Her Striker by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Sixteen



Drew curled his arm around Gwen’s neck, pulling her close and kissing the side of her head. He ignored everyone around him as he walked to their cars from the field. His team had wanted to celebrate their win, and it was lucky that they had chosen Dizzy’s Pub as the place to do that. He had wanted to visit the location of his brother’s so-called accident for a while but had not worked up enough courage to do so. He knew as soon as he saw the bar, his chest would ache with the realization that he would never see his brother again.

Dean and Sam chatted happily next to them, not paying any attention to Drew or Gwen. Drew knew they would be hooking up soon. Dean had been pursuing her for weeks.

Everyone around them was in a great mood, coming off the first win of the season, and Drew loved the vibes. Football was the main sport at Stonewall University, but soccer also had a huge following. There would be parties that night even though classes started the next day.

Drew, Dean, Gwen, and Sam would not be attending the after parties, but they would meet the team and unfortunately, a bunch of fans and groupies for a couple of drinks at the bar.

As they all piled into Dean’s Ranger, Gwen was shocked that Drew slipped into the back seat with her, leaving the front passenger spot for Sam.

Drew leaned closer to Gwen. “Do I get a kiss for scoring the winning goal?”

Dean turned in his seat. “You two are going to make me vomit.”

Drew gave him the finger while Gwen giggled.

Sam pushed Dean’s shoulder. “Leave them alone. They have years to make up for.”

The ride to Dizzy’s Pub may have only taken a few minutes, but finding a parking spot was taking just as long. The place was packed, and they could see people hanging out on the second floor. The balcony folding doors were pushed open all the way, allowing for the entire place to be open to the outside. The evening breeze provided just enough cool air to make the night enjoyable.

They were lucky to find a spot along the street, only a block away. The stores along the street featured small shops, a bakery, a coffee house and a hardware store. Gwen loved the area around campus. Even though it was near the city of Albany, it still had a small-town vibe.

The worn wooden double doors of Dizzy’s came into view and so did the line along the sidewalk waiting to get inside.

Sam frowned. “Aww. There’s a line to get in already. We’re going to have to wait.”

Drew cocked his eyebrow. “No, we won’t.” He linked fingers with Gwen, led her past all the college students, and approached the huge bouncer blocking the way.

The bouncer held up his fist for Drew to bump it. “Hey man. Good game.”

“Thanks. Team’s in the back room?” Drew winked at Gwen.

“Yeah, go on back. They all with you?” The bouncer motioned to Dean and Sam.

“Yeah. Just the four of us.”

The bouncer moved aside and opened the door behind him. “Have fun.” He didn’t hide the fact that he was checking out Gwen and Sam’s backsides.

Gwen tipped her head back to look at Drew. “Do you know him?”

He smirked at her. “I do now.”

Dean groaned. “Drew’s star soccer status allows him to skip lines.” He whisper-shouted to Sam. “He thinks he’s hot shit.”

“You can go back out there and wait in line, dickhead.” Drew gave Dean the finger again.

“I’m not complaining. Just stating a fact.” Dean wisely stepped out of Drew’s arm range.

Gwen laughed at their nonsense. “Where are we going?” Even though she had been attending Stonewall for the past three years, she didn’t come to Dizzy’s that often. She liked quieter and more low-key places.

Hardwood floors graced the entire place and matched the dark oak paneling. They passed booths that ran along the wall, pool tables over to the side and a few dart boards. The large rectangular bar took up much of the center of the room and was already crowded two or three deep.

The back room functioned as an event or party area that could be rented out or reserved. It had a smaller bar with a bartender and barback specifically for the soccer team celebration.

High-top tables surrounded the bar, and lower tables were scattered around the small area that was probably used as a dance floor. A narrow platform was being set up for a band on the far end of the room.

Drew led them over to a high-top table with four tall stools. He pulled out one for Gwen and helped her hop up, leaving his hands on her waist. When she didn’t protest, he decided to stay close and keep her in his arms. He liked touching her and couldn’t seem to stop.

A girl server hurried up to them, stumbling as she approached the table. She had been too busy gawking at Drew and Dean to pay attention to where she was placing her feet. She simply stood by the table staring.

Sam gave Gwen a look. “I’ll take a Summer Shandy.” The girl didn’t acknowledge Sam.

Dean chuckled. “Why don’t you make it four Summer Shandies.”

She giggled and nodded but didn’t turn away.

Drew groaned. “We’ll take some menus and a basket of chips and guac. Thanks.”

Gwen couldn’t believe the reaction women had when they saw Drew and Dean. The guys were both hot, but it was a little ridiculous. “Can we get some water too?”

Sam thought she was going to have to give the girl a little shake to break her out of her stupor.

Luckily, before she had to resort to that, the girl gasped. “OMG! You’re Andrew Maxwell!”

Gwen covered her mouth to hide her laugh, but Dean didn’t bother. He chuckled loudly.

Sam rolled her eyes. “Yes, he’s a big, famous soccer star.”

The girl giggled. “I can’t believe I met you. I knew you were coming in tonight. But, oh my goodness. Here you are. I can’t wait to tell my friend, Josey.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Drew was used to the reactions he got from soccer fans. He tried to be nice whenever he could, but occasionally, it got tedious.

She giggled again. “What can I get you all?”

The four of them burst out laughing. Dean repeated what everyone ordered, and she hurried away.

Gwen glanced up at Drew to find him staring at her. “Does that happen a lot?”

Sighing, he nodded. “Unfortunately. Yeah.”

Dean snickered. “He hates the attention. At UMD, we had a different girl wanting to get him to notice her every week. Sometimes, they would wait on our doorstep.”

Gwen studied Drew. He seemed uncomfortable with what Dean was saying. “Dean, did you find out anything about the email accounts?”

Drew squeezed her waist and leaned down to her ear. “Thanks, Sunshine.”

Gwen nearly burst into tears. She had to take a deep breath to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t think he would ever call her his old nickname for her again. He used to tell her that she was like the sunshine to him.

Dean and Sam pretended not to notice Gwen tearing up.

Dean cleared his throat. “Yeah. I discovered a lot. Gwen, all of Drew’s emails did get to your account but were rerouted to a hidden folder within your Archive folder. Most people don’t realize they have an archive folder or even check what is in there.”

Gwen inhaled deeply. “The emails are all still there?”

Dean nodded. “Yes. They are all there and have been read. I don’t know if anyone has been in the email account recently, but I changed the password and enabled two-factor authentication in case you want to use it again. Your father will not be able to get into it again.”

“Can I read the emails?”

Drew shifted beside her. “I would rather you didn’t. Some of the ones at the end were not that nice.”

Gwen didn’t answer. She wasn’t sure what her answer would be. She was torn between wanting to read them and letting the past go.

Dean focused on his friend. “Drew, your email account had a few rules established. Gwen’s email was blocked, but there was also a rule put in place that if the incoming email had the name Gwen either in the address or the body of the email, that email would go to your archive folder. Someone or some people wanted to make sure you two did not communicate.”

Drew cursed and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to confront his father, but he needed to find Landon’s killers first. That sobering thought brought him back to why he was at Stonewall and Dizzy’s.

Their server came back with waters, beers, and a huge basket of chips, salsa and guacamole. They quickly ordered burgers and fries before the girl scurried away.

Dean dug into the chips happily. It had been a couple of hours since he had eaten.

Sam scooped up some salsa and popped the chip in her mouth. “Whoa, that’s really hot.”

“Just how I like it.” Drew grinned and attacked the basket of chips.

Teammates and fans stopped by the table as they finished their meal. The room grew louder, and the atmosphere became rowdier. Music filled the room, and a few of the women were dancing in front of some of the single players.

Dean stood and reached his hand out to Sam. “Want to dance?”

Sam nodded and headed off toward the band.

When Drew stood up, Gwen thought he was going to ask her to dance too. She was surprised when he didn’t. “Take a walk with me?”

Gwen looked at him quizzically. “Sure.” She slid from the stool and placed her hand in his.

Drew focused on placing one foot in front of the other as they made their way to the stairs leading to the second floor.

Gwen squeezed his fingers when she realized where they were going. Drew needed to see where his brother met his fate.

They silently reached the second floor where it had more of a club feel than the pub downstairs. The balcony was filled with tables and a small tiki bar on one side. A railing ran along the entire balcony with a wide flat top that many college students were using as a table.

Drew stopped at the edge of the hardwood floor, not stepping foot on the outside deck. His feet felt like they were glued in place.

Gwen held onto him, quietly giving him the time and support he needed to face his brother’s end. “You don’t have to go out there.”

Drew swallowed the lump in his throat. “I need to stand there and see for myself.”

Gwen nodded. She would gladly stand there all night with him. “Why don’t I buy you a drink at the little tiki bar?”

Drew nodded and let Gwen pull him along. His legs felt wobbly, each step an effort.

Gwen weaved her way through the people that were gathered around and smiled at the male bartender. “Can I get a Jack Daniels and ginger ale and a Jack on the rocks? Make the Jack on the rocks a double.”

Drew arched a brow. “A double?”

Gwen shrugged. “Liquid courage.”

He wasn’t happy with her blurting that out. “Really? You think I need courage?”

She smiled coyly. “Maybe I want to loosen you up so I can have my way with you later.”

Drew’s eyes flared. “Sunshine, you can have me whenever and wherever you want.” He pulled her close and covered her lips with his in an abrupt, hard claiming that showed the entire bar that Gwen was his.

Just when she circled his neck with her hands and tilted her head to give him a better angle, the bartender cleared his throat and put the drinks down in front of her.

Drew pulled back and took a deep breath. He had almost forgotten where they were. Her lips tasted too good, and he had been denied her for far too long. “Our drinks are ready.”

Gwen frowned up at him. He stopped kissing her and was now talking about drinks? “What drinks?”

Drew couldn’t help but laugh. “The ones you just ordered.” He pulled out his wallet and dropped a few bills on the bar.

Gwen snapped out of her kissing fog and put her hands on her hips. “Hey! I was supposed to buy you a drink.”

“Next time.” He leaned down and nibbled on her ear. “You are so cute when you’re coming out of a passionate kiss. All muddled and cuddly. I can’t wait to see that expression again, but maybe next time, I’ll wake up to it.”

Gwen’s face turned crimson, and she turned her head into his shoulder to hide the evidence.

“Let’s take our drinks over there.” Drew pointed to an empty spot along the railing. Gwen had wanted to distract him with alcohol, but her kiss managed it perfectly.

They placed their beverages on the top of the railing that was about eighteen inches wide with a two-inch high ridge that kept things on the top and prevented them from falling.

Drew took a deep breath and looked over the side. He couldn’t imagine his brother accidentally falling from where he was standing. The railing came up to just under his ribs and was wide enough to make tripping into it nearly impossible to go over the side. There was no way Landon stumbled, even if he had been intoxicated, and fell over the side.

“Do you know anything about the night Landon died?” Drew needed to know everything he possibly could.