Every Shade by Nora Phoenix


After Samuel left, Tris spent two hours going through his bills and updating all the numbers for his company. It was a necessary evil that he tried to do every weekend, so he knew exactly where he stood as the new week began. The first few minutes, his thoughts had kept going back to Samuel, but then he had forced himself to focus on what he needed to do and got the job done.

But after that, it was hard to keep himself busy enough not to think about Samuel. He tried to relax with a movie, but his mind kept wandering off. That night, he dreamed of him and he woke up with an impressive erection he gladly took care of in the shower.

He had just finished doing laundry—his usual thing on Sunday mornings—when his phone rang. One look at the caller ID and he wondered what had taken her so long. "Hey, what's up?" he said, pretending to not know why she was calling.

"You know that's not going to fly with me. What the hell was going on yesterday? Who did you have in your bedroom?" Cara said, her voice low, probably so the boys wouldn't hear her.

"Going straight for the good stuff, huh?" he said with a little sigh.

"Don't tell me you expected anything else. Come on, Tris, I want details. Was it good sex? Bad sex? Worth repeating?"

He loved that she never identified gender. You could say what you want about his ex-wife, but she had fully embraced his identity and really had zero problems with it. Still, he wasn't sure how much he was willing to spill just yet. Even though his heart was bubbling over with excitement, it still felt so fragile, as if the wrong word could permanently damage it.

"It was spectacular sex," he said, knowing that he had to give her something. "And definitely worth a repeat."

"That's amazing," Cara said, and her tone had changed from morbidly curious to warm and affectionate. "What can you tell me about them?"

"I can't say too much yet, because it's all very new and fast. But he's sweet and wonderful and we really connected. It's just complicated, since he just got out of a bad relationship," Tris said.

Of course, there was also the added complication of Samuel’s family and his money, but he wasn't mentioning that to Cara just yet. He would protect Samuel’s identity as long as he could, especially after he'd seen some stories about both of his brothers. He had zero desire to end up in the tabloids, and he assumed Samuel felt the same.

"I'm so happy for you, and I'm rooting that it will work out. Let me know if you need me to take the boys for a few weekends so you have some extra time together," Cara offered.

"Thank you. I may take you up on that, but I'll let you know. And thank you for covering for me yesterday. As you may have guessed, you guys came at a rather unfortunate time."

Cara's laugh was instant. "I'm so sorry. I promise I will text before I stop by, okay? It's just never been an issue before, so I didn't even think about it."

"I know, no worries. And I'm happy to report that the kitchen table is quite sturdy," he said.

Cara was still laughing when he ended the call. He finished putting away the clean laundry, then took a quick cleaning tour through the house, vacuuming the living room and the kitchen, cleaning the guest bathroom downstairs as well as the master bathroom that was connected to his room. He even changed the sheets on his own bed, nodding with contentment as he inspected the results.

And then it hit him. Unconsciously, he'd been preparing his house to have Samuel over again. And that was ridiculous, of course, because first of all, they had decided to take it slow and second, the guy had a multi-million-dollar apartment on Manhattan. Why the hell would he want to hang out in some small house in Jersey?

He slowly made his way downstairs, sitting down with a cup of coffee at the very kitchen table where he and Samuel had made such passionate love the day before. Was it possible to miss someone you had met not even two full days before? Because that's what it felt like. His house had never felt empty to him, not even when the kids were with Cara. After three years, he'd gotten used to not having them around all the time. But for the first time, he felt alone, wanting someone with him. Not just someone—Samuel.

He had his phone in his hands before he could think better of it, and the call went through instantly. He was relieved when Samuel picked up quickly, almost as if he'd been hoping for a call and keeping an eye on his phone.

"Hi," he said, and even that simple word made Tris feel better.

"Hi," he said back. "I missed you," he added on impulse.

"I thought you wanted to take it slow?" Samuel said, but it wasn't harsh or critical.

"That was the theory," Tris admitted. "It turns out it's quite hard to execute that in reality. But chatting on the phone doesn't hurt, right?"

He heard some rustling on the phone that sounded as if Samuel was settling down in bed or on the couch. "Chatting on the phone is nice," he said.

"Did you talk to your lawyer yet?" Tris asked.

"Yeah," Samuel said with a little sigh. "I did the whole nine yards yesterday. My lawyer, my investment banker, and my accountant, just to cover all bases. And my mom, because my day wasn't fun enough."

"Was she upset you guys broke up?"

"Hell no. Turns out, my parents never liked Evan, but they didn't want to say anything. They did that once to my younger brother, offering some critical comments on the woman he was dating, and he didn't speak to them for a few months. They've learned their lesson, I guess."

"If they had said something, would you have listened?" Tris wondered.

“I’ve asked myself the same thing, and the truth is that I don't know. I'd like to think I would've taken them seriously, especially since me and my mom are close, but that's hindsight. But really, the call with her was good. She asked for details on the sex."

Tris's coffee almost went down the wrong way and he coughed a few times to recover. "Please tell me you didn't share anything with her."

Samuel laughed, and the sound made Tris happy. "She pitched me against my older brother, who I have a bit of sibling rivalry with. Apparently, he made the tabloids yesterday with his new boyfriend, and considering we thought he was straight, that was quite the news. So I had to tell her something to best him.”

Tris groaned, though why he would be embarrassed at the idea that a woman he'd never met had heard anything about his sex life, he didn't know. "Let me guess, you told her about the kitchen table."

Samuel's giggle was melodious, and it made Tris miss him even more. "Of course I did. That was one hell of a sturdy table you built."

"As long as you focused on the table and not on other details, I think we're still good."

"What other details are we talking about? Did you really think I would mention the size of your dick to my mom?"

"The thought crossed my mind," Tris said with a laugh.

"Dude, at some point, I'd want you to meet her. No way am I telling her that."

Tris let that casual remark sink in. "You want me to meet your mother?"

"Yeah. So far for going slow, huh?"

There was something apologetic in Samuel's tone, something that made Tris need to reassure him. "I feel the same way. I know we said we should go slow, because rationally, that makes total sense, but my heart is saying something else entirely."

The silence hung heavy between them, and Tris wondered if he had said too much. Then Samuel said, "Tris, I want to ask you something, and I really hope you won't get offended. It's just that after my experience with Evan, my mother suggested I do a little more due diligence before I got serious with someone."

It took Tris a second or two to put it together. "You want to run a background check on me," he said.

"I want to ask your permission to run a background check on you," Samuel said, sounding apologetic. "I know it's awful and sounds like I don't trust you, but—"

"It's fine," Tris interrupted him. "I completely understand. You have my permission, and thank you so much for asking me. I have nothing to hide from you. All you're going to find are some speeding and parking tickets, since I am from Jersey after all. Oh, and I got arrested once for public indecency, the results of a stupid drunk bet in high school."

"Thank you," Samuel said, his voice soft and somewhat emotional. "And thank you for understanding. I hate doing this. I hate having to be so distrustful, but after Evan, I can't help it."

"Samuel, baby, don't worry about it. I really do understand," Tris said, the term of endearment flying off his lips all by itself. "But tell me, did your lawyer or your other people find anything suspicious?"

"My accountant and my investment banker were positive there was nothing suspicious, but my lawyer is just getting started. She asked me if I had ever signed stuff for Evan, like paperwork he'd put in front of me. I haven't, because while I may have been naive, I'm not quite that stupid. That doesn't mean he couldn't have falsified my signature on something, though, as he's certainly seen it plenty of times. So that's what my lawyer will look into, with the help of an investigator that's on her firm’s payroll. He's also the one who will be doing the background check on you."

"I’m glad they're doing a thorough investigation to make sure he didn't get to you in any way, but I'm so sorry this is necessary. And if that guy has any questions for me, he can contact me directly. I promise I will fully cooperate, because I want you to be able to trust me."

Samuel was quiet for a few beats. "I do trust you, but this time, my brain is telling my heart to double check."

"Stop worrying about it," Tris said, dropping a little more force in his tone.

That got a little chuckle out of Samuel. "We really should try daddy kink some time," he said. "You've got that stern voice all down."

"I was thinking along the lines of a principal with a naughty student," Tris said.

He smiled when he could hear Samuel swallow. "That sounds really good," he said, his voice having dropped a little lower.

And suddenly, Tris had a wonderful idea. "I'm pretty sure you went to private school, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you still have your uniform?"

The sound Samuel made was pure sex, a low little growl that made Tris instantly hard. "I do."

"Your place or mine?" Tris asked, giving Samuel the choice.

It took about three seconds for him to answer. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

* * *

Samuel was shakingwith nerves during the whole ride. He’d called Neil, his chauffeur, to pick him up—something he didn’t do often, since it screamed privilege, but in this case, he really didn’t want the hassle of taking an Uber and having to make conversation. Or worse, taking the subway and train and having to navigate the Sunday-morning traffic, including the ever-clueless tourists. No, at least now he had some time to compose and prepare himself.

He was wearing his school uniform, which mercifully still fit, though it was indecently tight around his groin and ass. It was strange to once again see himself in the charcoal gray pants and blazer, with the burgundy red pullover and the striped tie he’d once hated so much. If Neil had opinions on Samuel wearing a school uniform, he hadn’t shown them—not that Samuel had expected anything else. His family paid well for discretion like that.

He’d also packed a small bag with some essentials, just in case… Just in case he decided to spend the night. Like he hadn’t already decided that. Well, it still depended on Tris, obviously, but Samuel couldn’t imagine he’d send him home after what he hoped would be an amazing night. He sighed again as the possible scenarios played through his head. He’d been hard as a rock since he’d gotten changed, so pumped up about this encounter that it was difficult to even think. It was everything he’d hoped to find with someone, this kinky, adventurous sex.

And Tris had suggested this scenario, not Samuel, which made it even better. It meant he was into this as much as Samuel was, and that thought alone made him even harder. Oh, the scenarios they could play together… They’d definitely have to play daddy and son sometime…or a dirty uncle, that could be fun. Or maybe a mean boss who forced his employee to suck him off under the desk. Samuel shifted in his seat, rearranging his leaking cock.

Principal and student were a great one to begin with, though. Would Tris be in character right away? Or would he want a discussion first? The latter made more sense, but god, the first one would be so hot. Would he spank him? That kind of went with the scenario, right? But they hadn’t discussed it, and now Samuel regretted that. It would suck to have to get all formal first. He’d leave it to Tris, he decided, and follow his lead.

All the way to Jersey, he kept playing scenarios in his head and by the time he arrived, he was tense as a coiled wire, ready to be sprung.

“Do I need to pick you up, sir?” Neil asked as he parked the car in front of Tris’s house, stubbornly sticking to the formal sir even after Samuel had told him otherwise at least a dozen times.

“I don’t think so, but I’ll let you know. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, sir, as always.”

Samuel zipped up his coat, as much to keep the cold wind out as to prevent Tris’s neighbors from getting a look at his uniform, because that wouldn’t be awkward at all. Then he grabbed his bag and got out of the car. The front door opened before he was even halfway up the driveway, and Samuel stopped in his tracks.

Tris was dressed in a pair of formal pants, a tight-fitting dress shirt, and a tie. He tapped his watch with an impatient gesture, and Samuel’s heart soared. He was in character already. They were really doing this. He hurried to the door. “I’m sorry for being late, sir,” he said.

“I’m sick and tired of your excuses, Mr. Norris. I’ve warned you time and again. I’m done giving you second chances. Get your ass into my office,” Tris barked at him, and Samuel shivered with excitement. God, that tone of his, that deep, strict voice.

“Yes, sir,” he said, stepping through the door, not meeting Tris’s eyes.

Tris closed the door behind him, then pointed at a coat rack. “Hang your jacket up. Shoes on the rack. Bag in the cubby.”

He waited with his arms crossed as Samuel carried out his instructions, his hands trembling. When he was done, he stood in front of him, not daring to look him in the eyes. “What’s next, sir?”

“What’s next is your punishment. Your tardiness and attitude have gone unnoticed for too long. You need a lesson, young man, one you won’t forget anytime soon.”

When Tris was quiet for a few seconds, Samuel realized that this was his implicit way of asking for consent without breaking the scene. “Yes, sir,” he said. “I know I’ve been bad. Whatever punishment you see fit, sir.”

“Good. Follow me.”

He stayed behind Tris as he walked into the living room, where he had a desk set up in a corner. It made Samuel wonder for a second why he’d been using the kitchen table as an office then, but he pushed that thought down as it didn’t matter right now. His sat down on the desk chair, an ancient-looking dark wood monstrosity that didn’t even have wheels.

“Take off your blazer, Mr. Norris. You can drape it over that chair there.”

Samuel did as he was told, then resumed his position in front of Tris, his hands folded behind his back and his eyes trained on the floor.

“I’ve received complaints about you, Mr. Norris,” Tris said, still in that deep voice that reached deep inside Samuel. “Complaints from teachers about your behavior.”

“Complaints about what, sir?” Samuel asked, gladly playing along.

“They’ve reported to me that you’re promiscuous. That you’re soliciting the older boys and several teachers for sexual favors. Is that true?”

Samuel’s cheeks flushed with how wrong this was and how right it felt at the same time. “Yes, sir.”

“I will not tolerate that kind of wanton behavior in my school, Mr. Norris, do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I will have to punish you for this. Tell me what punishment you think you deserve?”

He’d done it, allowed Samuel to communicate his boundaries without breaking the scene. He was so good at this, and Samuel could’ve wept with relief. Instead, he took a deep breath. Tris was offering him a chance to live out a fantasy and hell yeah, he was gonna grab it with both hands.

“I think you should spank me, sir. I deserve that.”

His voice sounded remarkably calm considering the fact that his heart was racing, his palms were sweating, and his cock was only a few touches away from exploding in his pants.

“I agree. Look at me, Mr. Norris, because I’m gonna give you a choice.”

Samuel looked up to meet Tris’s eyes first, which showed the same heat he was feeling inside, but then his gaze dropped to what Tris picked up from the desk. Oh god. Samuel’s body jerked as if shocked, simply because he had so much excitement that he could barely hold it anymore. His underwear was soaked, and he feared it would start seeping through his pants any moment now.

“The choice is yours. I can spank you with my hand on your bare ass, or you can keep your pants on but I will use this paddle. What will it be?”

It was such an easy choice. Samuel would love to experiment with the paddle someday, but not right now. He wanted to feel Tris’s hand on him, on his bare skin. Without saying anything, he unbuttoned his pants and dragged his zipper down.

“I see you choose to bare your bottom for me. I should not be surprised after all of the rumors. I guess you really are a little boy slut, aren’t you?” Tris said with such a sneer that Samuel shivered again.

It was perfect, the derision in his voice. So fucking perfect. He felt so dirty and so good at the same time. “Yes, sir,” he managed, his voice croaking.

“Take them off, then. Show me what you’ve been baring for god knows who.”

He kicked off his pants and underwear because he wanted to be naked for him, needed so much more of what Tris was doling out. He kept his shirt and pullover on, daring to steal a glance at Tris from between his lashes.

“Turn around. Show me your bottom,” came the command.

Samuel didn’t even hesitate but did as he was told, lifting his shirt so Tris could have a good look. That, of course, didn’t go unnoticed. “Look at you, parading your body around. You like it when people see you naked, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Bend over. I want to see what all the fuss is about.”

Tears sprang to Samuel’s eyes, but they were good tears. Tears that came because finally, someone understood what he wanted, what he needed, and gave it to him. Tears because every single word out of Tris’s mouth was perfection. Tears because he was seconds away from blowing his load without ever touching his dick, which would only result in more humiliation, which would make him even happier.

He bent over, spreading his legs a little and showing his hole to Tris. It was dirty and filthy and so fucking wrong, but he needed it at the same time.

“It’s shameful, is what it is, you displaying yourself like that. We’ll need to find a way to make sure you never show your bare ass to anyone else ever again. Now, come here and we’ll see if we can spank it out of you.”

Samuel shuffled over to him, his dick slapping against his stomach with every step, spreading precum everywhere. Tris chose to ignore that, he noted, and instead pointed at his knee. Samuel lowered himself, shifting a little until he’d found a good position. His cheeks had grown warm with the humiliation of this position. Why was that so hot?

“I find it quite frankly shameful,” Tris began, and his hand came down on Samuel’s right cheek twice, jolting him. “That a boy like you…”

Two more slaps, now to his left cheek.

“Would beg for sexual favors from everyone. Such a filthy boy…”

Samuel had been shocked into silence at first, trying to process the sensation of Tris’s strong hand on his ass. It hurt, but it also felt good, and he was still trying to determine if he liked it or not when his cock made the decision for him. It sought friction against Tris’s leg, and that little boost was enough. He short-circuited, his body jerking wildly as his balls clenched, squeezing the cum out of his cock and sending ropes of cum all over Tris’s legs. The combination of pain, arousal, friction, and humiliation made him come so hard he saw stars.

He went slack on Tris’s lap, too overcome with sensations and emotions to be able to hold himself up. Tris caught him effortlessly, then hauled him to a sitting position and parked him on his lap. His head fell against Tris’s broad shoulder and he had to close his eyes, because it was all too much. Too perfect.