A Season for Scandal by Golden Angel

Chapter 16


Standing at the edge of Lady Greywood’s parlor, Elijah had never been more relieved that so far, tonight’s activities were devoted to a demonstration of Nathan’s latest invention. The Countess of Carlisle was on her back on a large ottoman, her wrists tied above her head, legs spread wide and also bound with rope. Between her legs was a large machine with a hand crank, being operated by Nathan, which sent a leather dildo pistoning between her thighs.

The Earl of Carlisle and another young man were kneeling on either side of her, sucking her nipples while she writhed and moaned. The brown leather dildo was glistening with her juices, and her pussy lips were a swollen dark pink from stimulation. Nathan watched with interest more scientific than lustful, yet that somehow added to the eroticism of the scene.

Elijah was normally on pins and needles when reduced to a mere voyeur, itching to be actively involved, but tonight, he was happy to be relegated to a spectator. If only the entire night would be this way.

He had already avoided the advances of two ladies who were thrilled to find him present, despite his recent marriage or even because of it. Lady Maguire had not been interested in him before his wedding, but her green eyes had lit up with interest when he entered the room this evening. Her blatant questioning about the whereabouts of his wife sickened him.

The Society did not allow for revealing its secrets to the rest of the ton, but she was the type of woman to make sly comments to a man’s wife. As long as she made it sound as though they were only lovers and did not mention the Society, there was no cause for her removal, but her emotional sadism did not appeal to him. She was hardly alone in flaunting her affairs to her lover’s spouses, but Elijah would never put his wife in that position.

If he had to find a lover to use as cover within the Society, it would be someone discreet.

For the first time, he wished his father were not so against women joining their ranks. If he could have a woman by his side to help him pretend, one who understood…

That was his selfishness talking. Besides, what lady would want to pretend to be lovers for a mission, much less withstand the kind of dangerous situations the Crown’s operatives often found themselves in? Evie had on occasion, but her set of skills was highly unusual, and even then, Father had done his best to keep her out of any real danger. She was one of a kind.

Just look what had happened when she had drawn her friends into her endeavors. Mary had been kidnapped and could have been killed.

As if his thoughts had summoned her, Elijah caught a glimpse of a petite redhead entering the room with her large, blond husband by her side. He nodded to Rex, who nodded back his own greeting with a peculiar expression. It took a moment for Elijah to realize they had not entered alone, and when he saw who had come into the room with them, his breath seized in his lungs.

Blue eyes wide, her fascinated gaze was fixed on the Countess of Carlisle and the men surrounding her. Blonde curls were tucked up and piled high on the back of her head, leaving her slender neck exposed. The expanse of skin showing down to her breasts, where the neckline threatened to reveal the pink of her nipples at any moment, would have caused a stir in any venue but this. Here, she was modestly attired, yet Elijah’s vision went red with a possessive fury he had never experienced.

Josie’s lips parted, and she took a step closer to the scene. Unable to look away, she did not see Elijah or his reaction.

Switching his gaze back to Rex, Elijah glared with the full force of his rage. Rex smirked, completely unimpressed. Clenching his fist to assuage the itching palm that so badly wanted to be applied to Josie’s backside, Elijah could not stop his cock from thickening and rising as Josie took another step toward the erotic tableau. Utterly fascinated. Aroused. He could see it. And his body responded.


Oh. My. Goodness.

It felt as though her corset had been cinched far too tight, taking away her ability to breathe. She could not look away from the shocking demonstration of lust and passion. The room was full of people, but the only one she could see was the woman, lying naked on her back, being fondled and suckled by two men while simultaneously being… Josie did not even know what the proper word was. All of this was so improper!

Mary had not exaggerated the Society’s depravities.

Taking another step forward, Josie was entranced by the flush of pink over the woman’s skin, the way she writhed, the glossy shaft plunging into her body over and over again. What would it be like to be in her place? Humiliating? Thrilling? Both?

Her body was incredibly heated, her own nipples becoming sensitive and hard beneath the silky fabric of her dress, her own core growing slick and swollen. The hot excitement curled between her thighs, working its way through her body, distracting her completely. When the woman screamed in ecstatic completion, Josie felt she might faint in sympathy.

A hard hand closed around her upper arm, making her jump, even as it pulled her toward its owner. She was dazed and confused as if she had just been woken from a deep slumber. So, when she stumbled as she turned and Elijah caught her, she could only gape up at him.

Her grand plan of shoving her presence in Elijah’s face—to show him he could not leave her sitting at home while he trifled with other women and expect her to stay there—was barely remembered. The shocking display of blatant eroticism had completely undone her, and when she looked up at his hard expression, she swayed closer to him. Wanting to touch him. To be touched by him.

“Elijah…” Her voice was softer than usual, trailing off. Yes, Mary had described the Society’s activities, but nothing had prepared her for the reality of seeing it or how it would make her feel. She had told herself she was curious but not interested in experiencing such things for herself.

Marriage to Elijah had already started her down the path of thinking otherwise, and she could not deny that she was hopeful for even more now. Her bottom tingled, reminding her of the times Mary had talked about Rex spanking her for misbehavior. It had been in the back of Josie’s mind all this time, unacknowledged.

She wanted Elijah to spank her for being a naughty girl. The steely-eyed glare and firm grip that held her trapped only excited her more.

“Josie.” He sounded almost grim, but his voice was low, not meant to be overheard by those around him—if they were even paying attention to her and Elijah. “What are you doing here?”

Rallying, she summoned her most impertinent smile—the one she had often used in the past when she knew Elijah did not approve of her behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it. Like the first time he had caught her riding in breeches, and she had informed him she had her father’s permission. At the time, he had said he would turn her over his knee if she was his.

Well, now she was.

And she wanted to know what it would be like to go over his knee.


Pupils dilated and eyes glassy, lips slightly parted, breasts heaving with her breath, cheeks flushed pink, it was clear Josie was aroused. Jealousy shot through him, combining with the possessiveness already assaulting him. He had never seen her look like this before. The way she smiled up at him, full of sass and mischief, was pure Josie, though.

“I was invited.” Her tone was silky. Smug. The little minx thought she had outmaneuvered him.

Any thoughts of watching the other members of the Society, to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, was rapidly falling away in favor of focusing on the woman in front of him. His wife.

Directing her away from the rest of the crowd—many of who were already walking away now that the demonstration of Nathan’s newest machine had reached its conclusion—Elijah reined in both his temper and his lust. Before her arrival, he had not struggled with his passion, watching the scene with the same scientific interest as Nathan.

Now that Josie was here, his interest had sharpened. Focused. Centered on her. How badly he wanted her. He was no callow youth, lacking self-control, yet having Josie here, in this arena, had him struggling with his desire in a way he had not since his days at Oxford.

“You cannot stay here.” He managed to get the words out through gritted teeth.

“Why not?”

Because she was a delicious, impossible distraction. Already, he could not concentrate on anything but her and worse, he did not want to. He wanted to take her to another room and do filthy, terrible things to her. Introduce her to all the perversions and delights, the agony and ecstasy, the Society had to offer.

However, she was a lady—his wife—and had been deflowered only two nights ago. He could not do that to her.

“You do not belong here.” It was hard to focus, to find the right words, and as soon as he uttered the sentence, he knew those had been the wrong ones. Not once in his life had he seen Josie back down from a challenge.

While she might be hot and aroused, distracted in her own way, she reacted as expected—attempting to tug his arm from his grasp, her brow furrowing into a scowl.

“I was invited by Rex. I do not need your permission to be here.” The haughty manner she said it made it clear she would kick up a fuss if he even tried to remove her from the premises.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, and he looked up to meet Rex’s gaze. No longer smirking, Rex raised an eyebrow at Elijah. Josie would not be turned away tonight. Not only would she cause a scene, but Rex would intervene. That was what that look meant.

Frustrated and stymied, Elijah growled under his breath. Bloody hell. He needed to convince Josie to leave on her own.

“You were a virgin two days ago,” he said harshly. “You are not prepared for what the Society does here. What you just witnessed was only the smallest part of the activities.”

Despite the flash of insecurity that went through her eyes, his words deterred her not at all.

“You have no idea what I can handle.”

Stubborn wench. Fine then.

“Then let us find out.” Turning on his heel, he pulled her with him toward the hall. There was a multitude of rooms with various toys and implements. He would find one suited to his tastes and show Josie exactly what she had walked into.