The Blood Boss by Davidson King

Chapter Twenty-Four


Icrashed way before the others had, and Sibell ended up taking one of the guest rooms since it was so late. I remember dozing on the couch while reading about the land surrounding the tunnels and everyone talking about vantage points.

Cain carried me to his room. I was half-awake and half-asleep and felt him kiss my head and bundle me in, leaving me to rest.

Now, I knew it was morning and could feel him beside me. He was never a warmth as his body wrapped around me, but he was a secure weight. One of his hands was resting over my stomach, and the sudden need to watch him sleep had me turning slowly.

His eyes were closed, and he was as still as a statue. If I didn’t know he was a vampire, I’d think him dead. But not needing to breathe meant no rise and fall of his chest. As I rubbed my hand over his naked pecs and along his collarbone, there was no pulse to feel and I knew if I laid my ear there, it would be silent. But Cain was so very much alive, and his passion for everything he did was amazing.

An airy lift of the sheet showed he was naked all over, and while I knew he needed the rest, no one could say no to a morning blowjob.

Sliding along his body was like the best attraction ever. He was a gorgeous specimen, and it took everything in me not to lick and suck my way down to his cock. But I didn’t want him waking up just yet.

Under the sheets, ensconced in satin, I reveled in the gorgeous view of his flaccid cock resting against his leg. I couldn’t wait to suck it hard and hear his moans as my mouth brought him pleasure. I’d had a few partners in my life, but none like Cain. With him, it was different, more intense, addicting.

Gently, I grazed my tongue over his cock, smiling when it gave a little twitch. I did this a few times, each swipe pressing harder. When Cain adjusted his body slightly, I was able to get better access and slipped the tip into my mouth, sucking tenderly. When he started to plump, I hollowed out my mouth, increasing the pressure.

The rumbling growl that rose deep from his chest ignited me, and I swallowed him whole.

“Jayce.” His voice was rough, sexy, and made my already hard dick ache.

When I cupped his balls, his nails scraped my head. The tiny biting pain almost toppled me over the edge, but I wasn’t coming until he did.

“Fuck,” he growled, and I could tell he was loving every pump into my mouth, harder, faster, and yet gentle, likely worrying whether my throat was healed enough. He was using me, and I loved it.

The first splash of come on my tongue was water to a parched throat. He didn’t taste like anyone I’d ever been with. It was like a sweet refreshing wine, and I drank it all up.

When the last drop slid down my throat, Cain pulled the covers off and grabbed me, flipping me with ease. One second I was laughing and the next, I was arching into his mouth as he swallowed my orgasm.

My heart thundered in my chest, and I was panting with a huge smile on my face as Cain rested on his elbow, staring at me. He never had to come down from an epic climax; I did.

“I love watching what I do to you,” he said before crashing his mouth to mine.

As much as Cain and I both wanted to hide in bed all day and forget the impending doom that awaited us, we had to get up. Cain went to shower while I texted my parents to say hello. My phone rang a second later.

“Hey, Mom, you didn’t have to call me. I know you’re working.”

“Hi, honey, no not today. I called in sick.”

Dread bloomed in the pit of my stomach, and I sat up. “Sick?”

“No, not like that. Look, Jayce, I didn’t want you to worry with everything that’s already on your plate.”

“What’s going on?”

“Your father, he…” I heard some rustling and a door shut. “I had to move away from listening ears. The twins haven’t left my side since…”

“Mom, tell me what’s going on.”

“He took the twins out for ice cream yesterday when he got home from work seeing as they’ve been sad lately, missing you. And before you say anything, stop. It’s just because they love you.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t, but I needed to push the conversation forward.

“They were in the back seat and buckled in when it happened. Your father was just getting into the driver’s seat when a huge man grabbed him and punched him several times in the stomach. Your dad, he told me the guy kept asking him questions about you, asking when he’d see you next. It was weird but your father wouldn’t tell him so the man, he kept hitting him until he was unconscious.”

“Mom, is Dad—”

“He’s in the hospital, sweetheart, but he will be fine. He has a really bad concussion, and the twins are shaken up. I had to stay home with the kids today.”

“What did the man look like?” I asked, just as Cain was coming out of the en suite.

“All your father said was, he was huge, had light-brown, long hair with some beading in it. He can’t remember much else about his appearance.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, desperate to alleviate some of the pressure forming. A headache was not what I needed right now. “Why didn’t you call me yesterday?”

The bed dipped, and I peered up at Cain. I knew he could hear my mom talking, but he’d missed the beginning of the conversation and had his head tilted in confusion.

“He’s okay, Jayce, we didn’t—”

“Some guy kicked the shit out of Dad, asking him questions about me, and you didn’t think I should know?” My voice rose, and I didn’t want to upset her further, but how could she not see that this would be something I needed to know?

“I’m sorry. You’re just so busy because of us, we—”

“You’re my parents. I always want to know.”

“What hospital is he at?” Cain asked as he slipped on his shoes.

“Mom, what hospital?”

She sniffled a few times and, after a second, answered me. “Opal Grace General.”

Cain was out the door before I could stop him. I knew he was going to find out where the hell the scouts were that were supposed to be watching my family, but knowing him how I thought I did, I was sure he was sending vampires there to protect my father.

“I’m going to try and see if I can get over there today—”

“Jayce, no,” my mother argued. “It’s far too dangerous. Whoever this man was, he wanted you, and it wasn’t pleasant.”

“Mom, I need you and the kids to stay in the house today, okay? Let me talk to Cain, see if he can help.” I knew he would, but my parents were being kept in the dark, for what we thought was their protection. It appeared they needed to know what was going on.

“I don’t want you getting in trouble, please just—”

“I’m fine, really. It’s…it hasn’t been bad here.” That was as much as I could say.


“I love you, Mom. I’ll call you later. Please stay home.”

“I was going to go see your father later.”

“No, stay, please?”

There was a pregnant pause before she answered. “Fine, sweetie.”

“Thanks, I love you.”

“Love you too.”

I jumped out of bed, reeking of sex. I grabbed a towel and took the quickest shower of my life. I needed to get to my father and to talk to Cain. Rogos and Sable had crossed a line when they’d hurt my father. I’d do anything and everything at this point to end their reign and make sure it was known that my family was off-limits. I wasn’t a vampire, wasn’t scary or intimidating. But I had power, and they’d all see it soon enough.