Roping Melanie by Melissa Ellen



Oh my word, Nash,” Melanie said, her voice full of awe. “It’s so beautiful here. Why on earth would you choose Texas over views like this?”

Mel’s and Avery’s eyes had been glued to the window the whole drive from the airport to the Evans Ranch.

With one hand still on the wheel, I reached across the middle console, giving her leg a squeeze, then taking her hand in mine. “In my eyes, Texas has its own beauty and something Wyoming doesn’t,” I said with insinuation as my eyes did a quick, purposeful sweep over her body.

She blushed, giving me a warning nudge to behave. I chuckled with my eyes back on the dirt road ahead of me. Melanie turned her attention back to the window to gaze at the snow-covered ground and mountains. After we’d celebrated Christmas with just the three of us at our new home, we’d flown to Wyoming to spend the New Year holiday with my family.

It was time Melanie and Avery met the entire Evans clan, heaven help them. Mom was on pins and needles waiting for us. She and Melanie had made their peace, not that I ever had any doubt. I knew the moment my mom met Melanie she’d fall for her the same way I had.

“Remind me of everyone’s names again,” Melanie said as we crossed over the cattle guard and through the first entrance onto the ranch.

A smile tugged at my lips. She’d asked me at least ten times since I first mentioned we would be traveling here. “There’s Luke, Kace, Wade, and Cody. And of course, you know Meg and Sam, my mom, Patricia, and my Dad’s name is—”

“Taylor,” Melanie finished for me.

I nodded.

All five of my siblings would be here to ring in the New Year. Besides Meg, I had four brothers. Two younger, and two older. Meg and I fell in the middle of them as twins.

“And none of them are married? Not even the oldest?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Luke was engaged once, but it didn’t work out and they called it off. Meg was the only one to marry and have a kid, but you know all about that.”

“And now you—I mean, at least the kid part.”

This time I fought hard against my smile not wanting to give anything away. Melanie was the real deal. The woman I’d been waiting for, even if I hadn’t realized I was waiting at all. She showed me there was more to life and gave me one to look forward to. And come New Year’s Eve at midnight, I’d be making it all more permanent when I got down on one knee to propose.

As we pulled through the second gate of the Evans Ranch that led to the main house, Avery gasped.

“It’s a castle! Grandma and Grandpa live in a castle!”

I laughed.

“It’s not a castle,” Melanie said through a chuckle. “But it sure is close. Isn’t it?” she trailed off, the nerves finally getting to her.

I parked the car and gave her hand a squeeze. “You okay?”

She nodded. “I’m good. Just a little overwhelmed is all.”

“Don’t let the place fool you. And my family, well”—I shrugged—“you’ve met Meg and Mom, so you passed with the gatekeepers already. My brothers will be a walk in the park as far as getting them to like you. Though, you might not feel the same about them. They can be a little much sometimes.”

Melanie chuckled. “Gee, thanks. I feel much better now.”

I leaned across the console and gave her a kiss, then looked back at Avery. “What do you say, ladybug, are you ready to meet the rest of your family?”

She nodded eagerly, a toothy grin on her face. “Can we go now?”

I glanced over at Melanie and she gave me a single nod.

“All right. Let’s do this, ladies.”

I helped my girls out of the rental truck before grabbing our bags. The cold winter air bit at the exposed skin on my face as the three of us walked toward the front porch. The front door swung open before we hit the bottom step.

My mom stood in the doorway, beaming in her red sweater with the giant Christmas tree on it. The thing had always been hideous, but she still wore it every year.

“You made it,” she said and cupped Avery’s cheeks first, giving her a big kiss on the forehead.

“Yep,” I answered as she moved to Melanie, giving her a hug.

“How were the roads?” she asked, finally making her rounds to me.

“Not too bad.”

“Good. Your timing was perfect. We had one hell of a snow storm last week.”

“I can see that,” I said, glancing at the snow-laden fields.

“Well, go on in now.” She ushered Avery and Melanie inside. “No sense in us all getting frostbite out here. The others are anxious to meet you two.”

“Is Sam here?” Avery asked as she took timid steps inside the foyer.

“She is. She’s in the kitchen with her hot cocoa, and there’s one for you too. I got you your own special mug with your name on it. If your momma is okay with it, I’ll show you the way.”

Melanie nodded and grinned as Avery took my mother’s hand and the two of them walked away. I set the bags aside, then took Melanie’s hand, leading her toward the rowdy voices in the family room.

“Last chance,” I said, stopping in the hallway. “After we cross that threshold, you’re stuck with the whole lot of us. There’s no backing out,” I teased.

“A couple rowdy men don’t scare me. You forget I’ve worked at a bar for the last ten years. I know how to deal with them.”

I chuckled. “But you haven’t met the Evans brothers. They’re a whole other level.”

“I handle you just fine, don’t I?”

“I’m the tame one,” I muttered as we walked inside.


Want to meet all the Evans brothers?

Luke, book one of the Evans Series will be available in 2022! Add it to your GoodReads TBR and sign-up for my newsletter to be notified when it becomes available for pre-order!