Convincing Leah by Becca Jameson

Chapter 27

Two days later


I’m sitting on the porch at the back of the house, my borrowed computer open in front of me. The air is so clean and crisp, the view so amazing, the scent of last night’s rain lingering.

I’ve written thousands of words in the last two days. Everything feels easier for some reason. I’m not sure if it’s this place and the serenity of it or if it’s our declarations of love. It doesn’t matter. I feel peaceful for the first time in a long time. Maybe forever.

Daddy opens the sliding door and steps outside.

I stop what I’m writing mid-sentence when I see the look on his face. He’s smiling. He sets his phone down on the patio table I’m using and leans over to kiss me. “They caught him,” he announces.

I gasp. “Thomas Levenson?”

“Yep. He was trying to leave the country, and when they detained him, he got belligerent, pulled a gun, and shot two people.”

My eyes go wide. “Oh no.”

“They’ll both survive, but he’ll never be a free man again.”

I blow out a breath. “Thank God. But I’m sorry he shot two people.”

Daddy cups my face. “My sweet girl, always thinking about other people.”

I shrug. “I can’t help it.”

He comes around the table, lifts me from my chair, and carries me in his arms to one of the soft, inviting hammock chairs.

I snuggle into him as he settles and gives us a light push so that we’re swaying in the breeze.

“I can’t believe they caught him,” I murmur after a few minutes. I feel kind of sad instead of the expected elation.

Daddy kisses my forehead. “You don’t want to leave here, do you?”

I shake my head. “I miss my room at home and all, but it’s so peaceful here. I’ve even started thinking about the fantasy series I’m supposed to be writing.”

He leans his face to one side to look at me. “Really?”

I nod. “Uh-huh. Granted, I don’t think I’ve purged myself of Lizzy, but Suzanne is rearing her head as if she’s been neglected.” I roll my eyes. “As if that’s my fault.”

Daddy chuckles. “You’re lucky I understand how your mind works. If anyone else heard you speaking, they would be seriously concerned.”

I giggle. “Thank goodness you understand me then.”

He holds my gaze for a while, stroking my arm. “I’ve been talking to Roman…”


“He told me some of the history about this place. It’s been in his family for a long time, and he maintains it even though he and Lucy rarely come out here. He’s been thinking about selling it, but he hates to let it go.”

I search Daddy’s gaze but I don’t know where he’s going with this tale.

“The place is large enough with enough rooms and bathrooms to be a bed and breakfast. Roman asked me if I might be interested in turning the house into something useful and managing it for him.”

I smile wide. “Really?”

He grins in return. “I told him I’d have to talk to you about it first, and of course it’s all in the initial planning stages. We don’t have a clear vision yet, but if you’re interested…”

I sit up straighter, grabbing Daddy’s shoulders. “I love it.”

He chuckles. “We don’t even have a solid plan yet, sweetheart.”

“I don’t care. I think it will be a great idea.” I school my face to a more serious expression. “Someplace for littles, of course.”

“That’s my thinking.”

“Either a vacation spot or maybe a place for training or lessons or something.”

He nods and smiles again. “We’re on the same page.”

“Let’s do it.” I’m suddenly excited about this not-at-all-developed plan of ours.

He kisses me. “We don’t have to rush. We can meet with Roman several times and brainstorm, but I do believe Blossom Ridge could be an amazing destination spot of some sort in the near future. No reason for it to sit here unoccupied.”

I throw my arms around Daddy’s neck and hug him tight.

“Now… Someone needs her little bottom spanked this morning.”

I squirm on his lap, as I always do when he makes that proclamation. I never know when during the day he might take me over his knees, but my nipples stiffen and my pussy clenches every time, day or night. Instantly. I’m like Pavlov’s dog. Daddy says he’s going to spank me, and I slide into a ball of aroused need.

Everything is so perfect. I just hope it stays this way and I don’t have some kind of sudden transformation where I snap out of my alternate reality and mess things up.

As Daddy flips me over and arranges me on his knees, pulling my panties down and pushing my dress up, my skin tingles. It seems impossible to think I could mess this up. And the moment he starts to spank me, I slip into a beautiful subspace that nothing can possibly destroy. Not even time.