Her Striker by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Twenty



“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Gwen asked him for the third time.

Drew circled his arms around her waist and crushed her to him. “All we have done is plan and research. Nothing might happen tomorrow night. We could have it all wrong.”

“I know, but shouldn’t we be in the library with Dean and Sam?” Gwen’s fingers wound into the hair at his nape. She loved the soft feel of it.

Drew shook his head. “They can handle it. They’re the ones who are great at research and digging into computer systems they shouldn’t be able to access. Let them have their fun.”

Gwen giggled. “You think they’re having fun?”

“Hell yeah. Dean loves the challenge. If there is any information out there, he’ll find it.” Drew nipped at her lip.

Gwen’s mouth was preoccupied for a few minutes. “Shouldn’t we be helping and not going out to dinner?” She sucked his lip into her mouth.

“Dean shoved me out of our apartment and told me to go find something to do. I was driving him crazy. So, here we are.” Drew’s lips nibbled on hers. “We haven’t been on a date in years. I’m going to fix that tonight.”

Gwen shivered. “Where are we going?” All he told her was he was taking her out and he would love to see her in a short dress. She was more than happy to accommodate him.

Drew ground his hips against hers. “A little Mexican restaurant a couple of blocks away.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips and stepped back. They would never make it to dinner if they kept it up, and he really wanted to take her out. It was going to be hard enough with her in the sexy little sundress she was wearing. She looked so hot he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to concentrate on anything but finding out what was under the dress.

Gwen grinned up at him. “So, let’s go.” She slipped her hand in his. Drew always looked great in whatever he had on, but Gwen was particularly impressed with how his pants hugged his firm butt and the black golf shirt stretched over his chest.

A slight breeze cooled the night air as they strolled away from campus. College students lined the sidewalks as they hurried from one building to the next in search of whichever fraternity or sorority was having a party that night.

They stopped in front of a convenience store at the end of a row of shops. It had been converted into a restaurant that fit in with the eclectic neighboring stores. Tables lined the walkway and continued along the side of the building with bright table cloths, colorful umbrellas and mix-matched chairs.

Gwen loved it already. A high school-aged girl told them they could sit anywhere, so they selected a spot outside where they could people watch.

Drew ordered them a couple of margaritas with sugar and not salt, making Gwen grin at him. He remembered how she liked them made. Gwen ordered chicken enchiladas, and Drew picked a huge beef burrito.

They laughed and reminisced becoming lost in each other. Gwen couldn’t believe the amount of food that was piled in front of them. Her two enchiladas were enormous and came with refried beans and yellow rice. Drew’s burrito was the biggest she had ever seen.

Gwen fiddled with her napkin after their server cleaned their plates. “This was great, Drew. Thank you.”

Drew reached over and laced their fingers together. “It’s not over yet.”

“Oh yeah? What else do you have planned?” Gwen loved the carefree and relaxed Drew. The past couple of days had been stressful with not knowing what was going to happen the next night. They needed some time off.

Drew placed several bills on the table and stood, bringing Gwen with him. “Come on. I owe you some dessert.”

Gwen leaned into Drew as they walked along the busy sidewalk. She pulled him to a stop at a window with dozens of wind chimes hanging from hooks, strings and chains.

Drew smiled down at her. “Do you want to go inside?”

Gwen nodded. “Wind chimes remind me of your aunt’s house. She taught us how to make them when we were kids.”

They entered the store and Gwen immediately paused by a display of wooden chimes with birds, butterflies and other creatures carved into them.

Drew pulled down a small one about eight inches long and handed it to Gwen. “Here.”

Gwen’s breath caught. “It’s got a dragonfly on it.”

Drew kissed her temple. “You’ve always loved dragonflies. Aunt Dee planted those flowers that attracted them because she knew how much you liked exploring her garden to find dragonflies.”

“I still like seeing them.” Gwen inspected the beautiful detailing on the carvings. She held it up and gave it a shake. A tinkling sound echoed through the shop.

An older gentleman approached. “Can I help you?”

Drew motioned to the wind chimes in her hand. “We’ll take this one.”

Gwen grinned at Drew as she pulled out her wallet.

His hand stopped her. “I got this.”

“You don’t have to. You paid for dinner.”

“I like taking care of you.”

The man took the wind chimes, placed them carefully in tissue paper and laid them gently into a small box. “These are one of my favorites.”

Gwen smiled. “Did you carve them?

The man nodded. “I hand made almost everything in this store.”

“You have beautiful things in here. I’ll have to come back another time to look around more.”

“Please do.” He handed Gwen a bag with the box.

Drew shook the man’s hand. “Thanks. It was nice to meet you.”

They strolled along for a while, stopping before an Italian restaurant. Gwen peered at him quizzically.

Drew grinned slyly. “You’ll see.” He walked up to a glass counter filled with every sort of Italian cookie, cake, pie and dessert. “Two chocolate cannoli, please.”

Gwen bounced in place. Chocolate cannoli was one of her favorites. For someone who was new to the area, he sure knew where the best places to go were. “How did you know about this place?”

Drew winked. “Dean’s not the only one who can do some research.” He took the pastry box and several napkins and led her outside.

Gwen pointed to the bench nearby. “Want to sit over there and have our dessert?”

“Can’t wait to try these, can you?”


Drew placed a cannoli on a paper napkin and handed it to her. Powdered sugar fell all over.

She brought it to her mouth and moaned with delight. “This is so good.”

Drew had forgotten about his dessert as he watched her devour hers.

She noticed him staring. “What?”

Drew laughed. “You have chocolate on your lip.” He leaned over, licked the chocolate off and proceeded to kiss the smile from her face.

Gwen pulled back to catch her breath. “We can’t start that here.”

Drew’s eyes darkened. “Let’s go.” He gathered their trash, shoved it in the can next to them and pulled her along.

Gwen giggled, but tugged on his hand. “What are you doing? What’s the rush?”

“We’re going back to my house. Dean’s crashing at his brother’s tonight.” Drew continued his brisk walk but did slow down a little so that they were not jogging down the street.

“What if I don’t want to go back to your house?” Gwen challenged, enjoying the banter.

Drew stopped, turned to her and backed her into a tree. He hovered over her, his mouth, oh so close. His descent stopped short of her lips.

She tried to brush hers against his, but he pulled back, keeping just out of reach.

Gwen leaned up on her toes, but once again, he pulled his head back. She grabbed fists of his shirt to keep him in place. “Stop teasing me.” She laughed as she tried to bring him closer.

“Tell me you want to spend the night with me.” Drew’s eyes intensely held hers. His breath caught, waiting for her answer. “Tell me you want this.”

Gwen’s smile faded as she stared at the man she’d loved most of her life. “Take me home.”

Even though they have had sex in the past, Gwen’s nerves flared as they got closer to Drew’s apartment. They were older, but she wasn’t that much more experienced. She had only had one other lover and he had not rocked her world.

Pete and she had been dating for a couple of weeks and one night after a party, she had followed him to his room. His roommate was out for the evening, so they had the place to themselves. Pete had poured them a drink and settled her on his bed and proceeded to hastily divest them both of their clothes, leaving on his socks. He had lasted a whopping eight minutes and promptly turned over and passed out.

Gwen had gathered her clothes, dressed quickly and snuck out of his room. That had been the last time she had hung out with him and the last time she had tried dating.

“What has you thinking so hard?”

Gwen startled. “Sorry.” She hadn’t realized they had made it back to his apartment.

Drew held the door open for her as she passed. He turned and locked it before gathering her up in his arms. “Hey. We don’t have to do anything.”

Gwen gazed up at him.

“I’m serious. I want you. Let’s just make that clear, but I need you to want it to. You have to be sure that this is what you want to do.”

“I want to.”

Drew eyed her. “Are you sure? No matter what, I want to hold you in my arms all night long. We didn’t get many opportunities to sleep together before.”

Gwen arched a brow. “Oh, we slept together quite a few times.”

Drew chuckled. “No, I mean sleeping in the same bed. I’m looking forward to waking up with you tomorrow. We don’t have to do anything else.”

Gwen leaned up on her toes and kissed him with every single emotion that was rushing through her. She put all the love, fear, longing, desperation and passion into her seduction. Clinging to him, she walked them toward his bedroom. “I want you tonight. I want this.”

Drew’s arms tightened around her, crushing her to him. He ground his hips into hers as he maneuvered them into his room. He continued to kiss her, stopping briefly to close and lock his bedroom door. Dean wasn’t going to be back until morning, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

Gwen’s knees hit the side of the mattress and she broke the kiss, taking in much needed air. She toed off her sandals as he kicked off his sneakers.

Chest heaving, she lifted the edges of his golf shirt and started to raise it. He was so much taller than she was, so he finished what she began, taking it the rest of the way off.

Her flowered sundress didn’t have a zipper, so he gripped the bottom and ran his hand up her thighs, over her sides, grazing her breasts and pulled the dress over her head. His eyes flared as he drank in her beauty, standing in front of him in her matching lace panties and bra.

Gwen reached for his belt as he kneaded her breasts, pulling the cups of her bra down. He bent to kiss the side of her neck, over her shoulder and to her chest, stopping at the swell of her breast.

She shivered as he took the bud into his mouth and almost forgot she was helping him to remove his pants. Gwen managed to get them undone and over his hips, taking his boxers with them as they slid down his muscular legs. She grazed her fingers down his powerful thighs and was thrilled when she felt him tremble.

Drew’s hand circled her back, flicking open her bra with one move of his fingers and peeled the material away. “You’re beautiful.”

He picked her up and laid her back onto the bed, keeping her close to the edge. Moving his way down her chest, he stopped to lick her bellybutton. He chuckled when he made her squirm as he kissed and sucked his way to her panties. Taking the silk in his teeth, he pulled them lower, over her hips and down her legs.

She lifted up to help him as he paused to suck and lick his way down. Anticipation zinged its way through her. She had gotten a small reminder of how hot their passion could get, but this was a completely new level of heat.

Drew spread her legs, running his hand up from her knees to settle on her wet center. He slowly, torturously, ran his tongue along the folds, as he teased moans of pleasure from her. When his fingers joined his mouth, her orgasm tore from her and she called out his name.

Gwen’s arms were over her head and she gazed at him in contentment. “That was better than I remember.”

He joined her on the bed, pulling them both up higher. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” He reached over and grabbed a condom from his nightstand drawer.

Gwen took it from his hand. “I’ll do it.”

He fell back on the pillows with a smirk. “Are you going to ride me, Sunshine?”

She ripped the foil and rolled the condom on his hard length, running her hand up and down his shaft. She gave him a squeeze before straddling his legs.

Running her hand over him, she leaned forward to lick his chest, circling his nipple and kissing her way over to his other one.

“If you don’t take me inside right now, I’m going to flip you over and…”

He didn’t get to finish as she quickly took him in her hand and guided his tip into her folds. She sat down hard, filling herself with him completely. They both inhaled a breath at the exquisite sensation of finally coming back home.

Drew’s hands held her hips as they moved together, creating an intense rhythm that became more frantic as they got closer to the edge. Gwen squeezed her internal muscles, sending them both crashing into an abyss of ecstasy and screaming each other’s names when they climaxed together.

She fell down on his chest as they fought to control their racing hearts.

Drew brushed hair from her face. “I love you, Sunshine. I love you so damn much.”

Gwen sat up and gazed into his eyes. “I love you, Drew. So damn much.”