Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



While we waitfor the cabinets and countertop to be delivered, which they said won't be for a few days, I decide to prep the kitchen and get it all ready for the installation.

“I’m gonna put in a good hour or two here. Will you be ok?”

She smiles, showing me her laptop. “I plan on working.” Her smile drops.

“If you need anything…” I don’t finish off my sentence, because I’m still kind of fuming about the plans she has with Colby. Who the fuck is this guy? And more importantly, is he good enough for her?

She smiles, and it damn near knocks me off my feet. “Thank you.”

I head off in the direction of the kitchen before I do something silly, like kiss her.

God, I definitely wanted to when we were in the store, when I told her to close her eyes and picture her dream kitchen. For some reason, I wanted her to say she imagined me in her kitchen, cooking dinner.

Yes, I’d cook for her.

I’m actually an ok chef.

No seriously.

The result of being raised by a single mom, I guess.

After I’m positive I have everything in place to get this project started, I lose myself in removing the standard cabinet doors and hardware to make way for the new ones I’ll be replacing them with. But, while I work, I can’t keep my mind from going back to Colby.


I’d love to know more about him. What have I been doing all my life? Why have I not been getting to know Paisley on a much deeper level?

I remember why. Because she deserves so much better than me. She deserves it all.

It’s the main reason I’ve stayed away for so long.

The reason I’ve never taken my friendship with her to another level.

Not to mention the fact her brother and father would probably kill me if I ever tried anything with her.

Doesn’t stop me from wanting her though.

The sound of my power tools finally quiet the thoughts of Paisley as I finish up. Once I’m done, I find Paisley on the front porch stoop, tapping away at her computer.

“I’m about done in here.”

She closes her laptop. “Ok, perfect. I’m ready whenever you are.”

“Want to see the destruction?”

She smiles that lazy smile of hers, and sets her computer aside. She follows me back into the house. “Wow. It’ll look so good once the new doors come.”

I stare at her for a moment, and then check my phone for the time. “We should get going it’s getting late.”


For some reason I hate the fact she’s going out with this guy and not me. And yes, I really did just think that.

I’m cracking under the pressure.

“Do you have plans tonight?” she asks once we’re on our way back to her parents’ house. “You can always join us.”

I smile. “Yeah, I already got plans tonight.” But, if I’m being honest I haven’t got shit planned, but I do now. I’ll be crashing their little party at the Groove.

Because I have to see who this Colby is. Does that make me a bad guy?