Curse of the Fallen by Eve Archer

Chapter Eighteen


“As you can see,” Anthony jerked a thumb at me, “I don’t need your help.”

Mateo continued down the floating stairs, tightening the belt of his black, silk bathrobe. The getup made him look like an oilier Hugh Hefner, although I’d thought the Playboy magnate had usually worn pants beneath his robe. From the bare legs poking out from under the hem of the robe, I suspected this guy wore nothing else. I cringed at the thought.

“Don’t tell me you were behind the attack on the meeting of the dons, little brother.”

Anthony fisted his hands by his side as he glared at his brother. “Stop calling me that, and yeah, that was all me.”

Mateo nodded, his appraising eyes never leaving me. “You certainly made an impression, although your stunt cost Father his best bodyguard.”

Anthony flinched. “Things got a little intense. Jaya was supposed to create a diversion, not orchestrate a massacre.”

“Jaya?” The older brother laughed. “Don’t tell me that crazy bitch got her teeth into you? I didn’t think scary was your type.”

“It wasn’t like that.” Anthony’s cheeks flushed, although I knew it had been like that. “Weren’t you were working with her, too?”

Mateo’s grin faltered, as he reached the bottom of the stairs. “She’s the reason I broke two ribs when this one’s lover tossed me from his palazzo.” He pointed to me. “Jaya is obsessed with Don Vicario, and everything she does is to punish him. That doesn’t always work out well for the rest of us.”

Anthony mumbled something about finding out too late. As much as I despised the she-demon, I had to give her credit for successfully manipulating the men of the Solano family. From what I could tell, the old don was the only one who hadn’t jumped at her command.

“But here you are, with the don’s girl.” Mateo crossed the room, standing in front of me, his heavy cologne making my nose twitch. “Not bad for a college boy.”

Anthony visibly bristled. “Better than you ever did.”

I wished I could slip from the room and skip all the family squabbling. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the two men ended up wrestling on the floor and pulling each other’s hair. I put a hand over my nose as subtly as I could, Mateo’s overwhelming cologne making me want to gag.

“But now you’re thinking about letting her go?” Mateo shook his head. “All because she gave you some sob story about being mad at the don and wanting to go home?”

“I told the truth,” I said, tired of the two men talking about me while I was right in front of them. “I do want to go home, and I’m mad at Dominick.” I cocked my head at Mateo. “Not as mad as I am at some people, though.”

Mateo smirked. “She speaks.”

I desperately wanted to kick the guy in the balls—and I suspected the satiny bathrobe wouldn’t provide much resistance—but I forced myself to steady my temper and bide my time. If I played my cards right, I could get away from both Solanos.

“I never said I was letting her go,” Anthony said. His face had lost the charming, boyish appearance, and he now looked as hardened and determined as his brother.

Whatever chance I’d had of Anthony growing a conscience, or taking pity on me and releasing me, had been officially torched when his big brother had waltzed in. I cursed the guy in my head then lowered it slightly and gave him my most innocent smile.

“From what I’ve heard, he doesn’t even know it was you who took her.” Mateo shook his head as if he was dealing with simpletons, although he came across as a thug compared to his younger brother. “If this abduction is going to do anything for the Solano name, we need to make sure that Don Vicario knows it was the Solano family who snatched his girl. We need to let everyone know.”

“How?” Anthony asked. “Send him a message?”

“In a way.” Mateo closed the distance between us and stroked one finger down my cheek, sending shivers of disgust down my spine. “Tomorrow night, we’re going to show up at his club with his girl on our arms.”

“You want to take Dominick Vicario’s girlfriend into Epicurus Marbella?” Anthony’s voice betrayed his shock.

I was with Anthony on this one. That sounded like a suicide mission.

Mateo bestowed an oily smile on me. “Let them see that the Solanos take what they want—from anyone.”

So, Mateo Solano was as stupid as he was creepy. That worked for me. If they took me to one of Dominick’s nightclubs, his people would be there, and his people were powerful, fallen angels. In a face-off between Dominick’s immortal, celestial creatures and a pair of overeager mafia sons, I doubted the humans would fare well.

I was counting on it.