When I’m With You by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 27


After I arrived home, I went into the guest room to make sure it was ready for Leah. I put fresh sheets on the bed and dusted the furniture. I didn’t call my mom or dad to tell them that she was coming to town, but she wouldn’t be here until Thursday and they’d be in Santa Barbara anyway, so I would tell them on Friday. I pulled out my phone and called my brother.

“Hey, Ben. What’s up?”

“I have something to tell you, but I don’t want you mentioning it to Mom and Dad yet. I’ll tell them on Friday.”

“Okay. What is it?”

“Leah is coming to stay with me for two weeks. I’m picking her up at the airport Thursday morning and we’re going to spend Thanksgiving with Paisley and her family.”

“Wow. Why is Lindsey just dumping her like that?”

His question and the way he said it irritated me. “Lindsey isn’t dumping her. She has to go to Phoenix for two weeks for job training and she doesn’t want to leave Leah home alone. I haven’t seen her in a long time and I feel bad about that. You haven’t either and she’s our sister.”


“Doesn’t matter.”

I was really getting aggravated by Finn’s attitude. For years, the family tried to pretend that Leah didn’t exist. My dad always saw her as a mistake and he figured that since she lived in Texas, she was out of sight, out of mind. He didn’t even know her. He didn’t want to get to know her. And my mom. She would never accept Leah because all she saw was the product of my father’s affair.

“I have to go, Finn. I have to be at the station early. Have a happy Thanksgiving.”

“You too, bro.”

I went to bed and tried to put the ignorance of my brother out of my mind. But the one thing I couldn’t put to rest was the thought of Paisley. I would give anything right now to have her arms around me. As I lay there, I could still feel her soft lips on mine after I kissed her goodbye. Spending Thanksgiving with her and Leah was going to be great and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect holiday. I closed my eyes, caught some z’s, and then worked a straight forty-eight-hour shift.

* * *

Istood near the baggage claim area, holding up a sign that said “Leah Roberts.” If you’re wondering why her last name wasn’t Preston, it was because Lindsey wanted her last name to be hers, not my father’s, since he was never going to be in her life. I saw Leah coming down the escalator and I held up the sign above my head with a big grin across my face. She looked so beautiful and taller since I saw her last. She saw me and smiled as she ran to me. I picked her up and spun her around.

Look at you. You grew!I smiled as I signed. You’re gorgeous.

I’m so happy to be here. Thank you for letting me stay with you. I want you to tell me all about this girl named Paisley.

I will. Are you hungry?

Yes. I’m starving.

I’ll tell you all about her over breakfast.

I grabbed her suitcase, put my arm around her, and we walked out of the airport and headed to grab some breakfast. The waitress came over to take our order and Leah signed to me what she wanted. I ordered her strawberry pancakes and then my omelet. We sat and talked before, during, and after our breakfast. I could see people stealing glances from the corner of my eye as if they never saw two people signing before. Hell, maybe they hadn’t. I told her about Paisley and her eyes lit up.

I can’t wait to meet her.

I can’t wait for you to meet her and her family.We got up from the booth and, as we walked out the door, I put my arm around her and signed how happy I was that she was here.