Every Shade by Nora Phoenix


Langley hadn’t stopped by for a whole week, which had pissed Alexander off, though why, he couldn’t explain. Maybe because after that scorching hot kiss, he’d expected him to drop by the day after? Or even that same night? But nope. Alexander had to make do with his right hand and some very detailed fantasies of Langley to get rid of the crazy tension in his body.

What Langley had done was sent him a thorough analysis of Alexander’s business, showing exactly what his busiest hours were each week and each day and which products sold well. Despite everything, Alexander had been impressed. Some of it he’d known, other facts matched his gut instincts, but Langley had also pointed out some things he hadn’t expected. He’d emailed him back—that was only professional after all—with some questions, and Langley had responded, all business.

His last email had contained a business plan, and Alexander had gasped when he’d read it. Doing a remodel of the shop and adding square footage to create more floor space, a section with fresh take-home meals, and a café? Was Langley crazy? But when Alexander looked at the market research Langley had done and the numbers, it had been damn hard to argue with them.

Still, when Langley finally walked into the gas station again, Alexander tore into him. “What the hell are you thinking, proposing I spend even more money?”

“And a good day to you too.”

“Whatever. Langley, I can’t afford this!”

“You can’t afford not to. You need to diversify your business model and be less dependent on gas sales alone. Northern Lake doesn’t have enough takeout places where people can get a fresh, tasty meal for a decent price. Mary’s isn’t open for dinner nor on Sundays, and the other places don’t offer quality or only have a limited menu.”

“I get that, but spending twenty thousand dollars when I’m already in the red?”

“That’s where the loan comes in.”

“How would I ever pay that back?”

“With the extra sales you’ll generate from the expansion.”

“I don’t know, Langley. It feels so counterintuitive to me to invest this much in a dying business. It seems to me I would only get deeper into debt. You’ve seen my numbers… I’m drowning.”

Langley put his hands on his hips, his eyes shooting fire. “If you hadn’t been so goddamn proud and stubborn and had asked for help sooner, it wouldn’t have gotten this bad.”


“No, don’t you ‘Langley’ me. I’ve given you another week to get used to the idea of executing this plan and accepting the damn loan, but we are doing this. I will not allow you to go bankrupt just because of your pride.”

Alexander hadn’t even noticed someone had walked in until Langley stopped talking, and then he recognized the pretty twink who’d been in the week before as well. He pasted a smile on his face and stepped away from Langley. “Hi, can I help you?”

“Just here to buy milk.”

“We’ll talk tonight. I’ll be at your place at eight. With dinner.” Langley’s tone left no room for debate.

Alexander watched him stalk out, and his heart ached. If only Langley wasn’t so much younger. After that kiss they had shared the week before—where Alexander had enthusiastically kissed Langley back, to say the least—denying he was into Langley seemed indeed childish. But fuck, it chafed to admit Langley had been right. If only he didn’t have so much potential, way too much to waste in a small town like this. Whatever ran so hot between them had no future. Alexander couldn’t give in to it because he’d only end up failing all over again, this time at the cost of a broken heart.

When Langley showed up, he seriously debated not opening the door, but even Alexander wasn’t enough of a dick to do that. “Langley,” he greeted him, then stepped aside to let the man pass. He was carrying two oven dishes this time, both covered with tinfoil.

“Did you preheat the oven like I asked?”

Langley had texted him fifteen minutes prior, and Alexander had dutifully turned on the oven on the setting Langley had asked. “Yes.”

“Good. We’re having grilled salmon with Hasselback potatoes and roasted asparagus.”

Alexander swallowed, his stomach rumbling so loudly it was embarrassing. “Hasselback?”

“It’s when you slice a big potato into super thin slices but not all the way through. It looks pretty, and Rosaria adds some kind of creamy cheese topping that’s just to die for.”


Langley removed the tinfoil off one of the dishes and put it in the oven. “It is. Rosaria is a great cook. She could easily have her own restaurant. That’s why I proposed she and her daughter come work for you as cooks to prepare those takeout meals. I swear, they’ll sell like hotcakes. I’ve already found an affordable supplier of environment-friendly containers, and I’ve contacted the New York State Health Department to ask about permits and laws.”

He turned toward Alexander, who felt strangely nervous, his stomach all fluttering like he was a teenager again. Not that surprising, considering the kiss they’d shared and the fact that Alexander had no idea what came next. They’d kissed the week before, then had fought earlier that day, and the whole situation had him on edge. Langley was talking business, but Alexander wasn’t there yet. He needed to know where they stood.

He cleared his throat. “I just wanted to make sure that… Not that I think you’d be unprofessional, but seeing as there’s a lot on the line for me, I…”

“That kiss we shared last week has and will have nothing to do with me consulting you about your business or with you getting the loan.” Langley sounded so goddamn adult the way he said that. Much unlike Alexander’s impersonation of a stumbling idiot.

“I didn’t mean to imply that you would… You know.”

Langley’s eyes softened. “I’m well aware of what’s at stake for you. I promise you I can keep the two separate. When we fuck, it will have no bearing on my consulting or the decision whether you’ll get a loan.”

Alexander swallowed. “When we fuck…?”

“Still not ready to admit the truth?”

Langley sounded disappointed, and for some reason, that got to Alexander. Langley had a point. Alexander was being childish and ridiculous in denying his attraction to him. Even if nothing could come from it long term—and they both knew that was the case—there was no reason not to be honest.

And maybe no reason not to give in to this crazy attraction, if only for a while. Maybe Langley had been right, and they could fuck it out of their system. Langley was no longer a student, they were both of age, and nothing about this was illegal or even improper. The least Alexander could and should do was be man enough to tell the truth.

“Will those dishes hold if you turn the oven off?”

Langley’s eyes widened, but then he smiled. “I’ll eat them stone-cold if I have to. What did you have in mind?”

Alexander walked over to the stove and turned the oven off. “I haven’t given you a proper tour of my house. Wanna start with the bedroom?”

Funny, now that he’d made his decision, his nerves were gone. Langley had been right about that as well. Alexander had called it annoyance, but what it had been was attraction. Lust. Wanting to peel Langley out of those faded jeans and do all kinds of unspeakable acts to him. Preferably ones that involved Langley’s cock and Alexander’s ass, though that was a discussion he hadn’t had with him yet.

“Fuck, yeah.”

Langley’s grin was contagious, and Alexander found himself grinning as well. “What are you waiting for, then?”

“For you to lead the way.”

He didn’t know why, but he reached out, and Langley took his hand, and that was how they walked into his bedroom, where the bed was neatly made, like it was every day. He’d already pulled the curtains shut when he’d taken a quick shower after closing the gas station, and the smell of his body wash still hung in the air.

And for all their fire and the heated kiss they’d shared earlier, they were both much calmer as they stood across from each other in the bedroom. “I’ve waited five years for this,” Langley said softly.

What else could Alexander say but the truth? “So have I.”

They smiled at each other. “Fuck, I feel like a virgin again.” Langley laughed.

“But you’re not, right?” Alexander checked.

“No. I did my fair share of experimenting. Figured I’d get some practice in so that when we finally got to it, I’d know what I was doing.”

Here went nothing. “When you…experimented, what position did you usually have?”

Langley frowned. “Sex position? As in missionary or reverse or whatever?”

Fuck, why was this still so fucking awkward? Stupid expectations. “No. I mean…”

Langley’s eyes lit up. “I’m vers, so I’m okay with bottoming, since I assume…” Alexander’s face must’ve given something away, and Langley’s expression changed. “I assumed wrong, didn’t I, when I called you an exclusive top?”

Alexander inhaled deeply, then nodded. “Yeah. I much prefer to…not top.”



“Why would that not be okay? I told you I’m vers. I’m happy either way, baby.”

Alexander cringed. “Please don’t call me baby.”


“Reminds me too much of the anonymous Grindr hookups where you call each other baby because nine out of ten times, you never even introduced yourself…or don’t remember the other’s name.”

Langley stepped so close Alexander could feel the warmth radiating off his body. “Are you saying I mean more to you than a nameless hookup?”

Fuck pretending. “If you didn’t, do you really think I would’ve resisted this long?”

Oh, that wicked smile on Langley’s face. It made Alexander’s heart beat ten times faster. “That honesty deserves a reward…Coach.”

Alexander laughed. “Is that what you’re gonna call me now? Although I have to admit, you do make it sound sexy…”

“You have no idea how much I was hoping back then you’d coach me in some other rigorous activities.”

Damn, that look on Langley’s face, the way he wiggled his eyebrows, how he licked his lips… It shot straight to Alexander’s cock, and he was done waiting, done talking. “Strip naked, Mr. Malcolm. Time for some one-on-one coaching.”