Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


How the fuck did I not realize that Jane was a mom? As soon as I saw that fucking scar on her stomach, I knew what it meant, but I didn’t want to believe it.

If anything, I would have been okay with being the father. Even though I’ve never really thought about whether or not I want to be one, I wouldn’t have minded knocking Jane up and keeping her for myself. I wouldn’t have minded having a family with her and making sure that she was always mine.

But she ran shortly after our night together and got herself knocked up by some other man. Anger rushes through me like a wave and I stop, turning and slamming my fist into the wall. It punches a hole right through the drywall but I don’t give a shit.

I can’t believe that she’d leave here and turn to another man. I can’t believe that someone else knocked her up and apparently isn’t in the picture at all. Who the fuck would knock up a woman like this and then leave her?

I can’t fucking imagine it.

Swearing to myself, I dig through the closet in the first guest room until I find a sweater that looks like it will fit Jane. I always have clothing around, no fucking reason why, other than the fact that keeping extra stuff on hand is a good idea for when the shit hits the fan like it did today.

As I’m taking it back to her, my phone rings. “Fucking hell, now is not the time,” I say, silencing it and slipping it back into my pocket. Salvatore thinks that he can call me and have all of my attention anytime he wants it, but I have something a little more pressing to deal with right now.

Before I make it two more steps down the hall, though, my phone rings again.

“What?” I snarl into it, leaning against the wall. From here I can see the hole I just punched into it and I roll my eyes, turning away from the evidence of my temper. “I’m up to my eyeballs in shit, Salvatore, so this better be something really fucking good.”

“Hate to burst your bubble, Trevor. Do you remember the Wicked Bastards?”

Of course I fucking do. That’s the motorcycle gang that got too big for their britches a while back and our family eradicated them. His wife, Arabelle, was a member of the gang—or would have been had she had a cock and not a cunt. As it was, her father was the president and sold her off to get married to some asshole motorcyclist from another gang to tie the two together.

Their little idea was to band together with enough power that they could take down the Bonanno family, which wasn’t something that we were going to let happen.

So we killed them all. Except for Arabelle’s little brother and her mom, who fled town when the shit hit the fan.

“Fucking assholes. Need me to go piss on their graves?” It would be easy enough to do, since they were buried in some foundations downtown.

Salvatore sighs and I can just picture him standing on the balcony overlooking his garden. He loves being outside when he’s talking through whatever shit our family is facing, and for the first time since he called, I feel myself getting a little nervous.

“I wish it were that simple, Trevor. No, Arabelle’s fucking mother rallied the troops when she left town. I don’t know where she found these assholes or what rocks they all crawled out from under, but she’s apparently coming back and she wants revenge.”

“Fucking hell,” I chuckle. “You’ve got to be kidding me. What does she think will happen, that she’ll roll into town with her ragtag army of bastards and just...what? Take down the Bonanno family?”

Salvatore doesn’t laugh and I lean my head against the wall as I wait for him to speak. This is not what I need to be dealing with right now. I have to figure out what I’m going to do with Jane and how I’m going to keep her safe and close to me without her being in danger.

And now that I know she has a fucking kid? Jesus. A daughter, no less.

“That’s exactly what they want to do. Our intel is good, Trevor.”

“It always is.”

He exhales hard. “They’ve been amassing an army that they can use to try to take us out. Now, I’m not scared of her or the little brother, but I have no idea what type of assholes they’ll have found to take up the cause.”

“You think that she’s lost it? Gone off the deep end?” Why the hell else would someone think that attacking our family was a good idea? She must be insane to think that she’ll be allowed to walk away from this in one piece if she really goes through with it.

“I have no fucking clue. We tried to reach out to her just to see if we could talk any sense into her, but she’s impossible to get a hold of. They’re coming, Trevor, and we need to be ready. I’m sending the wife and kids out of town, and Marcelo is doing the same.”

“Fuck.” I scrub a hand across my face and try to really focus on what he’s saying. I hear the words, but they don’t make sense. You just don’t fucking do this. She faced a death sentence but we let her walk away in one piece and now she wants to come back and try her luck a second time?

We gave her mercy once, and you can bet your sweet ass that it won’t happen a second time.

“Figure out what you need to do to get ready,” he tells me. “Our intel says that they’ll be here this weekend, although just a few at first. They’re moving in slowly like they think that that’s going to keep us from figuring out what they’re up to.”

“She’s fucking nuts.”

Salvatore chuckles. “It’s the crazy bastards that you need to watch out for. If you have a piece of ass that you care about, you need to think about getting them gone for a while. They want to burn it all down.”

Instead of answering, I hang up on him and shove the phone into my pocket. I know that he’s referring to Jane and telling me that I need to get her someplace safe if possible, but I still can’t wrap my mind around it.

Turning, I look down the hall to the room where I left her. Even though I can’t see her from here, I swear that I can feel her. She’s in my soul, her heartbeat something that I feel in me even when we’re not touching.

Driven with purpose, I hurry to her, tossing the sweater I’m carrying onto the sofa next to her before I reach down and pull her up. Her legs are shaky and her eyes are wide as she looks at me. I’m not going to hurt her, but there’s fear written across her face.

“You belong to me,” I tell her, lifting her chin so that I can get a better look at her. “You’re mine, Jane.”

She shakes her head and her perfect lips part like she’s going to argue, but I’m honestly not interested in what she’s going to say.

“Listen to me. I wish that I could tell you something good, tell you that I love you, but all I know is that you’re mine and I’m going to protect you. There’s a fucking war coming, Jane, and I need to keep you safe.”

“I’m not yours.” She pulls back from me but I band my arm around her waist, holding her in place. “You don’t own me.”

“I do.” Bringing my mouth to hers, I kiss her hard, forcing her lips open with mine. She moans and I fork my hand through her hair, twisting it and holding her so that she can’t pull away from me now. Running my lips along her jaw and down her neck, I murmur, “I own you, Jane. I saw you first and just because you got away from me for a little bit doesn’t mean that I’m ever going to let you go again.”

I think that she’s going to fight me, but she doesn’t. Instead, she turns to me, clawing at my shoulders in an effort to get me to look at her. I do, then kiss her harder, my tongue tasting every inch of her perfect little mouth. She moans into my mouth and I breathe her in, feeling her inside of me.

She’s been mine from that first night. I may have lost her for a bit, but there’s no way in hell that I’m going to let her go now. Salvatore’s warning about keeping her safe rings in the back of my head but I can’t stop kissing her right now. I’ll have to figure out what I’m going to do about her later, because if I don’t get my cock in her soon then I might as well die.