Every Shade by Nora Phoenix


Xander was still laughing when Langley sank inside him again, and his laugh transformed in a low, rumbling moan that drifted up from his chest. Fuck, that cock felt perfect. Thick, stretching him, hitting all the right spots. And that face… Langley had crazy long lashes for a man, and they fluttered now as he pumped Xander’s ass, his eyes going dreamy.

How ridiculous of him to think he’d ever stand a chance against him, against the sheer stubbornness of this man. Langley had decided he wanted him, and what Langley wanted…he got. Though Xander had to admit he’d never experienced a more satisfying loss.

“Kiss me?” He’d meant it as a command of sorts, but it came out as a needy question.

Langley didn’t seem to mind. His eyes heated up even more, and he all but dive-bombed Xander’s mouth. His thrusts became shallower as he fucked Xander with his tongue as well, the combined sensation setting Xander’s body on fire. His balls fucking ached, and his cock was craving friction. The pressure of Langley’s body against it wasn’t enough, although at this point, he really didn’t need that much more.

“Such a sweet ass,” Langley growled against his throbbing lips. “And such a sweet mouth.”

“No one’s ever called me sweet before.”

“That’s because you don’t show that side of you to everyone, now do you?”

Fuck that cocky shit and his self-confidence. Why could he spot so easily what others never have? “Overconfident much?”

Langley pushed himself up on one arm, his other hand curling around Xander’s throat, not so tight he couldn’t breathe but definitely enough to get his attention. “You’re not pushing me away again, Coach.”

His blue eyes were more intense than Xander had ever seen them, and he resisted the urge to squirm under that scrutinizing stare. “Can we save the psychological analyzing shit for later? I’d really like to focus more on carnal pleasures right now.”

It took a few beats for Langley’s expression to change, but then his mouth pulled up in a grin as he let go of Xander’s throat. “Carnal, huh? It literally means meat.”

“I know.”

“As in, my meat in your ass.”

Xander rolled his eyes. “Yes, I got the reference, thank you.”

“So you’re saying you want to focus on the pleasure of my meat in your ass.”

“Will you just fuck me already?” Xander snapped, and Langley was laughing as he slammed into him.

“Like that?”


“Or more like this?” Another hard thrust. Jesus, any more force and Langley’s dick would touch his tonsils. But apparently, Langley didn’t really need an answer, which was just as well because with the brutal pace he was setting now, words were impossible for Xander. He fisted the sheets as Langley fucked him, every shove perfectly rough and electrifying.

He closed his eyes, his hand slipping between their bodies to curl around his cock. Fuck, he was close. The way Langley fucked him was perfection, and if he kept his eyes closed, he didn’t have to think of—

“Look at me.”

His eyes flew open again at that command. The fuck? “You’re not pretending to be with anyone else but me, Coach.”

Despite everything, Xander had to admire the sheer balls of that statement. Langley was fearless, and damn if Xander didn’t value that. “Yes, sir,” he said jokingly. Only it didn’t quite come out that way.

Langley’s eyes widened, and a slow grin spread across his mouth. “Oh, I like that.”

“I bet you do. It was a joke, asshole.”

Langley just winked at him. “Keep telling yourself that.”

Fuck that little shit. Arrogant cocky bastard. Xander should….

Oh, fuck, that felt good. Langley had changed his angle again and was now hammering Xander’s prostate dead on, every thrust sending lightning bolts up his ass and radiating outward. His balls tingled, and his grip on his cock tightened as he fisted himself.

“Finish yourself,” Langley instructed, his voice raw. “Wanna see you come.”

How could he say no to that? He fought to keep his eyes open, consumed by this strange desire to please Langley, as he mercilessly jacked himself off, bringing that little sharpness, that sting of pain that always got him off so hard. His muscles clenched tight, his balls pulled up, and his cock all but vibrated in his hand. Just one more…

“Ah…!” The last jerk did it. “Fuck!”

The breath whooshed from his lungs, and his mouth hung open in some frozen suspension as his balls emptied, shooting his load up his shaft, then all over his hand and his belly. Fuck, he unloaded as if he hadn’t come in days, pumping his cock until he winced with how sensitive it was.

“Jesus fuck, that was hot,” Langley growled. “I could almost come from that alone.”

Xander didn’t want to look at him anymore, didn’t want to see Langley’s eyes, which showed so much more than mere lust, but he couldn’t look away. And so he kept his eyes trained on Langley, who never even blinked as he thrust inside Xander, the air between them so charged, it almost hurt to breathe.

“Oh damn…” Langley grunted. “Fuuuuck….”

One last ruthless shove and he came, his body shaking as he filled the condom inside Xander. How would that feel bare? He’d never considered it, had never even wanted it, and yet here he was, with a man seventeen years his junior, and all he could think about was how good it would feel to have his cum dripping out of his ass. And how amazing it would be to wake up with Langley in his bed. In his arms.

Fuck, he was in so much trouble.

Also, when the fuck had he started to think of himself as Xander rather than Alexander? That little shit had gotten to him…