The Blood Boss by Davidson King

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Who was supposed to be watching the Harlows?” I shouted at Petru and Emil from behind my desk in the study.

“Angela and Denver, why?” Emil looked over at Petru and then back to me. “Something happen?”

“Michael Harlow was attacked last night and is in the hospital. I want Angela and Denver in my study within the hour. Petru, I want you covering Michael in the hospital until I can find replacements who aren’t totally inept. He’s at Opal Grace.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Go, now.”

After he left, I looked at Emil. “We need others on the house and watching Anne and the kids.”

“Who attacked him?” Emil appeared worried and I knew it was because these people mattered to Jayce and that powerful man up in my bedroom had weaseled himself into all our non-beating hearts.

“Sounds like a Triton soldier. Just not sure who.”

“I’ll summon Angela and Denver, unless you wanted to?” Emil quirked a brow. I could summon them through blood. It wasn’t something I normally did, but perhaps it would send the message I intended for them that I was not pleased.

“I’ll do it. I need you to get over to the Harlow house. I will get replacements there soon, but until then, I need those I trust the most on this.”

“Of course.” Emil left and I sat in my chair, closing my eyes and summoning my vampires.

* * *

Jayce was sitting in on my meeting with Angela and Denver. Both vampires stood before me, heads bowed and silent.

“Explain yourselves.” I sat back and waited, knowing the raven-haired Angela would go first as she was the eldest.

“We were watching the Harlows and saw Mr. Harlow leave with the twins. I stayed to watch Mrs. Harlow and the remaining children there, and Denver followed the father and twins.”

I switched my gaze to the younger vampire. His golden hair draped over his face.

“Denver, were Michael Harlow and the twins your responsibility?”

“Yes, Sir.” His meek voice shook with obvious fear.

“What happened?”

Denver lifted his head infinitesimally, and I saw his emerald eyes shifting around the table, all places but my face. “I followed them to the ice cream shop like Angela said. I wasn’t seen. They went inside and I could see the three of them sitting at a table, eating. A woman approached me asking for help—her dog’s leash got tangled in a bush while she was walking it. I thought there wasn’t any harm in helping her since they were inside. But when I was done, I saw Mr. Harlow on the ground and the guy gone.”

“Why am I hearing about this from Jayce’s mother?” I stood, fists pressing against the top of my desk. “Why didn’t you report it immediately?”

“I reported it to Angela, who was my superior.”

My gaze moved to Angela. “A lot of back and forth happening here, wouldn’t you say?”

Angela nodded. “Denver called the ambulance, and I thought it vital I stay with the rest of the family. My apologies for not informing anyone before Jayce found out. I was trying to contain the situation and keep the rest of the family safe.”

“Denver, with everything going on you can’t be swayed away from a post by a little old lady and a fucking dog. Did it ever occur to you that you were being lured away for a reason?”

He just stared at me with wide eyes. No, it had never crossed his mind because he wasn’t trained properly.

“I’m relieving you, Denver, to go back to the training facilities. You’re not ready to take point on anything.” I looked over at Angela. “Your apology falls on deaf ears. You knew better; nothing about the way you acted was taught to you. You’re either lying to me, or you’re not cut out to be part of my team. Endangering those you’re ordered to keep safe is unacceptable and will be met with swift punishment. Angela, you are hereby stripped of your title as Squad Leader and will never work for me again. You will bear my mark as a sign of disrespect; I will contact you to arrange this. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” they said in unison. I could feel their upset. Denver reeked of shame while Angela was angry. Whether it be at me or Denver, I didn’t care. She wore her guilt and would bear my sigil as penance.

“You’re both dismissed. Denver report to Tal. Angela, you may go.”

They left with no fanfare, and I turned to Jayce. “Is your mother okay?”

“Yes, thanks for dealing with this.” He gestured toward the door where the vampires had exited.

“It’s my job.” I smiled, hoping it would ease his mind.

“I’d like to go to the hospital to see my father, Cain.”

I’d had a feeling this was going to come up. It was dangerous having Jayce leave the estate, but Michael and Anne meant too much to him and he’d already lost one set of parents to these merfolk. I wouldn’t let him lose any more.

“Okay, but I’ll go with you.”

“What about Sibell? She’s here, she can come with me. You have a ton of things to do.”

I wouldn’t trust Jayce with anyone except me, Emil, and Petru, and with the other two detained, that left only me.

“No, I will go. Sibell has her work to do; she knows that.”

“I won’t argue. I just want to see him.”

“You’ll want to cover the bruising on your neck. It’s not too bad, but he might notice.” Gently, I rubbed a finger over the faint marks.

“I’ll think of something. Thank you.”

Leaning closer, I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Give me an hour. I need to redirect my vampires. Emil and Petru can’t guard them for long, and I need to see who I have to post with your family.”

“Fair deal.” He got up and left me to my work.

* * *

Opal Grace General was the largest of the three hospitals in Black Veil. I didn’t often visit as I had no reason to. The smells were overwhelming, and I hoped Petru was holding up all right. I called him when Jayce and I left to let him know we were arriving. I had three other vampires tailing us, and they’d be taking over for Petru so he could return to my side.

“May I ask who you are in relation to the patient?” the nurse asked Jayce, and while she eyed me, knowing I was a vampire, I could tell she had no idea I was The Blood Boss. Very few humans did.

“I’m his son.”

“Okay, one at a time can go back there since he also has a bodyguard there as well.”

I waved Jayce on, knowing Petru would watch over him and his dad in my absence.

Lance and I sat in the waiting room while Jayce visited and found out exactly what this Triton soldier had asked his father.

The three vampires I’d ordered to come keep watch over Michael entered the hospital and of course garnered the attention of anyone nearby. They carried an aura around them, as many vampires did, but Lina, Nathanial, and Sammy were three of my best and most lethal. I had them guarding the tunnels, and while their absence would mean the others would have to be sharper, I felt they were needed here more. They could take on a Triton soldier together.

“Greetings, Sir.” Nathanial bowed his head out of respect as did the others.

“Thank you for coming on short notice. Michael Harlow is extremely important. He was attacked by a Triton soldier, and there is a possibility they will make an attempt on him again. He will likely be discharged tomorrow. I will need the three of you to keep him safe at all costs. Tatiana and Morris are over at the Harlow residence and between the five of you, that family should be safe.”

“Babysitting humans, Sir?” Lina cocked her head, curious. It wasn’t a task I generally gave any of my vampires.

“The Harlow family is Jayce’s family, and the Tritons and the Sirens very much want to know everything they can about him. Best way to do that is to get his family to tell them. I also feel, if desperate enough, they will take Jayce’s family and threaten to harm them in the hopes he will give himself up.”

“We understand, Sir, and will protect them with our lives,” Sammy said with a head bow.

“Thank you. Petru is guarding the door now, room 2213. Relieve him and send him back here.”

All three left and Lance shook his head. “I knew it had been too peaceful in Black Veil for so long. Now we have a war to try and stop before it starts, and you went and fell in love with one of the merfolk.”

“I’m not in—”

“Sorry, Sir, you’re in love. You can convince me of just about anything but not that.”

Love? I thought about Jayce and all the ways he made me feel. His smile, his firecracker personality. He was both shy and bold. He’d found out his life was wrapped up in lies, and yet he never let it tear him down. But most of all, when he was around, I didn’t feel lonely, my life felt full. Yeah, maybe it was love.