A Season for Scandal by Golden Angel

Chapter 15


Elijah had not come to her room last night. She had waited and waited, wearing a lovely nightrail with lace over her bosom, intended to titillate, until she heard him return to his room. Listening to him moving around—albeit quietly—until there was silence. Then scowled when she realized he was not coming in.

Why not?

Had he worried she would question him about that Mitchell person? She had known better than to eavesdrop after he had told her not to. He would have been watching out for her presence, so she had stayed away. But she was burning with curiosity. Still, was that enough reason for him to eschew her bed? Josie scowled at her reflection in the mirror as Debbie did her hair. She did not think so.

Or, perhaps, he had only come to her bed that first night because it was expected? To consummate the marriage.

Something twisted in her stomach. Tonight, the Society of Sin gathered. Was Elijah going? Was he planning to hide that from her?

Was he going there to be with another woman?

The very idea he might be waiting to be with another woman, to touch her the way he had touched Josie, to pleasure her… made her want to scream and rage, then cry. Far more so than when she thought about Joseph with Miss Bliss. She could hardly deny her feelings for Elijah had changed, even if it was only the desire of a wife to have a loyal husband. She felt possessive. That was all. She had never expected Joseph to be faithful to her, only hoped he would return her feelings, but she had never expected Elijah to be untrue, no matter how common it was among the ton.

“My lady? Are you well?” Debbie’s concern reminded Josie she was not unobserved.

“Yes, I am fine, thank you. Hungry,” Josie tacked on. Debbie had been with her long enough to know she was a bear when she was hungry. The fashion was for ladies to be circumspect about eating, but for Josie, it had been a choice between unfashionably feasting or growling at the rest of society. Her mother had always chosen to let her eat.

She was rather peckish, which was certainly not helping her mood. When Debbie finished with her hair, Josie made her way down to the dining room, where she was pleased to see her husband in attendance this morning. He looked up from the paper he was reading when she came in. It was just the two of them.

“Good morning.” He stood, watching as she moved to her seat, his expression unfathomable. A lock of dark hair curled over his brow, and Josie’s fingers itched to brush it back—to touch him at all—but he held himself in place, so she did not approach, choosing the chair across from him and sat with the footman’s assistance.

“Good morning.” There was a tartness to her tone she could not hide, but she ignored the questioning look Elijah sent her. “I hope you slept well.”

“Well enough.” The silence hung awkwardly about them as they stared at each other across the table. He cleared his throat. “Do you have any plans for today?”

“I had not thought about it,” she said slowly. “Do you?”

“I will be engaged for most of today,” he replied apologetically. “Though I could take you around Hyde Park this afternoon if you wish.”

Hyde Park, where the gossipy matrons would be gathered. They would expect to see Elijah and Josie there at the fashionable hour eventually, and today was as good a day as any. Tomorrow, Josie would be returning to the daytime social rounds, including a tea at Lady Jersey’s, which she could not miss.

“That would be nice. And this evening?”

Elijah didn’t blink.

“I have some business to attend to this evening.” He smiled patronizingly. “Do not worry, we can make our return to society tomorrow at Manchester House.” One of the more important events of the Season, it was not to be missed. The Duke and Duchess of Manchester were powerhouses among the ton. The duke’s sister was also Josie’s friend, Mary’s cousin, giving her an additional connection to the family.

Josie had not been looking for reassurance they would not miss one of the premier events of the Season. She had wanted to know if Elijah planned on attending the soiree at Lady Greywood’s tonight.

If he was still planning to attend, he was not inviting her along.

Just as well, she had her own invitation. A kind of quiet fury built in her chest. She could not wait to see the look on his face when he realized she was welcome within the Society, whether or not he brought her. Perhaps she would find someone to show her the wicked pleasures, if he would not, and see what he made of that!


Josie was up to something. She was on her best behavior all day. Not once did she complain about not being able to handle the reins during their carriage ride and did not chafe at having to be seated next to him, prim and proper, while they rode at a sedate pace. She was perfectly amiable every moment he was able to spend time with her.

All of which had his own nerves winding tighter as though she was spinning them on a spindle and waiting for him to snap. An outsider would see nothing but a lady behaving exactly as she should. Neither of his brothers nor his father seemed unnerved by her behavior, which made it even worse. He did not think he was overreacting, yet he was the only one having this reaction.

It was almost time to leave for Lady Greywood’s, and Josie had disappeared into her bedroom. Should he join her? No. It would only make him feel guiltier tonight if he touched another woman, but he would do what he had to do for king and country.

His attendance this evening, so soon after his wedding, would assure the traitor there was nothing between him and Josie other than the events that necessitated their marriage. On the other hand, refraining from involving himself in the activities might spark the traitor’s suspicions. Maybe he should stay home.


He was not going to change his entire life because of his marriage. Nor could he ignore his responsibilities and his mission just because he wanted to remain faithful to his wife. After this mission was over, he could dedicate himself to his marriage but not before.

Decision made, Elijah straightened his cravat in the mirror before making his way over to press his ear against the wood door between his room and Josie’s. He could hear very little, though she had retired to her room after supper. Was she already asleep? Reading? Though it was not her favorite pastime, it was possible.

His lips tightened. He wanted to go in to see her and question her, but what could he say?

Why were you so well-behaved today?

Are you not upset we are spending so little time together after our wedding?

Hmm. Perhaps he did not truly want the answer to the second question. Part of him liked to think the reason for her good behavior had been to draw his attention or impress him. The idea she was content to see very little of him, maybe because of her lingering feelings for his brother, made his chest tighter, almost aching.

He could not expect her feelings toward him to have changed so soon, despite the fact, his had been engaged.

Seduce her,a little voice whispered in his mind. Bring her to the Society. See if Adam is correct about her inclinations. Dominate her, claim her, and make her your own.

No. No, he could not.

The danger would be far too great if he let her into that part of his world without knowing for sure if the traitor still had eyes within the Society. Maybe after his mission was complete. If Josie was interested. Between now and then, when he was able, he could introduce her to some of his darker desires… slowly, hopefully without frightening her.

Heading straight into one of the Society’s events would be far too much for her.


Dressed in her lowest cut gown of teal and purple silk, Josie did not think she would have the nerve to attend a ball without a fichu to cover her decolletage, but for the Society of Sin, it was perfect. Even if she did feel half-naked.

Josie scowled as she snuck out of the house to the carriage, where Mary and Rex waited for her—she had sent Mary a note that afternoon when it became clear Elijah was not going to mention the event. She scowled ferociously. Elijah had already left the house, almost a quarter of an hour ago. Whether he was going to Lady Greywood’s, she had no idea. He had been dressed normally, though too casually for a ball.

Joseph had gone out for the night as well, separately from Elijah.

She still cared far more about what Elijah was doing than what Joseph was doing. Maybe that should not surprise her. Eventually, she supposed she would get used to being more jealously possessive over Elijah than Joseph, but it still took her off guard.

“Hello!” Mary said cheerfully as Josie stepped into the carriage, clutching her light cloak around her. Even though it was Rex and Mary, she felt shy about how exposed she was. Bending at the waist, she wanted to press her breasts back down to keep them from falling out of her neckline. Mary was dressed similarly but without the cloak covering her cleavage. Her curves were practically spilling out the top, and Rex kept eying them as if he was waiting for that very moment.

Had Elijah ever looked at her like that? Would he ever? A wistful desire flittered through her, leaving her slightly bereft. Her husband had abandoned her this evening, again and could even now be looking at some other woman like that… if he was at Lady Greywood’s. She almost hoped he was not, except then she would not know where he was and would have to make it through the evening without him. She wanted him there.

“Hello,” Josie echoed, clutching her cloak firmly around her. She was a bit shocked to see how easily Mary wore her incredibly revealing gown. Even in the dim light trickling in through the carriage’s window, she could see how thin the green silk was. While Josie could have worn her dress to a ball if covered with a fichu, Mary’s dress was certainly not suitable to be seen in most public spaces.

Mary smiled at her, reaching out to pat her knee reassuringly. At another time, it might have made her bristle, but right now, she appreciated the gesture.

“It will be all right, Josie. Rex and I will not leave your side if Elijah is not there.”

“Perhaps even if he is,” Rex murmured, a wicked smile lighting his face and making Josie laugh, loosening her nerves. If Elijah was there, he would not be happy to find her there and would be even less happy to have Rex following them around. Mary giggled as well, shooting a saucy look at her husband.

“Troublemaker,” she teased, elbowing him gently.

“Always, petal.” Taking her hand, he lifted it to his lips to kiss.

Josie sighed, catching their attention and ruining the moment. Blushing, she lifted one shoulder, trying to shrug off her embarrassment and envy.

“You two are…” Her voice trailed off, and she sighed again, unable to find the words.

“We are very lucky,” Mary replied sympathetically.

Rex snorted. “No, I was very smart in choosing my bride. Luck had nothing to do with it.”

“You almost married Arabella,” Mary reminded him with an arch look, making Josie snort. Arabella was now Mary’s cousin by marriage, so their situation was a little closer to hers and Elijah’s than she had realized. Not that Rex had been in love with Arabella, she did not think, but he had still chosen her as his future bride.

Then he had fallen head over heels in love with Mary.

And they were happy together.

They were everything she had hoped she and Joseph would be.

Everything she did not dare to hope she and Elijah could be.

She did not think she could bear for a second for another Stuart brother to break her heart. Though she also could not deny there was something growing between her and Elijah, no matter how she might want to pretend otherwise.