Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



“Mom,I’ll be back in a few.” I hop out the front door before she can stop me. It’s been a few days since Saturday when Vaughn dropped me off here, and I’ve felt like a prisoner all week. Like a prisoner being passed around through all of my family and friends. I’ve also kind of felt like a burden.

Everyone’s constantly watching me, making sure I never leave their side. It’s been exhausting.

I have to admit, I do like Vaughn watching me, but I swear it’s like between my parents and Spencer, Vaughn and I haven’t had much ‘alone’ time together. And it sucks.

Because having such a fragile thing going on between us, well, it makes me nervous one little thing could mess it up.

I rush to open the door of my car, and start the engine, pulling away from the house in record time. I don’t think my mother even knows I left.

I can’t even imagine what will happen when the house is all done. Will I be able to stay there alone? For the first time since this whole stalker madness started, I’m angry at the person.

At the stalker.

Who is it?

I’m upset because for once in my life I feel like my freedom is being stripped away from me. I hate it.

And right now, it feels like there’s nothing I can do to fix the problem. Like will I forever be stalked?

Will this person ever show themselves?

Will I forever be a prisoner?

Ever since I spoke with Colby on the phone, I’ve gotten two couples who want me to redesign their homes. It’s a nice side gig. Maybe even something that could turn into a full-time gig one day.

I don’t know.

I like my job now, and I think I’m good at it, and I make decent money. But this, designing homes, is so much more fulfilling. I’ve been busily working on my computer at night, while missing Vaughn, I might add, and coming up with all new designs and layouts.

I stop at a furniture store, glancing at my phone and the live feed from the other day of Vaughn and me. There’s a handful of new comments, and I smile when I see people asking for more.

To say the post went viral is definitely an exaggeration, but it has gotten some visibility. Which is great for me and my new side hustle.

I look over my shoulder before entering the store, and wander around, assessing the many different styles. I want something sleek, and unique. Something that screams Paisley. My name, not the design.

Sure, I went through a phase in middle school where I only wanted paisley designs on all my clothing, backpacks, and anything really. I quickly grew out of that phase, thank God.

I spot a mint green couch, and move across the floor.

“Great thing about this one is it really does spruce up a place,” the saleslady says, stepping closer. Like a headmistress in a scary boarding school movie, her hair is pulled back as tightly as it will go into a bun on the top of her head. Her heels clack loudly as she moves throughout the tiled showroom.

“It’s a nice piece.” I gaze at the wrap-around sofa and move to take a seat. I lean into the couch, loving the feel, wondering if this is the one where I’ll read my most favorite books, or watch movies. I allow one thought of Vaughn and I snuggled together on the couch.

Through the window across the street I see movement, and I try to get a better look as the saleslady, who introduced herself as Linda, talks about pillows that would really pop.

I stand from the sofa, making my way to the front of the store so I can get a better look. “Did you see that?”

Whatever person I thought I saw has moved by now, and I keep staring out the window, wondering if my eyes are playing tricks on me.

“Let me show you this piece. I think it would be perfect for you.” Linda completely ignores my skittish behavior, and I realize I’m being absurd.

I smile, turning my attention away from the window, and follow her further into the store.

She shows off a three-piece sectional couch with bright pink flowers woven into the yellow fabric. “What do you think?” She waves a hand over the couch.

I nod, my eyes still trying to study the outside street. “It’s nice.” I don’t stop looking though, no longer caring about the fabric, because there is definitely someone following me.

I excuse myself from Linda, and step out the door onto the sidewalk.

There was a man in a hoodie. I didn’t imagine him.

I’m not going crazy.

This isn’t good. I want to call someone but who? I know Spencer and Vaughn are busy with work. I don’t want to disturb them. I feel bad enough their business is suffering right now. And my parents live too far away to do anything. Also, I don’t even know if someone is actually even following me.

I’m all flustered.

I walk down the street, staring into the different storefronts along the way like a crazy person.


I’m into tools. I stop in front of the hardware store, ignoring the Halloween display and trying desperately to look at the reflection of what’s on the street behind me through the glass window of the store. But to any passerby, I totally look the part of full on hardware store gal, ready to shop. I open the door, ignoring the ding of the bell as soon as I walk inside.

I don’t want to put myself in danger, but at the same time I don’t want to head home. I want to be where people are, and maybe this hardware store wasn’t the best idea.

I smile at the man behind the counter as he walks to the back of the store. “If you need any help,” he mumbles as he walks through a door leading to a back room.


I find a display of keys and stare at them like they hold all the answers in the world, even though what I’m really staring at is the man in the hoodie who has reappeared. I crouch down a little, hoping he doesn’t see me.

He stops in front of the store and my heart pounds inside my chest so fast I’m afraid I’ll pass out.

The door of the hardware store creaks open, and the chime as soon as the door shuts vibrates through my bones.

Oh, no.

He’s in here.

Part of me wants to confront the man making my life a living hell. The other part of me is too afraid to even move. I hold my phone in my hand, wondering if I should call the police.

The man moves closer, and I grab a large key from the rack in front of me. I need something to defend myself.

I see him.

I step up behind him.

I take the key and wedge it between the back of his ribs. “Stop right there.”

He spins around and oh my god.