Claimed Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


“What the fuck are you doing in there, Jane?” Making a fist, I slam it into the bathroom door and wait for her to respond. She doesn’t and I hit it again, enjoying the way it rattles. “Jane! What the fuck are you doing?”

I still have a boner. A fucking painful one, at that. I want her bent over in front of me right now so that I can sink my cock into her sweet little pussy, but she locked the bathroom door and the water is still running.


She’s running.

“Fucking cunt,” I growl, slamming into the door with my shoulder. It shakes but doesn’t give, which is exactly what I wanted in case of someone trying to break in and hurt me, but not what I want the door to do when I’m trying to keep Jane from being a fucking idiot.

I slam into it again, knowing full well that I’m not going to be able to knock it down this way. Swearing again, I turn, fixing my pants as I break into a run.

Tearing down the hall, I cut through the living room, throwing open the double doors that lead out into the garden. I don’t spend a lot of time out here, that’s why I have a gardener, and I race along the perfectly manicured path without really seeing any of the flowers as I run by them.

The bathroom window is wide open and I swear again, stopping short to turn and look around the property. There’s a high fence around everything, so it’s not like she could have gotten very far, but she’s nowhere in sight.

“Jane!” I bellow her name, really fucking ready to hunt her down and tie her up in my house. “Jane, you’re never going to get out of here!”

She doesn’t answer and I start running again, banking on the hope that she’s trying to get away from the house by scaling the fence by the driveway. There isn’t any other way for her to easily climb over the fence, and she’s probably hoping that a neighbor will see her and take pity on her.

I don’t see her from here, but I’m sure as hell not going to stand around with my thumb up my ass looking for her. Instead, I take off for the front of the house, cutting through my gardens and moving as quickly as possible. Each step brings me that much closer to catching her, and when I do...

Fuck. All I know is that I can’t wait to have my hands on her. I have no idea what the fuck she thought she was doing running from me, but I’m going to make sure that she never makes that mistake again.

I’ll tie her down. Put a collar on her like my cousin did to his wife. Dammit, I’m happy to lock her in a room and just fuck sense into her until she realizes that she can’t ever leave me again.

But first I have to catch her.

Her shoes lay where she kicked them off by a bush and I feel excitement pulse through my body. She’s barefoot, running scared, and not going to make it much farther before I stop her.

As soon as I turn the corner of the house I feel my heart speed up and I kick it into high gear. Jane’s at the fence, trying desperately to pull herself up it. I have no idea how the hell she got halfway up the fence, but she’s doing her best to climb it like a squirrel. This time, I don’t bother yelling.

I just run up to her and grab her ankle, her skin warm in my grip.

“No! Let me go!” Hanging on with her hands, she kicks back at me, her free foot colliding with my shoulder. Nothing she can do will really hurt me, and I jump up, grabbing her around the thighs.

I’m pressed into her as I pull her back and I breathe deep, enjoying the way she smells. My sweet Jane might have thought that she could get away from me like that, but I always knew that I was going to catch her. This close to her, with her cunt covered by only a few layers of fabric, I can smell how turned on she is.

She’d never admit it to herself, but she wants me.

“Get down here,” I tell her, pulling her back from the fence.

There’s a moment where she’s suspended between my arms and the fence and she fights me, trying to buck me off and hold on at the same time, but finally her grip gives way and she’s falling towards me, a scream ripping out of her. Thank God none of my neighbors are particularly nosy or I’m sure that I’d have someone knocking on my door in just a moment.

I catch her, my arms wrapping around her as I keep her from falling. She tips into me, her entire body slamming against me and I stumble back but stay on my feet.

“Will you stop fighting me!” She’s kicking and hitting even though she’s so close to me that she can’t get enough power behind her attacks to really do any damage. Still, it pisses me off that she’s fighting me so hard when I’m the only thing that kept her from busting her ass on the ground right now. “I just kept you from falling!”

“You kept me from getting away!” She wrenches hard to the left and drops her head down to where I have an arm across her chest to hold her still. Before I realize what she’s doing, she sinks her teeth into my arm and I suck in a hiss, letting her go.

“Fucking hell, Jane. Are you fucking rabid or some shit?” She spins away from me, slowly backing up until she’s pressed up against the fence, her eyes wide as she watches me.

She’s breathing hard, like some trapped creature on the Serengeti and I take a step closer to her.

“Don’t touch me,” she snaps, and I laugh.

“You didn’t mind me touching you the night I fucked you in the pub,” I remind her. “You didn’t mind kissing me earlier. You seem to think that you want something other than what your body does, Jane, and you need to figure that shit out fast. You also gotta stop this,” I say, waving my hand at her. “Normally, I’d kill anyone who thought that biting me was a good idea that they could get away with.”

“You’re going to kill me?” For the first time since seeing her again, she honestly looks scared. There’s a look on her fact that changes from angry and self-righteous to terrified about what’s going to happen to her, and I grin.

Good. She should be scared. I’m tired of playing these little games with her, of her thinking that she has any control here. She fucking bit me, for God’s sake, and that’s not something that I can just ignore.

At the same time, I’m not going to kill her. I will punish her, though. I will make her get on her knees for me and worship the ground I walk on until I know for sure that she’s not going to try to pull that shit again.

“I’m not going to kill you, but you need to come back in the house with me now, Jane. I’m not fucking around. You belong to me and you have to cut this shit out.”

She swallows hard and glances around us. It’s obvious that she’s looking for another way out, but there isn’t one. This is it. She comes with me or she ends up fucked against this fence.


My cock throbs at the idea. I would love to fuck her right here where anyone could walk by and see what I’m doing. The thought of her sweet body naked for me to see in the sun thrills me a little. “Strip,” I tell her. “I want to see you naked coming back with me to the house.”

Her cheeks flush hard and she shakes her head. “Not a fucking chance, Trevor. I’m keeping my clothes on.” Absentmindedly, she grabs the hem of her sweater and tugs it down some like she feels the need to really keep herself covered.

“It wasn’t a request.” I close the gap between us, enjoying how her eyes light up with fear when I do. “Strip it all off, Jane. I need you naked.”

She shakes her head. “No.”

Fuck. I can’t remember the last time someone kept saying no to me like this and I kinda love it. Sure, if anyone else were here, I’d be pissed that she was showing her ass and making me look like an idiot, but with just the two of us here, I’m loving this. I want Jane to be strong enough to stand on her own two feet so when I finally break her, it’s just that much sweeter.

“Your choice,” I tell her, reaching out and grabbing her top. She fights me like hell, twisting her body so that she can do her best to keep her clothes on, but I yank the fabric in two directions, the sweater unraveling as I pull it apart. She screams, doing her best to keep it on but I fight her, yanking it this way and that until I work it off her arms and drop it to the ground.

She’s wearing a black lace bra that pushes up her perfect tits and I lick my lips just looking at them. Reaching out, I run my hand along her curves, lightly cupping her breast before pulling down the cup to free her.

Then my eyes lock on something else.

She has her hands on her stomach, obviously trying to cover something up. Grabbing her wrists, I peel her arms back and pin her against the fence like she’s on a cross. She screams, fighting me the entire time as she tries to yank her arms down from where I have them pinned out by her body.

I barely notice the way her face twists and how fucking angry she looks. She’s panting at me, her entire body practically vibrating with anger as she rocks and fights against my grip. I feel her twisting under my hands but that’s not what has my attention right now.

There’s a scar across her lower stomach that I swear wasn’t there before. It’s old, healed up like it’s been there for years, and I reach down to trace it. I didn’t get to fully explore her entire body on the one night that we had together, but I know that this wasn’t there.

“Jane. What the fuck is this?”