Alien Skin Market by Lizzy Bequin


“What?” Maureen gasped.

Her heart jumped into her throat, and her nervous fingers clenched on the edge of Tristn’s bed where she was sitting, messing up the perfectly made sheets.

“I said I need to inspect your female hole, M’reen.” Tristn’s voice was cold and professional. “Now, please lift up your dress and spread your—”

“I heard what you said!” Maureen blurted, cutting him off. “It’s just…it’s just…”


Maureen was flustered. Her breathing suddenly felt tight and constricted. Her heart seemed to be skipping every other beat. When she spoke, it was a struggle not to stammer.

“Okay, first of all, it’s not my female hole! I mean, it is a hole, but…look, we don’t call it that, okay?”

“I understand,” Tristn said calmly, with an earnest nod. “In that case, how would like me to refer to your female hole, M’reen?”

Despite the uncomfortable situation, Tristn’s awkwardly phrased question drew an involuntary giggle from M’reen’s lips. It almost sounded like Tristn was asking if her pussy had a name. But she immediately grew serious again.

Why did Tristn need her to tell him the word? The translator devices worked for literally everything else. Why didn’t he know the word for her female anatomy? Surely the females of his own species had something similar, right? After all, the Raksha males were equipped with penises. Maureen had confirmed that much last night with Jrayk.

But as a professional investigator with the FBI, Maureen had developed a sixth sense for when someone was being dishonest. Maybe the body language cues were different for a Raksha, but Maureen was fairly certain Tristn was not messing with her.

He really didn’t know.

Maureen was silent for a moment as she thought about the different terms for her sex. Her preferred term was pussy, but that didn’t seem appropriate for a medical examination.

God, this was so embarrassing…

“My vagina,” Maureen said at last. “You can call it my vagina.”

She had opted for the most neutral term.

“Very well,” Tristn said. “I need to inspect your vagina, M’reen. I promise it will be a quick and painless inspection.”

Maureen’s heart threatened to burst out of her chest.

She really shouldn’t be so nervous. She had been examined by doctors before, of course. And besides, Tristn had already seen her naked when he rescued her yesterday. But the real reason for Maureen’s anxiety was different.

She wasn’t worried about showing Tristn her pussy. She was worried he would see how shamefully wet she had become during the past few minutes in his presence.

It was a combination of things that had done it to her. The sight of Tristn’s thick, corded muscles hadn’t helped matters. And then there was the deep, rumbling sound of his voice. And the stern, serious way he went about his work. And the gleam of intelligence in his orange eyes as he examined her. All of these details had stirred highly inappropriate feelings in Maureen’s nether regions.

But the biggest factor of all was Tristn’s Raksha scent, warm and pungent and animalistic. That scent was totally masculine, yet at the same time it was completely different from the odor of a human man.

In front of her, Tristn raised one eyebrow.


“Sorry,” she breathed. “I’m just…nervous.”

“I will try my best not to make the experience unpleasant for you.”

Maureen’s eyes drifted to Tristn’s hands, which he was holding up in front of himself the way she had seen surgeons do. She eyed his long, thick fingers coated with a thin layer of a black, rubbery substance, and she shivered.

Unpleasantness was the last thing she was worried about.

“M’reen, please…”

She took a deep breath and weighed her options. What would happen if she refused? Would Tristn force her to show him? Maureen doubted it. Then again, the muscular Raksha would have no trouble overpowering her if he wanted. Yes, she had caught him off guard yesterday when she had kneed him, but she suspected she wouldn’t get away with another sneak attack like that.

And besides, Maureen wanted to show him. She was ashamed of her attraction to this strange alien male. And she was further ashamed by the fact that she was attracted to all three of the males aboard the ship. But she needed him to see.

Maureen laid back onto the bed, lifted the thin strips of silk which formed the lower part of her dress, and opened her legs wide, exposing the most private parts of her body to the alien’s view.

Tristn groaned deeply.

“Great Goddess…”

Maureen tilted her head to look at Tristn’s face. His long ears had flattened against his head. His eyes were a pair of orange circles behind his glasses. His square jaw hung open in surprise.

“Is…is something wrong, Tristn?” she asked.

The Raksha doctor blinked as if waking up from a daze. His ears raised again, and he shook his head as if clearing it.

“No. Nothing is wrong. The external anatomy of your vagina is beautiful, M’reen. So very beautiful…”


“Healthy,” Tristn corrected himself. “I meant to say healthy.”

His rubber-coated fingers touched her, first stroking her plump outer lips, then caressing the narrow ridge above her clitoris. Ever so gently, one of those fingers peeled back her little hood of skin while another touched her erect bud. Maureen gasped aloud and shuddered.

The fingers drew back.

“Are you okay?” Tristn asked. “Did I hurt you?”

Maureen’s eyes were shut. Her shame was so great she couldn’t bear to look at him. She shook her head.

“No, you didn’t hurt me,” she answered. “But you touched my clitoris. And it’s…very sensitive.

“Clitoris?” Tristn murmured. “I see…”

A moment later, his curious fingers were on her again, touching and exploring. He rubbed her tingling clitoris, a little more firmly this time, and Maureen struggled to stifle a moan of pleasure.

“How does it feel when I touch you there?” Tristn asked.

“It feels…nice,” Maureen whimpered.

Nice was an understatement. It felt fucking amazing. The fact that Tristn’s fingers were covered in that weird rubbery substance was a bit unnerving at first. But the thin coating had a slightly bumpy texture that felt amazing against Maureen’s sensitive nerve bundle, and it sent electric jolts of pleasure shooting into her core.

The problem of her arousal was getting worse by the second. The way Tristn was stroking her clit summoned even more wetness from within. It leaked from her slit and trickled down her taint, then her ass, staining the sheets beneath.

“Hm,” Tristn grunted.

The Raksha doctor ran his finger tip up and down the middle of Maureen’s slit, separating her inner folds. A moment later, that finger withdrew, and Maureen opened one eye to see what he was doing. He was holding his glistening finger in front of his face, examining it intensely.

“Your vagina is secreting a slippery fluid,” Tristn said. “Does it always do this?”

Maureen squeezed her eyes shut again. Her cheeks scalded with shame.

“No, not always,” she answered. “Just…just when I’m…aroused.

Maureen heard Tristn swallow hard.

“You are aroused right now, M’reen?”

She nodded silently, unable to say the words out loud.

“I see.” Tristn was quiet for a moment, then he asked, “And does this response always happen in the presence of a male?”

Maureen’s heart was beating so hard now. She could feel her pulse throbbing in her throat, in her nipples, in her clit.

“It depends on the male,” she whispered.

For a long moment, the room was silent except for the sound of Maureen’s heavy breathing and the ever-present throb of the ship’s propulsion systems. Then another sound joined in, nearly inaudible at first, but gradually growing louder, and Maureen realized it was coming from Tristn. A low, rolling growl rumbling from deep inside his chest.

“Now I need to examine you inside, M’reen,” he purred seductively. “But I need you to help me. You must do exactly as I tell you. Now, place your hands here and spread your vagina open so I can see.”

“But Tristn—”

“Do it.”

The dominant growl in Tristn’s voice was not aggressive, but it compelled Maureen to comply with his wishes all the same. Slowly, she unclenched her fingers from the bed sheets and placed them between her spread legs. Then she pried her lips apart, exposing her pink interior to Tristn’s gaze.

Now he could truly see all of her. Nothing was hidden. Though Maureen’s eyelids were still squeezed shut, she could feel Tristn’s gaze on her spread pussy like the hot rays of a blazing sun.

“Beautiful,” Tristn purred again.

“Do you mean healthy?” Maureen asked.

“No. I mean beautiful.” The pad of his finger circled the rim of her exposed opening. “Exquisite…perfect…”

He drew a few more circles around her entrance, then centered his fingertip and started to push inside. His finger was much bigger than a human man’s, and his thickness stretched her as he entered.


“Keep your vagina spread for me,” he commanded. “Good human. Nice and wide, just like that…”

His finger delved deeper into Maureen’s pussy, curling and exploring her inner walls. She could feel the warmth of him inside her, even through the thin rubbery coating that covered his skin. The softly pebbled texture of that substance gently abraded Maureen’s inner tissues, making her writhe and moan on the bed.

“Another!” Maureen gasped.

“Another? What do you mean?”

“Put another finger inside me…”

Maureen could hardly believe how desperate and needy her voice sounded. She was practically weeping with lust. She never got like this with men, not even with a skillful lover like Bradley. No matter how horny she got, she always felt in control of her desires.

But now, with Tristn’s thick finger buried deep between her legs, Maureen felt like she was about to explode with need. It was his scent that made her this way. Trapped inside this enclosed space, the air was saturated with his odor, and it was turning Maureen into an animal.

“Another finger?” Tristn asked. “Won’t that hurt you, M’reen? You are so very small and tight. I fear I will damage you if I attempt to insert a second finger into your little vagina.”

“Pussy!” she blurted.


“Don’t call it my vagina. Call it my pussy. And don’t worry about hurting me, Tristn. I can take it. Trust me. My pussy will…oh God…my pussy will stretch for you…”

Tristn’s finger slid out of her with a wet sound, and Maureen was left with a disappointing feeling of emptiness. Only a second later, however, two fingers were pressing against her, demanding entrance into her body. There was an initial moment of resistance, then both fingers pushed inside, and Maureen yelped at the sudden, overwhelming sensation of fullness.

“Shhh,” Tristn hissed. “You must try to be quiet, M’reen.”

Maureen knew what he was worried about. He didn’t want the other Raksha to hear them, and neither did Maureen. The last thing she wanted right now was an interruption. She snatched the pillow from the head of Tristn’s bed, dragged it to her face, and bit down hard to block the pleasure sounds welling in her throat.

Tristn splayed his two fingers apart inside her, further stretching Maureen’s entrance. Even more fluid spilled from her wide-open hole.

“Goddess, it really does stretch, doesn’t,” Tristn muttered.

He left the sentence hanging, and instead focused all of his attention on fucking Maureen’s pussy with his fingers. Shameful, squelching sounds issued from her hole with each stroke of the Raksha doctor’s pumping fingers.

This wasn’t a medical examination anymore. This was all about pleasure, pure and simple. Maureen had no choice but to surrender herself to the domination of Tristn’s strong fingers deep inside her. Those invading fingers rubbed deliciously against the sensitive place on her front wall, and her wet channel swelled with her impending release.

“You are changing inside,” Tristn said. “Your pussy is growing tighter.”

Maureen released her bite on the pillow long enough to say, “I know. Don’t stop. Oh fuck, Tristn, please don’t fucking stop…”

“I won’t stop, M’reen. I promise.”

Not only did he not stop, but he added his thumb to the mix as well, grinding and swirling her erect clitoris, stimulating her both inside and out. Tristn was in full control of her body and her pleasure, and Maureen was no better than a puppet in his hands.

Her release hit her hard and fast. It ripped through her body like an explosion. She didn’t even have time to bite down on the pillow, and she was left sobbing with pleasure as Tristn’s fingers continued to dominate her pussy. Her legs shook uncontrollably, and wetness gushed from her stretched hole.

Finally, her climax passed, and Maureen lay back gasping on the sheets, which were damp with her sweat and her other fluids.

“What was that?” Tristn asked.

“You made me come,” Maureen panted.


Maureen gave an out-of-breath laugh. “You know…an orgasm? Don’t Raksha females have orgasms?”

“They don’t do whatever you just did.”

“Really? I feel sorry for them…”

Maureen sat up, threw her arms around Tristn’s neck, and kissed him. Her mouth opened for him, and his tongue delved inside, penetrating her upper lips while his fingers continued to penetrate her other lips down below. More wetness leaked from Maureen’s throbbing pussy, dripping down Tristn’s hand.

“Wow,” Maureen whispered against his lips. “That was—”

Before she could finish her thought, there was a hiss of metal and a blast of cool air as the door to the main corridor opened. Maureen and Tristn separated, and Maureen quickly pulled down her dress to hide the hot, wet mess between her legs.

But it was too late. Whoever was at the door had obviously seen everything.

It was Vaul.

The big Raksha’s eyes darted back and forth between Tristn and Maureen.

“Seriously,” Maureen muttered, her face burning. “Doesn’t anyone on this ship knock?”

But if Vaul was judgemental about anything he had just seen, it didn’t show on his bearded face. His expression remained as stoic as ever. Curious perhaps, but that was all.

When he spoke, his voice was deep but surprisingly soft.

“The captain wanted me to let you know we will be coming out of the interstices soon. We will be refueling at the space station of Betnt Koarth before we make our final jump back to Rak. Please come to the cockpit so you can strap yourselves in for the drop back into realspace.”

With a curt nod, he shut the door, leaving Tristn and Maureen alone again.

Tristn turned to her with a sigh.

“M’reen, I am sorry, I…”

“No, stop,” she said, placing her hand against his face. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’m not embarrassed. I mean, okay, maybe a little, but…”

“But what?”

“I liked what you did to me.”

Tristn gave a boyish grin, and those twin dimples made an appearance on either side of his perfect smile.

“I liked doing it to you.”

He leaned in and place a soft kiss against her lips, and for a moment all of those intense feelings came rushing back, but thankfully he pulled back before Maureen lost her self control again.

“Come on he said. Let’s go get ready for our arrival at Betnt Koarth.”