Boost by Vi Summers


Chapter 35




I walked into work bright and breezy the next morning. Roxiee was already going about her Monday morning routine of checking emails and absentmindedly sipping an extra large skinny latte.

“Morning,” I sang, on my way past her desk.

“Morning, babe. Good weekend?”

I couldn’t disguise the titter that escaped my smile. “You have no idea.”

Roxiee’s eyes widened, and she rushed after me as I entered my office. “Spill the goss already. Please tell me Friday night turned into a sexcapade of unforgettable proportions!”

I gave her a look.

“Oooh girl!” She let out a high-pitched squeal and held up her hand.

I high-fived it, buzzed off her excitement and gave her a tight hug.

She then grabbed me by the shoulders. “I hope that means you’ve got your focus back, because we’re on the countdown to the press release. We’ve got the announcement to finalize and both Colton and Arlo to brief.”

I waved off her intensity. “I’m confident we’ve got everything under control. Besides, we won’t need to worry about Colton; he’s used to the scrutiny. It’s Arlo we need to focus on prepping. Then, after the release, I’ve decided to hand the foundation account over to Tian. I’m too close now that Raf and I are officially dating.”

Rox’s brows hit her mahogany hairline. “That serious? Already?”

I cringed. “It is quick, isn’t it? But…” I waved my hand around. “With him, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

Her expression softened, and she set a hand on my arm. “You don’t need to justify it to me. I’m just glad you’re happy, hon.”

“I am. Not a word to Tian,” I said hastily, before the man himself waltzed through my door with his hands shoved in the front pockets of his suit pans.

“Morning ladies! How were your weekends?”

Rox tittered while I fought against the heat rising up my cheeks.

“Good thanks,” I replied evenly, while my PA and best friend simply couldn’t help herself.

“Not as good as Greer’s.”

Tian gave me a curious look, which I ignored and changed the subject. “How was yours?”

He shrugged. “The usual. Spent way too much on expensive liquor and added another watch to my collection. Limited edition.”

He lifted his hand and flashed the expensive new TAG Heuer, as if shelling out thousands of dollars on a watch was comparable to spending ten dollars at the coffee shop across the street.

Roxiee popped a hip. “I think it’s time I got a raise judging by that bling, Mr. Michaels.”

Tian arched a single brow, making his scorn appear more like a smolder. “You’ve got to be one of the best paid personal assistants in the city, Miss Montgomery. Quit while you’re ahead.”

She smiled and offered a flippant gesture as she sauntered toward the door. “You know me, always trying my luck,” she called over her shoulder.

Christian chuckled and shook his head. “So, good weekend, then?”

I opted for nonchalance. “It was, but I do need to talk to you about something.”

He parked his ass on the corner of my desk. “Shoot.”

God, I couldn’t remember the last time I was this nervous around him. I mean, this was nothing compared to some of the personal things we’d shared over the last decade.

I took a deep breath. “After the press release Monday week, I’ll be transferring the Donavan account to you. If you still have space in your schedule, that is.”

Tian did a double-blink and his hazel eyes widened on me. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

“It’s not sudden.” I sighed and pushed a hand through my long hair. “I’m seeing Rafael, officially, and I feel swapping accounts with you would be less of a…”

I didn’t want to say it.

“Conflict of interest,” he finished for me, in a displeased tone.


“Do you think that’s wise?”

“Yes. Besides, you’re the one who tried to take it from me a few weeks ago.”

Tian shook his head impatiently. “Not that, I’m happy to swap with the Yeldon account. I’m talking about your personal life choices.”

I scoffed. “You’ve got some audacity.”

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt, Gree. Fuck, you know this already.”

My heart squeezed. Bryce was a part of my life that would never fully go away, but if I didn’t trust my instinct, then what else did I have to base my decisions on?

Coming to Christian’s side, I set my hand on his arm. “I know, Tian. And, of course, I don’t want to get hurt again, but how am I going to know if I don’t take a risk? My gut tells me he’s a good person.”

His eyes hardened. “If he ever lays a hand on you…”

Having already lived through and left one toxic relationship, I’d analyzed and researched abusive behavior as a way of arming myself to avoid falling into the same trap twice. While Raf had alpha tendencies, he was still respectful of my requests, feelings and decisions. Not to mention he’d immediately stopped biting and spanking as soon as I’d said no. Because of that, I was confident he would never intentionally hurt me.

I held Christian’s gaze for a long moment and drew in a large inhale. “Him and Bryce aren’t remotely alike.”

The comparison was ironic really; Bryce, a tormentor hidden from view behind the cute Catholic boy façade, and Raf, the outwardly intimidating closed book with an unexpected sweet interior. So contrasting from every angle.

“I’m here for you no matter what, Gree. Now, personal life aside, I’ll ask Roxiee to give me a list of your meetings this week with Colton and Arlo, and if it’s okay with you, I’d like to sit in to get up to speed. That way we can hit the ground running next week with a seamless transition.”

I nodded. “That’ll be great. Get Elvia to do the same for me with the Yeldon account. This week’s going to be busy.”

“No rest for the wicked, babe.” Tian pushed off my desk. “Fuck, we make a great team.”

I laughed and walked the corridor with him, on my way to make a second coffee for the day. “I see your ego has inflated again over the weekend.”

He burst a hearty laugh that echoed between the glass walls of his office. “Babe, if you hadn’t realized I have an overinflated ego before now, then you really are blinded by my good looks.”

In a little show of naughtiness at the office, I flipped him off and grinned to myself as I made my way to the kitchen to start my busy week as I meant to carry on—with determination and caffeine.