Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



I’mup in my room, making a list of possible people that could be messing with me. I want to catch this person once and for all. I want to have a plan in place to do so. I’m tired of Spencer and Vaughn's business suffering because of me.

Just thinking about Vaughn makes my fingers itch to touch him. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I want to make this thing last between us. But, with a stalker on the loose it’s hard to get alone time to talk about anything.

So, I need to end this stalker business now. Because I can’t start a new relationship with this hanging over my head.

It wouldn’t be right for him.

I glance out my window, spotting Vaughn’s truck sitting across the street.

I smile, grabbing my phone. “Hi stalker,” I text him.

“Can you sneak out?”

I laugh, grabbing a white cardigan as I make my way downstairs. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

My father stops me. “No, not with some crazy lunatic after you.” God, I feel like I’m in high school again.

“It’s ok. Vaughn’s outside.”

My father glances out the window, checking to see if Vaughn is indeed out there. He smiles when he sees Vaughn’s truck. “Be safe.”

I give my father a hug. “We will be.”

I head out the front door, down the lighted path lined with wildflowers, and hop into the passenger side door of Vaughn’s truck. “Hi.”

“Hey, want to go for a drive?”

I lean my head back, gazing up at the full moon hanging low in the sky. “Yes, that would be perfect.”

He pulls away, and I breathe a sigh of relief. This is what I want. Just me and Vaughn, just being. I have no clue where he’s going, but I don’t care just as long as we’re together.

He stops in front of our old elementary school. “Think we can sneak onto the playground?”

“I think they have a side entrance.” We both hop out of the truck, and Vaughn grabs my hand as we make our way onto the playground.

It’s carefree the way we walk together. And a pang of nostalgia hits me as we step onto the grass of the old place.

It’s a nice night out, and as we run toward the swings I laugh a little. “It’s been so long since I’ve been here.”

“Even longer for me.”

I sit on the swing and Vaughn moves behind me, placing both hands around the chains. He pulls me back and then lets go, and I swing forward.

When I make it back I feel his hands on my lower back as he pushes me. I haven’t been pushed on a swing in ages. I work my legs, pumping them to go higher.

Once I’m moving well, Vaughn sits on the swing next to me and pumps his legs to get as high as I am.

I let the wind move through my hair, remembering when I was just a kid, watching my brother and Vaughn play on the basketball courts during recess. I miss being young.

Vaughn laughs. “I don’t think I’ve ever swung on the swings.”

“This can’t be your first time.”

He’s way higher than me now. “It might be. But I think I can jump further than you.”

I laugh along with him. I know he can jump further than me. His legs are longer, and well, I’ve never mastered the art of jumping off a swing this high up.

“We’ll both jump on three. Ready?”

I smile, knowing full well I can’t jump going this fast. “Ready,” I shout anyway.

“One…two...three.” He catapults his body from the swing, landing perfectly on his feet a few feet away. He turns to see me, and laughs. “You didn’t jump.”

“I’m going to.” I turn my hands out, so I can make a desperate attempt at this. “I’m going.” I stop pumping my legs so I’ll slow down a bit.

“Come on, Pea. I did it.”

I close my eyes and take the leap, letting myself land in the sand. Vaughn is right there to catch me, his arms wrapping around my waist in a hurry.

“Thank you,” I whisper as soon as I’m positive my footing won’t come out from under me.

He doesn’t let go of me just yet, and his grip tightens. He kisses the top of my head. “You’re welcome,” he says, breathing in the scent of my shampoo. “I should stop this or we’ll end up making out on the slide.”

I laugh a little. “Race you up the slide?” I ask him, taking both our minds off not being able to make out right now.

He takes off.

Vaughn’s already down the slide before I even hit the first step. He makes his way behind me, laughing. “You’re not very good at this game.”

I turn around. Big mistake. Our bodies are lined up, and he’s caged me in with his arms. I have nowhere to go. I’m stuck on the ladder of a slide, with the only man I’ve ever truly wanted gazing into my eyes.

He doesn’t move.

“No fair,” I say to him.

“Admit it, I won.”

I shake my head, knowing full well he won, but not wanting to break this connection with him just yet. “No, I would have won.”

He smiles, leaning in. “You’re right. You win.”

I cup his face with both hands. “You’re so easy.”

There’s a twinkle in his eyes. “You have no idea.” And then he kisses me.

A type of kiss with all the feelings behind it. One that tells him how I feel about him without saying the words. This is what I want him to know with this kiss.

And it’s like he understands this language. Like we’re speaking it between ourselves, because he kisses me back in just the same way.

In a way that tells me he won’t ever let any harm come to me. The way he grips his hands in my hair, so needy, so determined. Like he wants me to know I’m his.

I am forever his.

He doesn’t even need to ask me.

I just am.

I want so much more in this moment with him. But, I don’t push. I let him come to me, creating the pace of our kiss.

He groans into my mouth and I swallow it down, keeping it only for me. I want to be the only woman who ever makes him feel this way. “Vaughn,” I say, breaking the kiss. “I only want you.” I stare into his soft blue eyes.

“I’ve only ever wanted you, Paisley.”

“Why didn’t you let me kiss you when I wanted to give you your graduation gift?”

Vaughn pulls back, meeting my eyes. He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Paisley, I knew that if I kissed you I’d never leave for college. I’d never want to let you go. I knew I was no good for you.”

I cup his cheeks. “How could you ever think you’re no good for me?”

He shrugs. “Pea, you deserve the world.”

“Listen to me. I don’t want the world. I only want you.” I kiss him, letting him know that my words are true.

Chills skate across my skin, and I’m ready to tell him three little words that have been wanting to burst out for so long, but the moment is ruined when my phone rings in my pocket.

Vaughn steps away before I can tell him to ignore it. “Who’s calling you this late?”

I pull my phone out of my pocket. “Blocked number.” And my heart drops.

Because I know who it is.

Vaughn grabs the phone from me and answers. Hello,” he says into the phone. “Caller hung up.” He hands the phone back.

“Let’s head home.” I no longer feel safe being out in the open.

We make our way back to Vaughn’s truck and both his back tires are slashed. “Motherfucker,” he says.

“This is all my fault.” I feel the heaviness of the situation crash down all around me. Everyone’s being affected because someone has a problem with me.

I’m done playing the victim.

“No, you’re not allowed to blame yourself for this sick fuck.”

I can feel the tears wetting my cheeks. “I won’t let him continue to harass us any longer.” I won’t. This is over.

It ends tonight.

Vaughn wraps his arms around me and pulls out his phone, placing a call to Spencer and then to a tow truck. We sit on the curb, waiting, and I’m too afraid to even speak up right now.

I know Vaughn’s upset. About his truck, his business, this asshole harassing us. I mean, I’m upset too, but for some reason I can’t seem to direct the anger at the stalker. Instead it’s all directed at me.

Why haven’t I taken matters into my own hands yet? The asshole is after me. Why can’t I do something about it? Draw him in somehow.

My mind tries its best to formulate a plot. A plan. A course of action that will end this once and for all.

I’ve literally pacedmy tiny little room a billion times. Yes, a billion. Ok, maybe I mean figuratively but still. I feel like I’m right on the verge of a breakthrough but can’t quite put my finger on it.

I’ve got it. I need peas to figure this out.

Did you know peas are good brain food? Yes, they help improve memory. Did you know that peas have the same chemical compound that chocolate has that makes you feel good? It’s true, look it up. Peas really are underrated.

I rush into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of frozen peas and popping them into the microwave.

I shovel the superfood into my mouth, trying my best to figure things out. There has to be a clue I’m missing.

Then, it hits me.

I grab my purse and haul butt out the door.

I have a small plan that just might actually work.

There’s one thing that’s been bugging me since the day it happened. Something that has weighed heavily in the back of my mind, almost dipping into my subconscious.

It’s something I never thought about back then, but the more I think about it, the more I know I’m right.

I pull my car away from the driveway, hoping the engine starting doesn’t wake anyone.

Spencer and Vaughn left my house over an hour ago, and it hurts me that Vaughn’s truck was vandalized because of me.

I head downtown, making my way to the Groove nightclub after texting a certain person to meet me there.

I should tell someone where I’m going, and my mind immediately thinks of Vaughn. But, I don’t want to worry him. Actually, I know the moment I tell him what I’m up to, he’ll show up and ruin everything.

I need to handle this with finesse and care. I know I can handle it.

Instead, I text Gwen, telling her I’m meeting friends at the Groove, if she wants to come along. I park my car in the lot of the club, and take a deep breath, fixing my hair in the vanity mirror.

And then I do it. I head into the club with all the confidence I can muster. Even though I don’t feel very confident at all.

My eyes scan the club, spotting the tall redhead right away.

“Jackie, thank you for meeting me.”

She smiles, her red hair shining bright and her eyes heavily made up with a little bit too much eye makeup. “Of course. I love hanging out.” She turns from me and heads toward the bar and I follow her.

I still remember the day at Vaughn’s condo. The note on his door, and then her phone call right away asking to meet me. She was already in the area.

Maybe I’m overthinking things, but it can’t hurt to check things out.

It wasn’t even something I thought about that day, but the more and more I let the thought fester, the louder the small little detail became, until it was screaming for me to take notice.

The last thing I keep rolling over and over in my head is the fact she doesn’t have the power to bring down Spencer and Vaughn’s construction company, does she?

She orders us both a drink, and then smiles. “I was thinking we could dance for a while.”

“Sure, I need to let off some steam.”

She just eyes me for a moment before grabbing the cosmos off the bar. “Here, this will definitely help.”

I take a sip, and then rock my hips a bit to play the part of someone ready to dance. Don’t get me wrong, I love dancing. I finish off my drink, smiling. “I’m ready.”

My phone chimes in my purse, and I dig to fish it out. Gwen. She’s coming to meet me, which is good timing, because my drink must have been strong.

I’m already feeling dizzy.

“Something wrong?” Jackie asks me, her red hair turning fuzzy before my eyes.

“Did you put something in my drink?” I watched her take the drink from the bar and hand it to me. She had zero time to do anything. Right?

She laughs. “No, of course not. Don’t be silly.”

The bar spins, and the lights are all too bright. But, I keep my hand securely on the chair in front of me.

I can’t let myself pass out, no matter how heavy my eyelids get. I try to stare at my phone, but it all blends together. Gwen. I need to text her.

I push at the screen, not really sure what I’m doing.

“You don’t need your phone to dance.” Jackie grabs my phone from me and plops it back into my open bag.

“I just need to text my friend.” Should I tell her Gwen is on the way? In my foggy mind I decide to leave that detail unannounced.

I can’t show her all my cards.

It’s obvious she drugged me, and I still have no idea how she did it. But, that’s not important right now.

The most important thing is to not pass…

Out.I passed out. Words filter through the air, but I don’t recognize the voices. My throat burns and I want a drink of water more than anything.

I don’t open my eyes, the lids are way too heavy to even try.

I have no idea where I am, and I don’t know if I can even sit up, or move. My eyes open, and I swear it’s like it took all my energy to just do that one action.

“She’s waking up,” I hear someone say off in the distance.

I glance in the direction, but can’t make anything out. Like the things I’m seeing make no sense to me yet. Like a bad Picasso, or Jackson Pollack.


That’s all I see.

Brown walls. Brown furniture. Brown-haired woman staring back at me with her big brown eyes. “She’s definitely waking up.”

My mind tries to remember. But my head aches, like a sledgehammer is drilling into my temples. “Where…” I try to finish my question but my throat hurts too much.

Jackie walks into the brown room, and my mind slowly begins to register everything.

The club. The drink. The passing out before I wanted to. My eyes dart around the room, this time looking for my phone, or anything I can use to better my situation.

I spot my purse in the far corner on a wood table near a big door.

“Welcome back,” Jackie sneers. “Thought I gave you too much there.”

The other woman laughs, but I don’t find it very funny. I stare at her. She looks so familiar. Where do I know her from?

Chuck’s wife.


I’m sitting in the middle of a loveseat, in a very expensive looking living room. Only it’s darker, like we’re underground in a basement. “Where are we?” I finish my question from before.

“You, my dear, are in my house. Don’t worry Chuck isn’t here.”

“You’re Mrs. Roberts, I mean Vanderweir?”

“I can see why Chuck likes you so much.” She laughs again, looking back at Jackie. “All he does is blab about how special you are. How you bring in the deals. It’s sickening.”

My legs are heavy, and I wonder if I can stand. “What did you give me?”

“Just a little something to keep you still.”

My mind plays tricks on me, wondering how they got me out of the club. But, in this day and age, they probably looked like they were helping a poor drunk girl out of a rowdy nightclub.

Gwen. My body perks a bit at the thought of Gwen heading to the club.

Is she there? Is she looking for me?

Would she even know where to look?

“Why?” I ask, trying to make my voice sound more firm, more solid. Like I can give them a fight if I need to.

Even though I don’t know how well my body can function at this point in time.

I wiggle my toes, thankful they move around in my shoes.

“Why didn’t you just fuck my husband when he asked?”

I nearly choke at her words. “Umm.” He never asked me.

This woman is obviously mental.

Rhonda laughs. “If you would have just slept with the man all this would not even be happening right now.”

I shake my head. “I don’t think I understand.”

“Look, we don’t want to hurt you. Just do what we want and your boyfriend and your brother’s company will be fine. We’ll leave you alone,” Jackie says.

“Do what?” At this point I will do nearly anything to save Two Ordinary Guys Construction.

“Say you slept with my husband.”

Except that.

“What do you mean?” I whisper.

Vanderbitch laughs. “Prenup.”

I scratch my head where I feel a lump forming. Did they drop me? “I don’t understand.”

Vanderbitch rolls her eyes, glancing over at Jackie before returning her attention to me. “If my husband cheats on me, then I don’t have to pay him when I hit him with divorce papers.”

“It’s all becoming clear. Will Vaughn and Spencer get their clients back?” I breathe a small sigh of relief when Vanderbitch nods. If I say Chuck and I had an affair, then they’ll leave me and my family alone. Two Ordinary Guys will get all their clients back.

I have to do this.

“Ok, I’ll do it.” I don’t know how I’ll do it. I don’t know the where of it all, but I know I have to do all I can for Two Ordinary Guys. “How?”

Rhonda sits next to me with Jackie at her side like a guard dog. “When I file for divorce they’ll ask you to swear under oath you and Chuck are having an affair.”

“Are?” I blink. “I thought I’d say we slept together once, or something easy.” Something that doesn’t involve my new budding relationship with the boy I’ve wanted my entire life.

Rhonda laughs. “Well it needs to look real, silly.” She stands from the couch, pacing the area.

I don’t like that she’s treating me like a kid. Her condescending tone doesn’t make me want to help her out.

I can’t believe Chuck ever fell for this woman.

“What do you get out of all of this, Jackie?”

Jackie wraps an arm around Rhonda and I quickly learn the two of them are an item. “I want to make her happy,” Jackie says, giving Rhonda a small kiss on her cheek.

“Fine,” I say, defeated. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

They both smile. “I knew you were a smart girl. First things first, you’ll have to break up with that major hottie you’re dating.”