Alien Skin Market by Lizzy Bequin


You know what I think? I think you’re jealous. You just want her all to yourself.

Jrayk’s words still echoed in Tristn’s head. It was the next day by the reckoning of the ship’s clocks, and Tristn had gotten a full three spans’ worth of sleep, but he was still fuming after their heated argument, and his mind still rankled at the captain’s accusation.

It wasn’t true. He wasn’t jealous.

His dreams during the night had proven that.

Raksha scholars held differing views on the issue of dreams. Some argued that dreams were wish fulfillment, a subconscious expression of one’s innermost desires. Others claimed that dreams were a form of prescience, visions foretelling things that would come to pass. Either interpretation was disturbing when it came to Tristn’s dream.

The human female had been there in his dream, of course. But Tristn had not been alone with her. Jrayk had also been there. Vaul too. Together, the three of them had done abominable things to the human female’s body. They had shared her, sometimes one after the other, sometimes in tandem, penetrating every hole they could fit themselves inside, snarling like savages as they fucked her and filled her and stained her both inside and out with their white seed. It seemed to go on forever, but their human mate was insatiable, and she cried out for more.

When Tristn finally jolted awake in a cold sweat, the human female’s screams still echoed in his mind.

Now, between the memory of that dream and his still festering anger toward Jrayk, Tristn found it difficult to stay focused on his work.

He was in his quarters, which doubled as a simple medical lab. In addition to the perfectly made bed, there was a large computer monitor on the wall, a set of medical supply cabinets in the corner, and a small desk off to one side where Tristn sat working on his log of the preceding days’ events. He had detailed everything from his purchase of M’reen from the skin market to their departure aboard The Longshot. Despite his threats to Jrayk, he had decided to omit the captain’s indiscretion with the human. At least for the time being.

But the work was slow going as Tristn’s mind continued drifting back to his obscene dream, followed by Jrayk’s harsh words.

You’re jealous. You just want her all to yourself.

A knock at the door shook Tristn out of these reveries. The sound had clearly been made by a small fist, and Tristn knew exactly who was calling. He took a moment to prepare himself before he answered the door, but it didn’t help. The sight of the human’s beauty nearly bowled him over like a physical force, and his cock instantly thickened with arousal, just as it did every time he laid his eyes upon her.

That dress.

That cursed dress.

Tristn had meant to provide her with different clothing today, but he had been distracted and forgot. As a result, she was still dressed in the same whisper-thin garment she had worn to dinner last night, and all of her enticing curves were still on full display.

To make matters worse, she had obviously just bathed herself a few minutes before. Her hair was still damp, and it clung seductively to her neck and shoulders. Her soft skin was ruddy from the hot water, and the air around her was redolent with the fresh, clean aroma of soap. Nevertheless, Tristn could still detect her natural feminine scent underneath.

It took Tristn a moment to find his voice. “M’reen…”

The human female smiled, seemingly oblivious to her effect on him.

“Hi Tristn. I came to get my medicine for today.”

“Ah, yes, of course. Please come in.”

Tristn went to the cabinets and retrieved a dose of medicine, which he handed to M’reen along with a cup of water. He watched her take it, his eyes studying the shift of her throat as she swallowed.

“Thank you, Tristn.”

“It’s nothing. I’ll provide your next dose with dinner.”

M’reen touched his arm.

“No. I didn’t just mean thank you for the medicine,” she said. “I mean for everything, really. I hate to think what might have happened to me if it weren’t for your help.”

Tristn hated to think of it too.

He still hadn’t told M’reen about the place where he had found her—the skin market. He had decided it was best to keep that information to himself. No need to burden her with such morbid thoughts.

M’reen hesitated for a moment, then added, “And I owe you an apology too.”


“You know, for when I, um…attacked you?” Her eyes darted briefly toward Tristn’s crotch, and he realized what she meant. Yesterday, after he rescued her, she had kneed him in the testicles. Afterward, he had been furious, to the point that he had actually considered giving her backside a sound thrashing just to put the little human in her place. But by the time they had gotten onto the ship and taken off, his anger had dissipated. And besides, it wouldn’t look good if they got back to Rak and the human told everyone that Tristn had spanked her.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, then lowering his voice added, “But don’t do it again.”

“Promise,” M’reen said, and then with a naughty twinkle in her eyes, she added. “I’d hate to think you couldn’t have any kids because of me.”

No sooner had M’reen spoken the joke than she seemed to regret it. Her cheeks glowed red with embarrassment.

“Sorry, that didn’t sound right,” she muttered. “God, I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not an idiot. A bit crazy perhaps, but not an idiot.”

Tristn realized they were standing very close, and his hand was resting on the curve of M’reen’s hip. When had that happened?

He drew his hand away and grew serious.

“Actually, M’reen, I owe you an apology too.”

“You do?” She looked up at him quizzically. The way her brow knitted with concern nearly drove him over the edge. “What for?”

Tristn silently cursed himself for what he was about to do, but he had no choice in the matter. He was under orders from the government of Rak. It was his job.

“I need to examine you, M’reen.”

“Examine me?” she gasped.

“Yes. A medical examination. It will not take long.”

Tristn had not been looking forward to this, but he needed to get it over with. He had put it off too long already. In truth, he should have examined the human yesterday, as soon as they had gotten her aboard The Longshot. After all, she was an alien creature, and there was no telling what diseases she may have picked up in that disgusting spaceport. He would need to examine Rawn as well, and he dreaded that. The shaggy beast would probably bite his damn fingers off. But hopefully M’reen would be a little more cooperative.

After a moment’s hesitation, she said. “Um, what do I need to do?”

“You’ll have to forgive me, but due to the space constraints aboard the ship, I’m afraid I don’t have a proper examination table. Why don’t you sit down here on the bed.”


M’reen sat down nervously on the bed, and Tristn set to work.

To begin, he drew a blood sample, which he inserted into the testing equipment at the side of the room. The monitor on the wall lit up, displaying an array of data. While the computers processed the information, Tristn continued with his examination, using a small flashlight to check M’reen’s eyes and look inside her mouth.

“So far, so good,” Tristn said. “Everything appears healthy. Now I just need to check your hearts.”

“Hearts?” M’reen laughed. “I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed to find I only have one.”

“Ah, yes. Forgive me. I learned this from Beh’thani’s book, but I forgot.”

“How many do you have?” she asked.

Tristn held up two fingers.

“Oh wow,” M’reen said, and her eyes fluttered toward his bare chest with amazement. That look set both of his hearts beating a faster.

He retrieved his stethoscope from one of the cabinets. A simple, old-fashioned device, but effective nonetheless. He removed his translator device so he could fit the earpieces into his ears. Then he knelt in front of Maureen.

But when Tristn went to put the diaphragm of the stethoscope against her chest, he realized her chest mounds were in the way. The too-tight upper section of the dress was lifting her mounds and squeezing them together tightly, blocking her breastplate.

Tristn took a deep breath. “M’reen, I’m…going to need you to lower the top of your dress.”

She hesitated, but only for a moment, then she nodded and slowly slipped the two straps off her shoulders, exposing her large, supple mounds. He knew the purpose of those mounds. They were glands which the human females used to feed their young. But why did Tristn find them so damned enticing? And why did those two pink nubs become firm and erect before Tristn’s very eyes, as if inviting him to touch and suckle?

Blood rushed into his cock, and Tristn was glad that he was kneeling, which helped to hide his sudden arousal.

He placed the stethoscope into the deep valley between those two luscious mounds and listened to the rapid rhythm of the human’s pulse. Her heart rate seemed to be elevated, but it sounded healthy.

While M’reen raised the top of her dress to cover her mounds again, Tristn set the stethoscope aside and replaced the translator device in his ear. He gave his cock a few seconds to soften, then he rose and went to a device on the wall.

“So…is that it?” M’reen asked.

“There is one more thing I need to check.”

He activated the synth skin dispenser. A small nozzle came forward and sprayed a thin layer of black fluid onto his hands, which immediately dried into a flexible glove that fit him like a second skin. He returned to the bed and knelt in front of M’reen.

“Tristn?” M’reen asked from the bed.

He despised himself for what he had to put her through next, but he had no choice. He was under very strict orders from the government of Rak. If he found any human females on his voyage, he was required to inspect them.


The anatomy of the human female was still very much a mystery. There was Beh’thani, of course. The first human female to come to Rak. But her five Raksha mates were extraordinarily protective of her, and they refused to allow their mate to be examined like that.

In a way, Tristn admired their protectiveness. Even though he had only known her for less than a day, he already harbored similar feelings toward M’reen. But he knew such feelings were pure foolishness on his part. M’reen was not his mate, and she never would be.

He had to examine her now, first with his fingers, and then with a device which would scan the interior of her feminine anatomy.

She stared at him with her dark, wet eyes, and her bottom lip trembled nervously.

“Tristn?” Her voice was a soft whimper. “What are you doing?”

Tristn sighed. “I need to inspect your female hole, M’reen. Now, please lift up your dress and spread your legs…”