Boost by Vi Summers




First and foremost—Thank you to Kristy Bromberg (Author K. Bromberg). I am absolutely honored to write within your Driven World. It’s been an amazing experience and one I’m incredibly grateful for. Thank you for this opportunity, for being so fantastic to work with, and for lending me Colton, Rylee, and Beckett.


Next, my husband. I loved how invested you were in this story, and am still buzzing over the fact that you asked for a character to be named after you. Hence Shady Sam (it’s an inside joke). He’s a character I know you will love as much as I do. And I love you too, you little shit ;-P xx


Badass—despite getting your own book ready to publish, you beta read for me, cheered me on, made me tea, plus found the time to complete a final read through. And thank goodness you did! As always, I’m eternally grateful that you’re the other half of #teambatmanandbatman. xx


Beta readers: You guys were amazing! Author DL Gallie, Author Susan Pierce, Badass and Kellie—thank you so much for beta reading Boost. Your thoughts and notes were epicly helpful, and I am overwhelmed with the feedback (in the best way!).

Special mention to Dana (DL Gallie) who not only claimed Raf as hers, but who will be featuring Greer in her Driven World novel Fractured! *excited gasp*


A massive thank you to Amanda at Dark Raven Edits. Your turnaround time was phenomenal and, as always, you’ve been a pleasure to work with. Thank you for working your magic and polishing up my book baby!


A huge thank you to Terri at TLO Editing Services and Michelle at Literary Edits for proofreading this for me. And also a massive thank you to Jessica at Diamond Editing and Proofreading Services for casting a final set of eyes over Boost after my low-key freak out.You’ve put my mind triply at ease. xx


ARC team, Bookstagrammers and Bloggers—you guys are worth your weight in gold. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and reviewing my words. I appreciate that it takes your precious time and effort, and I’m forever grateful.


Readers. Each and every single one of you who purchased Boost… THANK YOU! It takes months of hard work to get a book ready for release, and I’m extremely humbled that you’re here right now, reading all that I’m giving you. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed Raf and Greer’s story!


Thank you to Anne Mercier for hooking me up with the title png in the correct font.


This is a super cute mention and thank you to Roxiee Lovee. In Boost, Roxiee Montgomery’s confidence and strength was inspired by this beautiful friend.


And lastly, an acknowledgment to the authors within the Driven World community. Thank you for the support and advice throughout this journey. You guys rock!!


Much love! Vi xx