked at?” I catch up with her and we step inside at the same time. I grin. “I see now.” The room is for a little. It’s vomiting pink. The twin bed has a canopy with a pink ruffle. The curtains and bedding and pillows and rugs are all pink. There’s even a pink bean bag chair.

Leah rushes around looking at all the pink and girlie things. “It’s so pretty, Daddy.”

“Really? You don’t think it’s overkill?” I tease.

She spins around and puts her hands on her hips. “Silly, Daddy. You can never have too much pink.”

I hold up both hands. “Okay then. If you say so.”

“I bet this is Lucy’s special room.”

“Could be. Shall we go look at others?”

For the next half hour, we check out every room on the second floor. Several are for littles. Others are for adults. Approximately every other one, and I notice some rooms have adjoining doors between them. Many have their own bathrooms.

“Do you still like the cotton candy room best?” I ask even though there’s no way I’d let her sleep alone, nor would she want to.

“Yes.” She rushes back to that first room and points inside. “It has a door connecting to that room,” she declares, pointing to a much more acceptable room with a king-sized bed.

“Let’s go downstairs and bring up our suitcases then.”

After checking to ensure the alarm is indeed secure, I bring up the heavier items and let Leah carry the computer bags. We drop everything into the adult room before I head for the attached bath, happy to see there is a clawfoot tub. “Bath and bed for you, sweet girl. You have to be exhausted.”

“Yes, Sir.” She drags her feet toward the bathroom, but I know she’s tired.

I sit on the toilet seat and unravel her braids, pinning them up while the tub fills. In no time at all, I have her in the warm water, and I’m pleased to find a bottle of baby soap sitting on the edge. Roman truly does think of everything.

“What does Master Roman use this house for, do you think?” Leah asks as I wash her arms.

“I’m not sure, but I’m as curious as you, sweetheart. We’ll have to ask him.”

“Dozens of people could stay here. It could be a bed and breakfast for age play couples.”

“I agree, but I don’t think strangers stay here. I don’t think he rents it out. At least I’ve never heard Roman mention it, and I’ve known him a long time.”

“Then it’s getting wasted,” she muses.

She might be right. I have about a hundred ideas for what this place could be used for already. One day I’ll ask Roman about it.

Leah bends her legs in the air as I lift her out of the tub, and she giggles as I pat her dry because I keep tickling her in all the places I know make her squirm.

When she’s dry, I leave her to grab our toiletry bag and return, to pull out toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Leah shivers when she’s done. “I’m chilly, Daddy. Can I wear one of your shirts tonight?”

I kiss her forehead. “Nope. You can go climb into the bed and snuggle under the covers. I’ll be right behind you.”

“Okay.” She skips quickly across the hardwood floor and scrambles onto the bed, wiggling her naked body under the bedding. “Hurry, Daddy. I’m cold.”

I shut off the lights in the room, leaving a nightlight on in the bathroom. It gives us just enough light to see without tripping over anything in the middle of the night.

As I slide into the opposite side of the huge bed in my boxers, Leah scrambles over to me and pastes her body against mine. I love when she wraps herself around me. Every ounce of the day’s stress fades. I feel at home. It doesn’t matter that we’re not in our own bed in our own home. All that matters is that she’s with me, in my arms.

She surprises me when she boldly climbs on top of me, straddles me, and plants her hands on my chest to look into my eyes. A slow smile spreads across her face, making her look angelic. “I love you, Daddy.”

My chest squeezes tight. I grab her by the waist, flip her onto her back and switch our positions so that I’m straddling her. “Say that again.”

She giggles. “I love you.”

I shake my head. “All of it.”

Another giggle that reaches inside me. “I love you, Daddy.”

I lean down and kiss her, starting gently but then angling my head to one side and stroking my tongue along her lip until she opens for me. The kiss deepens as she moans into my mouth.

I hadn’t expected to make love to her tonight because she’s been through so much today, but now I feel desperate, and I’d say she does too because her hands are roaming all over me, eventually reaching into my boxers to cup my ass.

When I finally come up for air, I rise off her to strip out of my last article of clothing. Her eyes are glazed as she reaches for me. I press her thighs wider and hold her gaze as I line up with her channel and stroke the head of my cock through her folds.

She’s soaked. Ready. She arches her body toward me. “Please…”

I thrust into her, loving the gasp that rushes out of her mouth at the intrusion. She feels so good. So tight and hot and mine. I never want to let her go. No matter what things look like when she finds herself, I’ll love her just the same.

We stare at each other, moving in tandem together, panting. When she turns her head away as if the intensity of our union is too much, I cup her face and bring it back to center. “Look at me while you come, sweetheart.”

She licks her lips before parting them. When her breathing becomes erratic, I slide one hand between us to find her clit. As soon as I stroke it, she comes, her pussy clenching my cock so hard that I follow right behind her.

When the pulses of our release subside, I find I’m grinning at her. My heart is overflowing. “Say it again,” I whisper.

“I love you, Daddy.”