Every Shade by Nora Phoenix


Tris was content to hold Samuel in his arms until he felt his heart rate calm down and his breathing even out. My god, that had been the single hottest thing ever. At first, he had been aware of the role he was playing, but as they had progressed, it was like he had slipped into this different persona. Even then, he'd been aware of the need to keep a close eye on Samuel and make sure he wasn't crossing any boundaries, but every little reaction had shown Samuel had been as caught up in it as Tris.

The way he had reacted to that little bit of humiliation, that had been insanely hot. Definitely something they should experiment with a bit more. Next time, because he felt they'd gone deep enough for the first time, and Samuel had clearly reacted emotionally to it.

"How are you feeling, baby?" he asked, softly caressing his back, his hand under his shirt.

"I've never come so hard in my life," Samuel whispered against his chest, and a surge of pride rushed through Tris.

It was ridiculous, of course, to be proud of that, but he was. Especially knowing that Samuel had struggled in his relationship with Evan on the sexual level, it felt so good to be able to give him this.

"You were so hot," he said. "The way you bent over for me, I had to restrain myself from taking you right then and there."

Samuel slowly lifted his head and looked at him, his eyes dark, the arousal still visible. "We're not done yet."

Tris frowned. Had he misjudged it? Had Samuel wanted to continue the role play?

"Not the principal scene. Us. Sex." When Tris still looked puzzled, Samuel added, “You didn't think I would leave you hanging, did you?"

"You're under no obligation to get me off," Tris said. "I'm sorry if that sounds crude, but this scene was for you. Don't feel pressured into doing something you're not in the mood for anymore."

Samuel studied him for a few seconds, his face unreadable. "You know, I really appreciate you saying that, if only because I've never heard a guy say that so explicitly before. Usually, there's like a mutual unspoken agreement that both partners need to get off."

Tris shrugged. "I'm not denying I’m hard as rock, but my right hand works just fine. As I said, this was for you, though damn, that was so fucking hot. I'd love to do that again."

Samuel's face broke open in a wide smile. "Same here."

"You seemed to really like the little bit of humiliation," Tris said carefully. He wasn't sure how much Samuel was willing to talk about this. He didn't know that much about it, but it seemed like a kink a lot of guys would feel ashamed about.

But Samuel's smile widened even more, if that was possible. "I did. I never knew I was into that until you went that route."

Tris breathed out with relief. "I hadn't planned it, but when I saw how you reacted to my impulsive comment about being promiscuous, I decided to push it a little further."

Samuel's smile grew cheeky. "You can push me anytime."

Tris chuckled.

"I have a few suggestions where you can push…" Samuel said, winking at him.

"Damn, that's cheesy. Hot, but definitely cheesy."

Samuel slid off for a second, then straddled Tris. With his eyes trained on Tris's, he reached for his belt. "I wasn't joking."

Tris didn't catch on until Samuel had unzipped his pants and taken out his cock, which was wet with fluids. "Where's your lube and a condom, principal, because this naughty boy wants to ride your cock."

Tris swallowed, then slowly pulled open the drawer of the desk, taking out the lube and condoms he'd stashed there earlier. He wanted to ask if Samuel was sure, but one look at his burning eyes made him close his mouth again. Samuel took the lube from him, then pointed at Tris's pants.

"This might be easier if you took those off."

"That would be easier if you weren't on my lap," Tris said with a laugh.

Samuel rolled his eyes at him. "You always have to have the last word, don't you?"

But he was smiling as he slid off Tris, leaving a trail of dried cum in his wake. Tris quickly got rid of his pants, then decided he really didn't want to fuck with a shirt and tie on either and took those off as well. Samuel pointed at the chair, and so Tris sat down again. With quick moves, Samuel rolled a condom on Tris's dick, slathering it with lube, then kneeled on the floor and with his ass toward Tris, efficiently worked himself open. It was incredibly erotic to see, and Tris made a mental note he should incorporate that in play sometime. They would both love that.

When he'd gotten three fingers in, Samuel rose again and walked up to Tris with a look in his eyes that left little to the imagination. Wordlessly, he stepped over Tris's legs, then grabbed his dick from behind and positioned it before carefully lowering himself. The little sounds that flew from his lips as Tris's dick breached him were intoxicating, and Tris couldn't look away from his face. His brows scrunched, his nose all crumpled up in concentration, and then those full lips went tight with the effort of taking him in.

He slid in slowly, allowing Samuel to set the pace. What a sight it was to see, the way Samuel took him in, still wearing his dress shirt, pullover, and tie. He didn't look young enough to be a schoolboy anymore, what with his beard and all, and yet it added a sense of wrongness that Tris found incredibly hot.

God, he felt so snug and warm around his cock that Tris had to resist the urge to push in hard. But Samuel seemed in a hurry as well, steadily lowering himself, letting out little puffs of breath, until he was completely seated on Tris's dick. When he was, he did a little circular motion, as if he wanted to screw it in all the way.

Samuel closed his eyes for a second, letting his head fall back a little, and Tris was struck all over again by how gorgeous he was. The way he looked now, completely overtaken by the sensations, so lost in lust and the enjoyment of Tris's dick inside him, he was breathtaking. It was a heady feeling that he caused that in him, that the two of them made a connection so strong it affected him this deeply.

Then Samuel's eyes opened, finding Tris's, and he slowly raised his hips, then sank down again. Tris's hands found a spot on Samuel's hips, and he let out a moan. "You feel so good," he said, his voice deep.

"So do you. Your cock really is a thing of beauty," Samuel said, letting out another one of those intoxicating little gasps as he sank down again. "I don't know if I want to ride you all day or take you in hard and deep."

Tris was with him on that, because he didn't know either. On one hand, he was impatient to chase his orgasm, his balls full and heavy. But on the other hand, he never wanted this feeling to end.

"We'll just have to keep doing this until we've tried every option there is," he said, and he wasn't even joking.

Samuel's eyes found his again. "That sounds really good."

They smiled at each other, and then Samuel increased his tempo. Tris loved the slick, dirty sounds of Samuel bouncing on his cock. And bounce he did, finding a rhythm that made him slam down hard, forcing the breath out of his lungs with an audible sound every time he came down. Tris intensified the grip on his hips, helping him raise and lower himself, pushing him down hard on the downward move.

Then that wasn't good enough anymore. He needed to be even closer, to feel him, sense his every breath and heartbeat. So he let go of his hips and gently wrapped his hands around Samuel's neck, collaring him. He tightened his grip just a little, not because he wanted to choke him or even pretend to, but because he wanted to feel that pulse against his hands, sense his breaths that grew labored as he bounced harder.

"Tris..." Samuel moaned, and Tris could feel that against his hands, too. "Need to come again."

"Then ride me till you do. No hands," Tris told him, this hot, tight need inside him unfurling to see Samuel pleasure himself on his cock.

Samuel made a sound, deep at the back of his throat, that came out like a mix of a moan and a grunt. So fucking arousing. And his body kept moving up and down, rougher and harder, the sounds increasing in intensity. He bit his lip, then let go as his ragged breaths forced his lips apart again. And Tris still held on to his neck, sucking it all in. Inside him, his need intensified, rose, grew until it was so big he felt like he would burst. His skin felt tight, flushed, his balls throbbing and heavy.

"Tris!" Samuel shouted out, desperate now, his voice raw with the effort of his vigorous moves.

"Come on, baby... Ride me. Ride me hard. Make me come..." Tris egged him on, his own voice filled with need and desire. "Let my fat cock split you wide open. Feel how deep I am inside you? Someday, I'm gonna own your ass bareback, because I want to see my cum dripping out of you. Then I just might humiliate you for it a little, tell you how incredibly dirty and filthy you look with a man's cum trailing down your legs."

It didn't make sense that he could be this turned on by his own words, by the visual he painted, but it was the truth. All he needed to do was to imagine what Samuel would look like, and that was enough. His vision went black for a second as he came, his balls unloading with a force that made him gasp for air.

Samuel followed suit, giving a few last, uncoordinated bounces before his cock once again released its load, spraying all over himself and Tris. Tris finally let go of his neck, then opened his arms and allowed Samuel to collapse against him.

"Best sex ever," Tris managed after at least a minute of heavy breathing for both of them, surprising himself he could even talk after that.

* * *

It shouldn’t bethis easy, being together with someone he’d met only two days ago. And yet Samuel loved being with Tris, experiencing none of the stress he’d had in the first weeks with Evan or with previous dates and boyfriends. He and Tris somehow just fit, despite the fact that at first glance, they didn’t have that much in common. They came from different worlds, almost literally, and yet the conversation flowed easily between them.

Tris wanted to see some of Samuel’s work, so he looked up some clients and campaigns online and showed them to him, getting high praise in return. They talked about architecture, art in general, movies, politics, and more—and discovered they had much more in common than they’d realized. Most importantly, there was an easy familiarity. Samuel felt like he could be himself, not pressured into keeping up appearances.

They had sandwiches for lunch, ordered takeout for dinner, Tris singing the praises of a local pizza restaurant. After eating three slices of the best pepperoni pizza he’d ever had, Samuel had to agree with him. They settled on the couch after dinner, Samuel curling up against Tris, who pulled him close, then draped a throw over them both.

“I’m stuffed,” Tris said.

Samuel debated making a joke, then decided it was too easy and raunchy.

“You totally wanted to go there, didn’t you?” Tris said with a laugh.

Samuel tilted his head back to look at him. “It was too easy. No fun in that.”

Tris kissed his forehead, a gesture so simple, and yet it made Samuel’s heart do a little dance. “I appreciate your restraint.”

Samuel sank back against Tris’s chest, mulling the last forty-eight hours over in his head. His life had been upended, and yet where he’d expected to feel pain and grief, he felt lighter, happier. Shouldn’t he at least miss Evan? Was he fooling himself by rushing into this, using it as an escape from reality?

Tris pushed against his forehead with his index finger. “You have a worry frown.”

Should he be honest with him? Samuel’s first instinct was to pretend he was fine. No man wanted to hear about an ex-boyfriend, right? But then he reconsidered. Part of his issues with Evan had been caused by the fact that he hadn’t been honest with himself but also not with Evan. And clearly, his asshole ex hadn’t been honest with him. Maybe a little more openness wasn’t such a bad idea.

“I was thinking about the last two days,” he said.

“If that makes you look so worried, that’s not a good sign,” Tris said, and Samuel could hear he tried to make light of it but was concerned as well.

“No, not like that,” he said quickly. “My time with you has been amazing. But tomorrow is Monday and it’s just…”

He stopped, not knowing how to put it into words. It was still so fragile, what they had, and he was scared to break it with the wrong words.

“Tomorrow, we’re back to real life,” Tris said, his voice warm. “And it makes you wonder if what we have is real and if it can survive that dose of reality.”

“Yes,” Samuel whispered. “This weekend has been crazy, but also a bubble of just you and me.”

“Tomorrow, we go back to our jobs and our lives, and the question is if our bubble is strong enough to add my kids, your ex, both of our jobs, and the distance between us to the mix,” Tris said.

It hung between them, the question, before Samuel dared to ask it. “Do you think it is?”

In response, Tris shifted positions and Samuel went with it, so they ended up on their sides on the couch, their faces almost pressed against each other. Tris caressed Samuel’s cheek. “I have so much I want to say to you, but I’m scared it’ll scare you away.”

Samuel swallowed, butterflies exploding in his stomach. “Good scare or bad scare?”

“Good scare. Very good scare.”

“I think I can handle it.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to start running because it’s too much too fast.”

Tris’s brown eyes stared straight into his, and Samuel’s heart surrendered to the inevitable. He’d never felt like this. Ever. With Evan, it had been high stress, anxiety, always worrying he’d do the wrong thing. And yet it had felt so infinitesimally small and limited, their relationship, compared to the two days with Tris. It was like comparing a cocoon to a butterfly, the unfulfilled with the splendor and freedom of how it should be.

He took a deep breath. “I’m sure,” he said, his voice soft. “Because I think I could love you sometime soon.”

He didn’t even have time to worry if he’d given away too much, because Tris’s reply was instant. “I think I’m already in love with you.”

Samuel’s heart felt like it would burst and his whole belly was doing somersaults. “We suck at this whole taking it slow thing.”

“We really do.”

He only had to lean in an inch and so he did, their mouths melting in the sweetest of kisses, all unhurried and perfect. Samuel was floating—no, soaring, more like it.

“I want you to meet my boys,” Tris said.

“I want you to meet my parents,” Samuel said, smiling.

“No more moving slow.”

“No. I’ve been stuck long enough. I want to jump in.”

“I’ve never felt this way,” Tris said with such an adorable, goofy smile that Samuel’s insides went all soft again.

“Me neither. There’s so much I want to do with you, explore with you.”

“We’ll make a list. A really long one. And we’ll work on it diligently.”

“You were so fucking hot as a principal,” Samuel said with a sigh, excitement coursing through him as he went over the endless possibilities.

“Wait till you see me as a cop,” Tris said, his voice dropping to that seductive low that made Samuel shiver. “Or as a prison cellmate.”

Samuel had to swallow again, as his mouth had gotten dry over that visual. “Or you could play my brother who catches me jacking off…”

“Mmm, sounds dirty. I could rant at you for being such a dirty boy,” Tris said, his breath dancing over Samuel’s skin. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Samuel could only nod, unable to find words.

“Baby, you’ll have to tell me how far to take it. Promise me you’ll signal me when I go too far.”

“We’re not even close to being too far," Samuel said.

“So let’s make sure we never get there. How about we agree on a safeword you can use to stop the scene?”

Samuel nodded, since the thought had crossed his mind as well. He just hadn’t wanted to bring it up out of fear of taking things too far too soon. Well, that ship had left the harbor for sure now. “How about indigo? It’s my favorite color.”

“Sounds good.”

“I’m gonna cancel the background check on you,” Samuel decided. “It feels so distrustful and that makes no sense after what we’ve shared already.”

Tris put a quick finger on his lips. “No. I’m fine with it. More than fine, in fact. I want you to have no doubt whatsoever about me, about us. I have nothing to hide, so please, I want you to do it.”

Samuel kissed him again for that perfect answer, and this time, the kiss lasted minutes, the two of them tangled up in each other.

“One more thing,” Tris whispered against Samuel’s lips. “I want you to set up an ironclad contract of some kind that makes sure I can’t touch your money in any way. I don’t ever want to be accused of being after your money.”

“I know you’re not,” Samuel said, surprised at the depth of emotion in Tris’s voice. “You didn’t even know who I was at first.”

“Others may think differently, and I want something legal in place that dispels them of any notion. I understand that dating you comes with some public attention and scrutiny, and I’m okay with that, but that needs to be clear. I’m not some gold digger.”

It was official. He’d found the anti-Evan, and wasn’t that a comforting thing to know? Still, he couldn’t resist lightening their heavy conversation a little, because this time, he wouldn’t resist the easy joke. “You can dig me anytime,” he said, his smile widening as Tris laughed.

“Dude, that’s the cheesiest joke ever,” Tris said.

Samuel wiggled his eyebrows. “But I thought you loved digging me.”

Tris caught his bottom lip in a little nip that sent a thrill through Samuel’s body. “Digging, drilling, pounding, I wanna do all the dirty things to you…and the sweet ones too.”

“Can I spend the night?” Samuel asked.

Tris frowned. “I was kinda counting on that, but what kind of non-sequitur is that?”

“I just thought that if I didn’t have to leave anytime soon, we could do more of that drilling and pounding you promised me…”

Tris was still laughing when he claimed Samuel’s mouth in a kiss that left him panting, and then they were too busy getting undressed to laugh anymore.