Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



Fuck.I almost kissed her. What the hell was I even thinking? I can’t kiss Paisley Watts. Ever. But, damn, I wanted to. I wanted it so badly.

Is that so wrong? One kiss?

Scratch that itch?

I went back and forth over it, telling myself to indulge in just one kiss and then never let thoughts of touching her ever cross my mind again.

But that’s the problem. One kiss wouldn’t be enough. I wouldn’t be able to stop there.

I’d want to keep kissing her. I’d want to keep touching her.

I’ve already gotten too close to her tonight.

Letting her scent and innocent eyes overtake me in some primal way. I can’t let her get to me again.

I drive to my skyrise condo in downtown Denver, and head to the elevator. When I step inside my home, loneliness washes over me once again. For some reason, Paisley’s empty farmhouse seemed more like a home than mine with all it’s expensive things and furnishings. I cross the hardwoods to the wall of glass and stare out at the city lights.

I won’t let the loneliness swallow me whole.

This high up I feel like a god, watching the life below me. However, I’m not a god. Because gods can resist temptation, and I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to resist Paisley.

The scent of blueberries and sunshine still lingers on me, reminding me of her. I cross the gleaming hardwoods in the living room, thinking of Paisley’s worn out flooring.

How will I get through this reno job?

I discard my clothes and head into the shower, turning the water as hot as I can handle. And then I think of Paisley on her knees before me. I fist my already thickening cock in my hands, letting the water run over me as a shield to the world.

I can’t act on these feelings.

But that doesn’t mean late at night she can’t keep me company in my mind. With her blue eyes gazing up at me, I’d touch her under her chin, leading my cock to her mouth and say, “Open wide.”

And maybe she would. Fuck, I know she would. Because Paisley, the one from my fantasies, always aims to please me.

My heart slams against my chest, the same as when we were standing on her parents’ front porch tonight.

And then my fantasy shifts to us on that porch, me leaning in to claim her lips. She’d moan out my name, and I’d swallow it down, thrusting my hand into her hair. Her soft fucking hair. I’ve never in my life felt hair that soft. My mind travels back to that moment with her, touching her blonde strands, twirling it through my fingers.

I let the dream play out in my head while I stroke my angry dick. Angry because I can’t ever let myself go there with her. I kiss her mouth, letting my tongue push its way past her sweet lips. I know she’d taste so damn good. I can picture it all with her, nibbling, touching, getting her naked. Kissing down her body, landing between her long legs. I think about dragging my tongue all along her slit. Fuck, I’ve never wanted anyone this bad in my life.

“Paisley,” I say on a groan, almost like a curse word. Like her name right now is naughty and shouldn’t be said out loud.

The hot water rains down over my body, cocooning me in this safe space where I can scream her name out all I want. Because it can never be real.

I keep tugging, fisting my hand so tight over my hard cock, imagining it’s Paisley’s sweet mouth taking all of me deep down her throat.

It’s at that exact moment that I lose control, my orgasm ripping through me, making me weak with exhaustion and has me wondering how on earth I can keep my distance from her.

“Enjoying your day off?”Spencer asks as he steps inside my condo.

I wonder why on earth he’s here so early. “What’s up?”

“Bad news, brother.”

“Come on in.” I shut the door behind him, letting him get settled in my kitchen.

“It’s bad. It’s like a rainstorm came crashing down on us today.”

I worry my brow. “What’s going on?”

“We lost three accounts today.” He sits on a bar stool at the counter. “Three.” He holds up three fingers.

“What do you mean lost? What about the contracts?”

Spencer shakes his head. “These were the three we picked up last week, they were supposed to come in today to sign, and they’re not coming.”

“All three just up and decided to cancel?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty hopeless.” I offer him coffee, turning the pot on as he continues, “It’s like everything was going so great for us, and then wham. We didn’t expect this.”

“Did they give a reason?”

Spencer shrugs. “They’re going in a different direction.”

I grab two mugs from the cupboard and pour the black coffee into them. “That’s a load of shit.”

I could flip out, yell and scream and take all my anger out on the ceramic mug in my hand, but what good does that do anyone? Even though every muscle in my body is begging for me to do just that.

“Tell me about it.”

I slide a mug over to him and open the fridge to get the cream. “What are we gonna do?”

Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “Got anything strong enough to put in this?”

I laugh. “I’ve got a little whiskey.”

Spencer pushes his coffee mug in my direction. “Perfect.”

I get the whiskey down from the shelf and pour him a little. “That should do the trick.”

“I guess we’ll just have to put the lost accounts behind us, and keep moving forward,” Spencer answers my earlier question.

“Still sucks. I’d like to call them, change their minds.”

Spencer shrugs. “Manny already tried.”

Manny’s our foreman, and a really great guy. If he couldn’t convince them to stay with us, no one could.

“What did you think of my sister’s new place?” Spencer asks, changing the subject.

I set my mug down, no longer wanting the taste of coffee to fuel me on any further. Because the truth is, I loved her place. I could picture her future there. But, I don’t know if I’m the man for the job to give her what she wants. “It’s fine. Maybe Manny can help her renovate.”

Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “Manny’s breaking ground over on the Moore project.”

That’s right. Damn, I forgot. “Ok.”

“Actually, your schedule just opened right up.”

Lucky me. I try to force a smile. “Cool.”

“Listen, I appreciate you helping her. I know it’s probably not what you want to be doing.” Spencer’s eyes meet mine and I can see the years of trust staring back at me. “I know you don’t have to help. So please let me know if you need anything.”

I stop being an ass. Of course, I want to help her. Spencer is my boy, and I’ll forever have his back, and Paisley is practically family. “Sure, it should be an easy renovation job. And honestly,” I smile a little, “I guess, I’m kind of excited to get started.”

“When are you getting started?”

“I’ll call her and tell her I’ll start out there tomorrow.”

“Electrical first?”

I nod. “Always, brother.”

Spending time alone with his sister...that’ll be easy.

I never question my abilities as a builder. From start to finish I know without a doubt that I’m making all the right decisions. There’s never a moment I pause and wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I’m confident, I am.

If only it were that easy with Paisley. Not only do I pause, but I stop, rewind, and try to fast forward. Every decision I make with regards to her, I question.

Working on her house has me feeling like two different men. The confident one and the one that wants to take more than I’ll ever deserve.

This will be one hell of a test.