Boost by Vi Summers


Epilogue—Part B




Idling at the start line with nitro pulsing through my veins, I glanced into the late model Civic next to me. I wasn’t met by a smug-ass grin like when I faced off against Arlo. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Tremayne’s hands wrung the steering wheel and his lips moved silently, as if chanting affirmation after affirmation. When I caught his eye, I recognized what he hid from the outside world; the struggles in his life, the being here out of need instead of simply indulging in the pure joy of racing, the necessity to take a chance to earn quick money.

I saw my eighteen-year-old self reflected in his eyes, and it pulled in my chest to know I was the one who held his cards in my hand. One flick could tear a promising future out from beneath him.

Fuck, I really had gone soft.

The flag girl took center stage in front of the seven-car line-up and forced my attention to return to the race. It surprised me to realize that my heart was less set on winning tonight and more focused on seeing what skills Tremayne had behind the wheel. And those foreign thoughts had everything to do with my entire world waiting for me at the finish line. Mamacita.

Yeah, I really had gone soft.

When the flag girl waved her top, then whipped it to the ground, I accelerated hard and punched through the gears each time my Supra hit the red line. I assumed this race would be a walk through, but as soon as Tremayne cut past on a tight right-hand turn, I knew the kid possessed something special.

Being pipped on the inside was the kick up the ass I needed. I dropped a gear, immediately demanding more performance from my car. The rest of the pack pin-balled behind me, dodging in and out of each other as Tremayne and I broke away.

Tit for tat. To and fro. Every goddamn corner we came to had the other taking the lead, and he was giving me exactly what I wanted him to—a decent fucking challenge.

This wasn’t a kid here with only his over-inflated ego. Fuck no. This was a kid driving for his future, and he was proving his point loud and crystal clear.

The home straight stretched out ahead of us and we screamed neck-and-neck down the deserted street. The roar of the high-torque engine working its ass off under the hood spoke to me on every level. It gave my soul life, and I would miss the fuck out of it when it was all over.

I gritted my teeth, knowing my finger would instinctively feel for the NOS button on the steering wheel. I expected Tremayne to hit his any second, but much to my surprise he held off much longer than any rookie would.

The kid had smarts.

I waited until the last possible second and then one more before flicking off the cover and slamming my thumb down on the NOS button, split seconds after Tremayne did the same.

The finish line passed in a blur, and I chocked down a couple of gears before cruising in a wide arc, circling back toward the partying crowd.

My heart pounded so hard it left me breathless. This was the first time in over a decade I legit didn’t know if I’d crossed the line in first or second. As soon as I stood from my car, Greer was in my arms and squeezing the ever-loving-fuck out of me.

“Who won?” I gasped.

“It doesn’t matter, because either way I really want to get you home, if you know what I mean.”

Sex aside, she had no idea how much it mattered. It was really fucking important.

Shady Sam and Tremayne pushed through the bodies surround us, both of their eyes wide and wild.

“Who?” I demanded, barely able to speak around how dry my throat had become.

“Brother, don’t shoot the messenger, man, but fucking kid-driver pipped you, Raf. Barely three-split in it.”

My heart dropped into my stomach. I couldn’t have it both ways; I knew that before we started.

“You wanna check the photo, brother?” Shades asked.

“Nah, man, I trust you.”

Tremayne had beaten me fair and square.

I clapped my hand into his and pulled him in for a congratulatory back slap. “I’m impressed, kid. You’ll be hearing from Colton within the week, I guarantee it.”

“Winner winner, chicken dinner!” Shades yelled, jostled between us, and slammed the newly rolled winnings into Tremayne’s hand.

Although he tried to keep his emotions locked down, that shit welled in his eyes. And that was when I set my ego aside, knowing in my soul the right outcome had eventuated. Tremayne needed this more than I did, and I was okay with that.

I held out my phone. “Put your number in here, bro. And when you kick ass on the Indy circuit, remember this moment.”

Tremayne took me by surprise by hugging me hard. I hugged him back, because fuck, kids like him—like past me—needed all the support they could get.

More than gratitude clouded his eyes when he handed back my phone. “Thank you, Rafael.”

With a nod, and my end of the ‘Tremayne winning’ bargain upheld, I turned my attention to the losing part of the equation.

I threw my arms wide and faced Shades. “I’m out, brother. That was officially my last race.”

“You sure, Raf? Ain’t no one has come close to knocking you off your throne until now.”

I drew Greer against the side of my body. “Positive. I got all I need right here.”

Shades smirked as Greer made goo-goo eyes at me—the kind that melted my heart and hardened my cock. Realizing that I never wanted that feeling to go away, I mouthed to Shades to distract Greer for a second, and re-positioned my woman so her back was to me.

As his comprehension set in, he got uncharacteristically flustered and didn’t know what to do with his fucking hands. As I dropped to one knee behind Greer, Shades took her face in his palms and kissed her like he had every right to.

Greer frantically shoved against his chest while I roared, “The fuck, man!”

Shade’s wild eyes hit mine. “Sorry, brother! I fuckin’ panicked, man. I distracted her for you though.”

“I didn’t ask you to make out with her! Fuck!”

I glared daggers until Greer turned and saw me down on one knee. She smothered the gasp that fell from her cherry-colored lips, and her bewildered gaze glistened with moisture as she shook her head.

I dug the ring out of my pocket and held it up so it reflected the light coming from all angles.

“Mamacita, I never thought I’d say this, or be in this position, but tonight is the end of an era for me, and the start of another. I met you here, and I claim you for life here. Be my ride or die, baby girl. My starting line, my finish line, and every line in between.”

“Raf,” she whispered, though stayed frozen to the spot.

“Marry me, Greer.” My voice cracked, and I roughly cleared it to get a fucking grip.

Greer’s arms wove around my neck as she threw herself at me. I caught our stumble and rose to my feet while anchoring her mouth to mine.

“I take that as a yes?” I murmured against her smile.

She lifted a trembling hand and splayed her fingers, her voice shaking as much as her hand when she exclaimed, “Yes! It’s a yes!”

Officially putting a ring on it, I lifted her from her feet and turned us in circles. Laughing and choking on the overwhelming emotions spurring through me, I lost myself in the moment of untainted happiness. The moment I never thought I’d allow myself to have.

“You make me so fucking happy, baby. And fuck I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Laughter danced in my ear. “I can’t wait for that either. This ring, though!”

Exactly; that ring! Close to eighty grand and custom made especially for her, it was nothing short of perfect. The yellow four carat square-cut diamond set on platinum, with half carat half moon diamonds on either side, was more stunning against her caramel skin than I ever imagined it would be. And worth every fucking cent.

I claimed Greer’s lips again. Her mouth fused with mine and her tongue spoke of promises of sexual favors yet to come.

Shades, who had already been whooping and hollering enough to gain a lot of attention, started running his mouth.

“I never thought I’d see the day. The apocalypse is coming, the apocalypse is coming,” he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Of course some idiot in the crowd heard it as the Popos are coming and created a wave of mass panic by screaming warnings into the night.

Word spread like wildfire, and partiers rushed for their cars to flee as fast as they could.

“Well, fuck,” Shades exclaimed and threw up his hands. “Guess the party’s over, brother.”

“I’d say ours is just getting started,” Greer declared, with a dazzling smile that turned coy. “Well, as soon as my fiancé takes me home…”

Her sweet laughter danced around me as I set my hands on her ass and boosted her into my arms.

“Laters, brother,” I called to Shades.

His deranged laughter bounced off my back as I carried my girl to the car. “I bet you fifty you don’t make it home before cock’s out, brah.”

A growl snagged in my throat; I’d love nothing more than to take Greer here and now; fuck her hard and fast against the heated hood of my Supra. Stake my claim for the entire party to see.

Instead, I lowered her feet to the ground and anchored her hips in place with my own. She looked up at me with a blinding smile that shunted my world further off-balance.

I rolled my tongue along my lower lip, already planning the many ways I intended to devour her tonight.

“Sure you wanna marry me, baby? I’m a lot to handle.”

Greer took my face in her hands and smiled against my mouth. “Slick, I’ve had you handled from the moment you stepped into my world.”

My fingers bit into her ass as I squeezed. “And I’ve had you wet and willing every step of the way.”

“Is that right?” she teased.

“You wanna prove me wrong?” I shamelessly rolled my hips against hers, knowing the anticipation would make her hot and drive her wild.

A devilish glint entered her mocha irises as her legs opened a fraction wider, provoking me to push the boundaries.

“I dare you to.”

“Fuck.” The single word came out pained, and I tilted my head back to the night sky to try and get a grip.

I couldn’t. Not with her pelvis brushing against my erection and intentionally pushing the limits of my control.

“Greer,” I warned in a low tone.

An innocent expression accompanied the batting of her long, dark eyelashes. “What? A girl can’t help getting impatient when she’s yet to have sex with her new fiancé.”

My control officially obliterated.

Without warning, I had the passenger door open and Greer stuffed into the seat with haste that made her cry out in surprise.

Rounding the hood, I slid behind the wheel in three-seconds flat. Utterly breathless and unable to ignore the painful throb of my cock, I reached for Greer and pulled her mouth to mine for one last taste. 

I could never satisfy my burning hunger for her. It ran so hot that even spending an entire lifetime with her wouldn’t fill that craving. And, like the voodoo pussy-whipped man I was, I welcomed every single mile of it.

On a tortured groan, I reluctantly broke away and gunned the engine.

“Buckle up, baby girl. It’s going to be a fast ride home.”



-The End-