Don’t Let Me Break by Linda Verji





Hazel had never felt more alive. The music pulsed in her veins like a drug, awakening her senses and driving her limbs to sway to each strumming beat. Every inch of her skin felt like a live wire, and every time a passing dancer grazed her it felt like she was crackling. Being here made her feel like more than a specter, like more than just a glitch in someone’s psyche.

It made her feel human.

It made her feel real.

And being real was awesome.

However, the most awesome thing about it all was Sebastian. Even while standing there like a sulky rock, he was still a snack. If she was the type that dated men, he would’ve definitely made her list. But living with her father had taught her that men were best kept at arm’s length. That, however, did not mean that she couldn’t have Sebastian as a snack tonight.

As the music boomed around them, Hazel shuffled closer to him. He must’ve seen something in her eyes because he immediately hiked her purse higher up his chest like a shield. But that wasn’t enough to stop her. With a grin, she edged even closer and set her hand on his upper arm. Frowning, he glanced at her hand on his arm then back at her.

“What are you doing?” he asked. Though his voice was too low to be heard over the loud music, she could read his lips.

“Dancing!” She squeezed the very firm muscles on his arm.

He immediately backed away from her. However, the floor was crowded with gyrating people, and there was only so far he could go. He bumped into the dancer behind him, earning himself a glare. Miming a ‘sorry’, he moved away from the irritated dancer and right back to Hazel.

Like a predator, Hazel closed the space between them again. This time she grabbed both his arms before lifting on tiptoes to say into his ear. “Are you having a good time?”

“No.” He tilted his head as if to get away from her mouth. “Can we go home?”

Home? That sounded like a great idea. If they were in a private place, she could seduce him without having to deal with the people all around them and the noise. Her grin widening, she nodded vigorously. “Okay, let’s go home.”

Relief flashed in Sebastian’s eyes. He handed her the purse then grabbed her wrist as if to make sure that she actually came with him. His steps determined, he pushed his way through the crowd. As they walked, Hazel felt vibrations in her purse. Her phone was ringing, and she already knew who was calling. Probably Kenny trying to find out where she was.

Instantly, Hazel remembered the promise she’d made her sister. That she wouldn’t cause trouble. Well, the one-night stand she was planning to have counted as trouble. For a second… just a second… guilt stabbed at Hazel. However, she quickly dismissed it. Kenny was the fool for thinking that Hazel would throw away the opportunity to get some before being thrown back into her dungeon.

With one hand, Hazel reached into her purse and gave the phone a no-look shut-down. Sorry, Kenny.

Minutes later, Hazel and Sebastian were outside the club.

“I’ll get a cab.” Sebastian let go of her hand to walk closer to the street. He raised his arm, and when a passing cab stopped, he gestured for Hazel to come over. Once she was close, he opened the back door for her.

“Ooh! A gentleman.” Putting on her best seductive smile, she brushed a finger over his chest. “I like that.”

He immediately stepped away from her with a scowl. “Stop it!”

Giggling, she got into the backseat. She expected him to follow her into the car, but to her surprise, he shut the door.

Leaning closer to the open window, he said, “Call me when you get home.”

I’m sorry what? Hazel blinked. Was this man trying to ditch her?

To add insult to injury, the driver turned to ask her, “Where to Ma’am?”

“Nowhere!” She jerked the door open, got out of the cab, and shut the door behind her.

Startled by her abrupt exit from the car, Sebastian asked, “Where are you going?”

“Wherever you’re going!” Despite her irritation at how he’d tried to get rid of her, Hazel forced a smile as she sidled closer to him. Grabbing his arm, she asked, “Aren’t we going to your place?”

“Why would we go to my place?” Instant wariness filled Sebastian’s expression, and he untangled his arm from her hold.

He was playing dumb, right? With his looks, he had to have been hit on enough times to know what she was doing!

But to make sure that there were no misunderstandings between them, she lowered her voice so that it sounded huskier and sexier, then said, “Because I’m seducing you.”

Hazel had no misconceptions about where she and Marley fell on the looks scale. They weren’t traffic-stopping pretty but they weren’t ugly either. If one considered their banging body, then they’d be considered a seven, maybe an eight on a great night like tonight. However, if you took away Marley’s boring personality and factored in Hazel’s vivacious greatness, then she was a ten… a whole ten over ten. Any man would be honored to be seduced by her.

Not Sebastian.

“Not interested,” he returned curtly then moved to the cab’s door and opened it again. “Get in.”

Offended that he hadn’t taken her up on her offer, Hazel folded her arms over her breasts and defiantly retorted. “Not unless you get in first.”

“Sorry, I’m not going anywhere with you,” he said. However, his gaze briefly flitted to her raised breasts before he quickly looked away. “I’m not interested in whatever you’re offering.”

Having noticed that slight glance at her breasts, Hazel grinned wolfishly. “I can make you interested.”

Sebastian shook his head. “No thanks.”

The driver cut in with a brusque. “Hey, are we going or not?”

“Give me a minute,” Sebastian said to him before turning back to Hazel. “Marley, I don’t know what you’re trying to do but it’s time to stop and go home. You need to rest. You’re sick.”

“I’m not sick. How many times do I have to tell you?” she countered with clear exasperation. However, a second later, an idea hit her. She half closed her eyes so she looked sleepy, lowered her voice and added a little slurring. “The only thing I am is drunk.” Stumbling closer to him, she coaxed, “You won’t make your drunk girlfriend go home all alone, will you?”

“You’re not drunk.” Sebastian scoffed. “You drank water the whole time we were in there.”

“You and I know that. But do they?” With her eyes, she gestured to the group of people that had just come out of the club behind them then to the cab-driver. “All they see is a man trying to ditch his drunk girlfriend.”

As if he could tell what was coming, he narrowed his eyes. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Wouldn’t she? She gave him a naughty grin before launching into her best drunk performance.

“Babe, I feel a little woozy.” She let her body lean forward. Before he could step back, her forehead connected with his hard chest. “You won’t let me go home alone when I’m feeling like this, will you?”

“You’re embarrassing yourself.” He tried to push her off him.

“Aaah!” She moaned and let the rest of her body fall into him. “I think I’m going to faint.”

Sebastian had no choice but to catch her.

“Marley, stop this.”

You wish! Though she was smiling against his chest, she made her voice as tearful as she could, “Please take me home, babe! Don’t leave me alone.”

“Stop it,” he scolded.

Of course, she didn’t stop. Determinedly, she kept playing the drunk, sobbing girl begging her boyfriend to take her home. Oh, she had to give it to Sebastian. He put up a good fight. However, her theatrics and the ‘you should be ashamed’ looks that he got from passersby got to him. Soon, they were in the cab together.

He tried to get her to give the driver her address. Hazel didn’t fall for it. She pretended that she had no memory of it then lolled back against the seat as if she’d blacked out. So he tried to call Kenny to get the address from her. Luckily, Kenny didn’t pick up her phone.

With no choice left, Sebastian gave the cab-driver his own address. To avoid getting put out on the highway, Hazel kept the ‘blacked out’ act going as they headed to his place. But once they got there, she was awake and ready to seduce him again.

“It’s just for the night.” Sebastian angrily punched in the code to his front door. “You’re going back home tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry.” Smirking, she followed him into the apartment. “One night is all I need.”

As soon as the door closed behind them, she got to work.

But seducing Sebastian was easier said than done. He dodged her hugs and swatted her kisses away expertly. At one point she thought that she’d won because he ended up hauling her over his shoulder. However, he proved her wrong by carrying her to the guest room then dumping her there.

“If you need something to wear, you can find a pair of pajamas in the closet,” he said. “New toothbrush, towel and cosmetics are in the en-suite.”

With that he closed the door, leaving her all alone.

Stunned and embarrassed, Hazel stared at the closed door for quite a while. What was wrong with that man? How could he not want her? What man could resist a pretty woman like her throwing herself at him? Was he gay? He had to be.

But just to be sure, she moved to the closet. She grabbed the pajama set. After getting out of her dress, she put on the pajama shirt… just the shirt. A look at herself in the mirror left no doubt that she looked like a meal. The stripped blue and black shirt stopped high, high above her thighs, threatening to expose her feminine goods to all the world… which was what she was going for.

Smiling, she opened the door and moved down the hall.

It wasn’t hard to find Sebastian’s bedroom. She fluffed her hair over her shoulders and straightened her shoulders before knocking on the door.

He didn’t open up.

Softly, she called out, “Sebastian,” and knocked again.

On her third knock, she heard a shuffling of feet then a key turned in the lock. He didn’t open the door fully. All she got was a slight opening that revealed one eye and about a quarter of his body.

“What?” he asked curtly.

“I’m thirsty.” She rolled her hair with one finger and bit her lip, leaving no doubt that the comment was meant as a double entendre. “Can you get me some water?”

“The kitchen’s that way.” He pointed down the hall. “You can get it yourself.”

“But-” She didn’t even finish the sentence before the door shut in her face again. The key turned in the lock.

Did he just lock himself in there when I’m out here looking like sex on legs? Hazel stared at the closed door in consternation. Gay! Definitely gay. Has to be gay!

Nothing else could explain the rejection.

Still dazed, Hazel made her way back to the guest room. No wonder he’d been so adamant about him and Marley being nothing more than boss and employee. He was gay.

Shame. What a shame! She shook her head in disappointment. Why are all the pretty ones gay?