Fox by Harley Wylde

Chapter One

Raven -- Six Months Later

Balmoral Psychiatric Hospital looked nice from the outside. Anyone visiting would think it peaceful. They didn’t know the evil hidden in the night. Not even the doctors knew but trying to tell them never worked. They only upped my meds and muttered about hallucinations, delusions, and whatever else they decided to write in my file. They didn’t realize I spoke the truth. Their precious staff became monsters once night fell. Or maybe they were always monstrous, but the masks slipped once the sun sank below the horizon.

It hadn’t taken long before I stopped trying to talk to anyone. About anything. I’d remained mute for so long, I didn’t know if my voice would even work anymore. Didn’t matter. No one wanted to speak to me, except the doctor who only tried to shove more pills down my throat. Anything to make me better. Whatever that meant.

As long as I remained here, I’d never heal. The night guards would make sure of it. After the first time, I’d told the doctors. It hadn’t gotten me anywhere, and next time, the guards were rougher with me. I tried to end it all. Hung myself with my sheets. It only landed me a spot on their suicide watch, and a room with nothing more than a pad on the floor and a toilet in the corner. It still hadn’t saved me from the night guards. I’d been trapped, until I’d assured them I wouldn’t try again, and managed to make them believe me.

During the day, I enjoyed a bit of freedom. Other than meeting with the doctor and going to a few group therapy sessions, I could roam the Rec room. We had puzzles, crayons and coloring books, a TV mounted high on the wall, and some magazines. Mostly, I chose to sit in a chair and stare out the barred windows. The world kept moving, people going about their day, while I’d been stuck in hell for far too long. Attempting to kill myself never seemed to work. I didn’t know what else to do.

The sun sank beyond the horizon and my stomach knotted. I knew what would happen next. A chime sounded, letting everyone know we needed to move to the cafeteria for dinner. I followed the group from the Rec room, my skin crawling as I passed Guard Simmons. He winked at me, letting me know he’d be by later. As if I wanted him to touch me.

I went through the line and accepted my tray with bites of grilled chicken, rice, and carrots. Nothing I’d need to cut. None of us were allowed to use knives of any sort. Not even plastic ones. Even forks were forbidden. I picked up a napkin, spoon, and juice before heading to the nearest table. We didn’t have assigned seating, but since I hadn’t made friends, it didn’t matter whose table I joined. None of them would speak to me. I’d made sure of it by keeping to myself.

The food tasted bland. The chicken and carrots had been overcooked. When I’d first arrived, I’d inhaled my food, so thankful to have regular meals. The guards had left me alone the first two days. It had almost seemed a bit like paradise here. Roof over my head. Full belly. Afterward, I’d have starved myself to death if I could. I forced myself to eat every bite, knowing if I didn’t, I’d get a lecture tomorrow about needing to eat nutritious meals. They didn’t realize anything would be a step up from eating out of dumpsters, but no amount of food would change what happened to me after lights out. How could I enjoy anything knowing I’d have nightly visitors?

Dinner only meant one thing to me these days. It was nearly time for my nightly torment to begin. I couldn’t look forward to a meal when I knew about the monsters waiting for me when I had to return to my room.

By the time I’d finished, the next chime sounded. I carried my tray to the stack by the door and headed down the hallway. Each patient went into their room. I kept walking until I reached the end of the hall and stopped to stare at my door. I didn’t want to go inside.


I flinched as Guard Larson barked my name. I glanced in his direction. His eyebrows were raised as he looked from me to the door. Steeling myself, I went into my room, waiting for him to come by and lock me in. Crawling across my bed, I didn’t bother yanking the covers over my head. It wouldn’t help. I took deep breaths, trying to remain calm.

Minutes ticked by and the hospital began to quiet. The woman in the room next to mine started snoring, and I knew the guards would be by any minute. Once the nurse decided everyone would be quiet for a bit, she’d slip outside to smoke, and the guards would take advantage. She took three breaks every shift, and the guards came to my room one at a time after she’d left her post. Sadly, they tormented more than me, but the others kept their mouths shut. I often wondered if they’d learned to keep quiet the hard way, like I had.

My heart pounded in my chest at the squeak of shoes outside my door. I heard the lock twist before the door opened and then shut softly.

“How’s my girl doing?” Guard Simmons asked. “Been eager and waiting?”

I didn’t answer. I never did. I heard him move closer and saw his shadowy outline. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I forced myself to hold still. I heard the clink of his belt buckle and the rasp of his zipper. At first, I’d cried. I’d begged and pleaded. It hadn’t gotten me anywhere. Now I knew to endure it, keep my mouth shut, and wait for it to be over.

His fingers closed around my ankles, and he yanked me to the edge of the bed. He never got it over with quickly. No, Simmons like to draw things out the full fifteen minutes of the nurse’s smoke break. Felt like longer. He petted me, murmured disgusting things in my ear. When he reached for the waistband of my pants, I retreated into my mind, hiding from reality.

I usually came back to the present and found myself tucked into bed, a wet stickiness and pain between my legs. This time I heard shouts and what sounded like someone hitting another person. I blinked and tried to focus. Looking over my shoulder, I saw the nurse fluttering in the doorway, her eyes wide and hands dancing as she murmured, “I didn’t know,” over and over.

I stood on shaky legs, pulled up my pants, and turned to watch a younger, less bulky man trying to beat Guard Simmons into unconsciousness. The man wore jeans, a dark tee, and a black leather vest with writing and a flaming skull on the back. No, a skull with horns and flames. Hades Abyss MC.

“Please, Mr. Breaker. You need to stop!” The nurse shifted foot to foot, looking like she wanted to physically pull them apart.

The man she’d called Breaker landed another blow against Guard Simmons’ jaw. I realized the man hadn’t had time to zip his pants. As he lay on the ground, pleading for Breaker to stop, he suddenly had a knife up against his flaccid cock.

“I should cut this off, since you don’t know the proper way to use it,” Breaker said. “You think it’s okay to rape women?”

“Sh-she likes it,” Guard Simmons said.

“No, she fucking doesn’t!” Breaker jammed the knife into the guard’s thigh. Guard Simmons screamed like a girl and thrashed on the floor. “She’d checked the fuck out in order to put up with your filthy hands on her. That girl has been through hell. You were supposed to keep her safe. Help her. I should gut you right here and now.”

The nurse wailed and rushed off, most likely to get help. Breaker stumbled back, his chest heaving with every breath. Fury etched his features, until he turned and saw me watching. The change happened so suddenly. Instead of being angry, I could only see sorrow in his gaze. Breaker held out a hand to me, blood splattered across his fingers. He moved slowly, as if trying to coax a feral animal closer.

“I’m here to help you, Raven. Your dad sent me.”

I blinked and shook my head. My dad? I had never met him, nor did I even know his name. Mom hadn’t shared it with me. Whenever I’d asked, she’d become tight-lipped and looked like she’d been sucking on lemons. My dad couldn’t have sent this man. Wouldn’t have. Had he known about me, surely he’d have been here sooner. Unless he hadn’t cared.

Breaker stopped and dropped his hand. “I know I’m a stranger. Your dad is with another club. The Reckless Kings MC. He goes by Hatchet. He didn’t know about you until today. The second he found out where you were and that your mom hadn’t aborted you like she claimed, he asked my club to come get you. Will you please come with me?”

I glanced at the guard and saw the hatred in his eyes when he looked at me. If I stayed, things would get worse. Even if I didn’t know Breaker, he couldn’t hurt me more. Unless he killed me, but death would only be a relief at this point. The way he’d attacked the guard led me to believe he wouldn’t force himself on me.

I reached out and took his hand, letting him pull me from the room. The nurse came running down the hall, Guard Larson on her heels. Whatever he saw in Breaker’s face made him pause.

“You can’t just leave with a patient,” Guard Larson said.

“The one your buddy was raping?”

Guard Larson audibly swallowed and glanced at me. I tightened my hold on Breaker’s hand, drawing his attention. I looked from him to the guard and back, hoping he’d understand. He seemed to, since his lips thinned, and he growled as he faced Guard Larson again.

“Or maybe I should say the patient you’ve both been raping?” Breaker asked.

The nurse gasped and stepped away from the guard. At least I knew for certain she hadn’t been in on it. She seemed too horrified for her reaction to be faked.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m walking out of here with Raven, and no one from this hospital and certainly not the law, will come looking for her. If they do, I’ll make sure any guards she fingers as her rapists will get the same treatment in the worst prison possible. Are we fucking clear?” Breaker asked.

The nurse nodded. “I’ll speak with her doctor tomorrow. She’ll need her medication. I swear I didn’t know what was going on.”

“Doesn’t matter. You aren’t exactly helping her out of the goodness of your heart now that you do know. Your ass is on the line, right? Since it happened right under your nose. I have a doctor who will see her. I don’t trust any of you fuckers.” Breaker led me past them, pausing to look back at Larson. “I find out either of you hurt the nurse to keep her quiet, and things won’t go well for you.”

He turned and kept going, out the secured door at the end of the hall. We made our way downstairs and into the night. I breathed deep. It had been so long since I’d been in the fresh air.

He led me over to a truck parked at the curb and opened the passenger door. Breaker took a step back, giving me space, and I hauled myself onto the seat. He reached in and buckled me before shutting the door and walking around to the driver’s side. When he turned the key, the engine rumbled to life and cool air blasted me from the vents.

“I’m taking you to the clubhouse. It may be loud and rowdy, and I have no idea what we’ll walk in on. I need you to know the women there aren’t forced to do anything. They come to the clubhouse to party, and they can leave whenever they want.” He gazed at me as he put the truck into gear. “No one will hurt you, Raven. Not on my watch.”

I trusted him. Or rather, I trusted him more than I had anyone in a long time. No one had ever stood up for me. Not after the incident with the cowboys. Once my mother called me trash and a whore, I lost the last bit of confidence I’d had. The few friends I’d had turned away from me, and it felt like everyone stared when I left the house. I could almost hear them whispering about me. I sat quietly as we drove. The clock on the dash showed the trip had taken nearly an hour when we pulled up to a gate.

Breaker rolled down the window and waved at someone. The gate opened and he eased the truck through, pulling up to a building I assumed was the clubhouse he’d mentioned. Music blasted from inside and trepidation built inside me. He’d warned me women weren’t abused here, which made me wonder what I’d see inside that might make me feel otherwise. I unbuckled and opened the door. Before I could get out, Breaker lifted me into his arms.

I tensed but clung to him, not wanting to be dropped to the hard ground.

“Easy,” he said. “I don’t want you to hurt your feet. And the inside isn’t all that clean. Probably best you sit on a stool or chair, but don’t put your feet down.”

I tried to relax against him as he carried me inside. Smoke filled the air, and I coughed a little. It seemed rude to wave a hand in front of my face. My eyes and throat burned. As I scanned the room, I saw no small number of men wearing leather vests like Breaker. Some had their pants open and women on their knees, sucking them off. I inhaled sharply and tried not to freak the hell out.

They won’t hurt you. Maybe if I told myself that enough times I’d believe it.

Breaker walked up to the bar and set me down on an empty stool. The man next to me turned and I froze. His hair was going a little gray. Same for his neatly trimmed beard. He looked me over before focusing on Breaker.

“You really think bringing her here was the best idea?” the man asked.

“Sorry, Fox. If I took her to my place, she might have flipped out. I thought being around other people might be better. Plus, I thought Spider might be here. I have no idea where she’s staying.”

Fox. The name suited him. The man oozed sex appeal. In his younger days, he’d probably had to beat the women off. For that matter, he could very well have to beat them off now. They all had strange names. Who called their kid Breaker? Or Spider?

“You thought taking her somewhere quiet, and away from all this, would freak her out? But taking a rape victim to a clubhouse where people are openly having sex shouldn’t be a problem?” Fox narrowed his eyes. “Were you dropped on your head?”

Breaker tensed. “No.”

Fox switched his gaze to me. “Sorry, Raven. You shouldn’t have to deal with all this.”

“Want me to take her to Church?” Breaker asked.

Fox nodded. “I’ll call Spider and gather the other officers. We’ll be there in a few minutes. I’ll send a Prospect with a bottle of water for her.”

Breaker lifted me into his arms again and carried me through the room and down a long hall. He shoved open two doors and cursed as we entered the dark room.

“Shit. I can’t find the light switch while I’m holding you. Can you feel along the wall for it?”

I slid my hand from the doorframe outward, then up and down, until I felt the plastic plate. I flipped the switch and blinked at the bright light. Breaker carried me to the long table and pulled out one of the chairs with his booted foot. He set me down, then moved to lean against the wall within view.

“Only patched members are allowed in here,” Breaker said. “But I think it’s better to discuss your situation in here than out there. You okay with that?”

I nodded and folded my fingers together. So far, the men here hadn’t hurt me. If anything, the two I’d met seemed concerned about me. A knock sounded at the doors and Breaker cracked them open, reached out, and pulled a water bottle through the gap before closing it. He handed the drink to me, and I screwed off the top, taking a sip. He probably thought me rude for not saying thank you. It had been so long since I’d spoken, I wasn’t sure my voice even worked anymore. My last few months with the doctor had consisted of me nodding or shaking my head to answer questions. Anything more complex he’d had me write out, once he’d realized nothing would make me talk. Even when I wrote my answers, I didn’t tell him anything. What would have been the point?

The doors opened and Fox came in, with several other men in his wake. They took a seat, each eyeing me in curiosity, except Fox. I couldn’t read his expression. The man with Spider on his vest claimed the spot at the head of the table.

“Raven, welcome to the Hades Abyss,” Spider said. “I’m the President of this club, for now.”

Fox growled and shot a glare at the man. Spider cleared his throat and flipped off Fox before focusing on me again. I didn’t know what to make of their interaction. What did he mean by “for now” and why did it seem to upset Fox?

“Hatchet asked us to get you from Balmoral,” Spider said. “You’ll be safe here until he comes for you. I’m sure you’re confused and have questions.”

I stared at him. Yes, I had some questions. No, I wouldn’t be asking them. I glanced at Breaker and found him watching me, his brow furrowed. He’d likely figured out by now I didn’t speak.

“Pres, there’s something you should know,” Breaker said. “They abused her at Balmoral. The guards raped her. Caught one of them in the act when I got there.”

I shifted on my chair and looked down at my lap. And now they all knew. I’d be labeled a whore. Dirty. Just like before. They wouldn’t want me here now. Or maybe they’d expect me to join the women in the other room. Breaker had said those women were here voluntarily, but what if he was wrong? What if the women felt they had to do those things?

I heard a roar and jerked my head up in time to see Fox standing and throwing his chair against the wall. I felt my eyes go wide as I watched him proceed to pound his fist into the wall. I saw his knuckles split open and a small sound escaped my throat as I lurched to my feet. He turned, his gaze landing on me. Before I could second-guess myself, I rushed to his side and took his hand in mine, checking on the damage he’d done to himself.

“Sorry, pretty girl.” His voice sounded scratchier than before. “Didn’t mean to scare you. It pisses me off those men abused their power and did that to you. I want to string them up, torture them, and kill them slowly for daring to touch you.”

I lifted my gaze to his and saw the sincerity there. He meant every word. First Breaker had defended me, and now Fox wanted to rip the guards apart? Their quick leap to violence should have scared me. If it had been aimed at me, it certainly would have. Knowing they wanted to hurt the men who’d touched me? It made all the difference. I hadn’t realized men like them existed. They might look rough, and liked sex as much as other men, but I had to wonder if maybe deep down they were honest, decent men. They’d rescued me. Had they done the same for others?

“She hasn’t spoken,” Breaker said softly. “Not once. Not even when…”

I watched Fox and understanding lit his eyes.

“They told you to be quiet, didn’t they?” he asked.

I nodded.

“And if you talked, they’d hurt you.” He reached out and cupped my cheek. “You’re safe, Raven. Those men won’t hurt you ever again. You can scream, cuss. Do whatever you want. You don’t have to stay silent anymore.”

I felt the burn of a tear slip down my cheek and before I knew it, I was in Fox’s arms and sobbing. I hadn’t cried in so long. It felt satisfying and horrible at the same time.

“Surge, I need you and any other hackers to look into Balmoral. See what you can find so we can bury those fuckers,” Spider said. “Raven, I don’t have a place for you to live on your own. Breaker brought you here. Do you want to stay with him?”

I sniffled and looked up at Fox. A slight smile kicked up the corner of his lips and he ran his hand over my hair. “She can stay with me. I have an extra room.”

“That what you want, Raven?” Spider asked. “To stay with Fox?”

I nodded, not looking away from the first man to ever make me feel seen. Understood. My heart raced and I trembled, but it wasn’t from fear. Not this time. For once, I felt like things might be okay. I didn’t know the man they claimed was my father, but if they trusted him, I’d at least meet with him. Until then, I’d stay with Fox. I could feel it deep in my gut that he’d keep me safe. Possibly even from myself. I couldn’t promise the dark thoughts wouldn’t return. I might always have days where I wanted to end it all.

The thought of staying with Fox made me feel warmer inside. The shadows were still there, pressing in, but they were held at bay. If latching onto Fox would make things better, even a little, then I knew I needed to hold onto him.