Boost by Vi Summers


Chapter 31




Raf and I went our separate ways for the rest of the day, and Sunday had me waking with a smile on my face, pleasantly achy, and wishing I had a little more of Rafael to satisfy my renewed morning craving.

I fixed a breakfast-smoothie, showered, pulled on a cute two-piece workout tight and crop-top set, and then sat on the wooden living room floor to paint my toenails before my workout buddy arrived.

Adrian lived on the lower floor, and we’d randomly got talking about workouts one day. From that conversation, we decided to make it a team effort two Sundays out of every month. Sometimes we would run, but I preferred at-home cardio workouts done in the privacy of my living room.

Adrian’s fitness put mine to shame thanks to the miles he cycled each day as a bicycle courier, and his humor never failed to brighten a room. For that alone, I always looked forward to our workout sessions.

A hard knock on my condo door pulled my attention from my pretty pastel-pink toe nails that now matched my workout attire.

“It’s open, Adrian!” I called, getting to my feet and awkwardly walking so my toes didn’t touch the floorboards.

“Who’s Adrian?”

My heart stopped beating, then kicked painfully when Rafael came into view.

“Raf! What are you doing here?” I asked breathlessly.

“I was in the neighborhood. Is that a problem?”

“No, not at all. Hi!” I threw my arms around his shoulders and melted into his tight hug.

His hands running up and down my back smoothed away the shock of him being here and reminded me of this morning’s desires.

I took him by surprise by sealing my mouth over his. His response was immediate, as if he’d been thinking similar thoughts. Hands cupped my booty and roughly pulled me closer. Our tongues met and moved in sync, kissing like it had been weeks, not hours.

Raf let out a delicious groan as our kiss eased to an end. “Nup, I wasn’t trippin’.”

I frowned. “Tripping about what?”

“Feeling a whole lot of things when I kissed you. One of them being how much I can’t wait to peel these off you.”

He plucked at the edge of my cropped tank and began to tug it up. I immediately clamped one arm over my breasts and fought him off with the other.

“As much as I want to, there’ll be no getting naked right now.”

Comprehension lit in Raf’s eyes. “Adrian?”

I nodded. “Who’ll be here any minute.”

“Then what am I going to do about this!” He pointed at the bulge in his jeans and pressed his lips into a tight line.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I suggest you try and hide it.”

A contemptuous snort left his mouth. “Hide it,” he muttered, like it was the most preposterous suggestion he’d ever heard.

Luckily for him, he’d just finished digging around in his jeans and had satisfactorily adjusted his junk, when a cheery double-tap knocked on my door.

It swung open and Adrian breezed in as if he lived here. “Just me. Oh, hey man,” he said, when he spotted Rafael.

Raf’s eyes narrowed as he looked my friend up and down, starting at his tight workout tank, to his equally tight black compression pants, and ended at Adrian’s unlaced sneakers. He then crossed his arms and turned a questioning expression on me. One arm jerked a thumb at Adrian. “This?”

“Is Adrian, my workout buddy,” I stated. “Adrian, this is Rafael.”

Adrian lifted his chin in acknowledgement, then rubbed his hands together. “We’ve got an extra today? Jeans aren’t really appropriate though, dude.”

I snickered when Raf’s eyes narrowed further. “No, Rafael’s not here to workout with us. He stopped by to say hi.”

Raf snorted. “I stopped by to negate the need to touch my own cock this morning, but him bein’ here is seriously killing the mood.”

My jaw dropped. “Raf!” I exclaimed in disbelief, only for the rebuke to become void the instant Adrian broke out into a fit of hysterical laughter.

A little smirk formed on Raf’s mouth when I turned on him. “What the hell!”

“I don’t mince my words, mamacita. You know that already.”

“Oh fuck,” Adrian wheezed. “That was too good. That’s gonna keep me laughing for days.” He dashed a finger across each eye and continued to chortle.

“Is this a regular thing?” Raf deadpanned.

My hands met my hips. “Yes, it is.”

“Is he single, or got a missus?”

“Oh, I’m completely single,” Adrian chimed in with a cheeky grin on his face.

It provoked a low growl within Raf’s chest, and I backhanded Adrian’s bicep. “Don’t be an egg. You’re goading him on purpose. Both of you stop acting like you’re on the school playground.”

Raf eyed my friend. “I would have pushed him off by now.”

Adrian’s smile-inducing laugh rang out, and he completely ignored Raf’s blackened mood. “It’s fun. And effortless, might I add.”

I pressed both forefingers and middle fingers to my temples. “I can’t deal with you two. Adrian, can we rain-check?”

Another hearty chuckle bubbled from his chest. “Yeah, Greer, we can rain-check. I’ll text you later.”

I accepted the chaste and purely platonic kiss to my cheek, and walked him to the door. “Sorry about that.”

Adrian flashed a grin. “Don’t apologize. It’s great to see you’re finally getting a little somethin’ somethin’.”

“Goodbye, Adrian.” I shoved him out of my condo before he said anything else mortifying.

“Bye, Greer. Hot outfit, by the way. The matching toenail polish is a nice touch!”

I fought my amused smile as I shut the door on Adrian’s flowing laughter, and as expected, when I turned, I found that Adrian’s departure hadn’t erased Rafael’s confrontational posture.

“You can quit with the folded arms and glacial glare now.”

“Please tell me he’s gay.”

Raf’s defensiveness was comical. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but he’s not gay.”

His index finger flicked in my direction. “So, you were going to wear that, and he was wearing that?”

I snorted. “I sure as hell wasn’t going to wear anything less.”

“This is too fucking sexy for working out, Greer, especially with him.”

Mimicking his unjust stance by folding my arms and glaring, I arched my brows so high it hurt.

“Ex-ca-use me? You don’t get to decide what I wear, how I wear it, or whom I wear it with. And most definitely not in my own home.”

Darkness clouded his expression further and his jaw ticked rhythmically. “I didn’t come here to fight.”

I threw my arms wide and huffed, giving him an overall well, what the fuck? vibe.

His eyes dropped to canvas the curves and contours of my body, and his tongue rolled across his bottom lip. “I ah, I guess I got a little jealous,” he muttered.

I rolled my eyes. “The night before last we went exclusive. What in your right mind thinks I’m suddenly going to start fucking my workout buddy for the first time ever?”

A sheepish look softened Raf’s features, and he ran his hand over his short hair. “Fuck, I dunno. I guess I wasn’t thinkin’ straight. But in my defense, what you’re wearing leaves nothing to the imagination.”

“Workout gear never does.”

He stepped closer, still running his gaze over me as if it was his first time looking.

“Light pink looks good on you, baby girl; makes your skin look darker, your eyes brighter… Mouth more fuckable.”

I laughed in his face. “The color of clothing does not affect the fuckablility of one's mouth.”

The rising heat in Rafael’s gaze created a rush of need pooling between my legs, and his lowered voice added to the weight. “I can assure you that it absolutely does.”

How his sexual energy fluctuated astounded me. Him calling me Boss Lady filled me with a sense of power, mamacita flooded me with unignorable desire, and baby girl straight-up made me melt.

“Actually, you’re right,” I murmured huskily.

Raf cocked an eyebrow in question.

“About clothes affecting one’s fuckablility.”


“Well…” I trailed a forefinger down his chest until it hooked into the waistband of his jeans. “I become extremely easy around men wearing dark-gray jeans and tight, black crew-necks. More so when they’ve got tattoos and know how to pleasure a woman just right.”

Recklessness ached beneath my leggings, and the provocativeness radiating off Raf was too powerful to ignore. It had me jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist without a single word exchanged.

“Let’s put that theory to the test, shall we?” he rumbled between stolen kisses.

“I dare you to.”

His strangled growl had me giggling as he carried me to the only bedroom in the condo—mine. There, he gave me a workout that was equally as intense, and far, far more satisfying than any at-home cardio session.