Prom King by Alexa Riley

Chapter Eleven


“Do you have any idea how hard it is to get close to you?” Emerson asks as he drops down into the seat next to mine. Today he’s dressed in a yellow tracksuit with lots of jewelry. He’s handsome in a soft way, but too pretty for my taste. “Crew likes to keep you under lock and key, but I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less.”

“Excuse me?” I ask, perplexed by his words.

“And here they come now,” he says under his breath.

A few of the guys from the rowing team head our way. “This area is reserved,” one says when he draws closer. I’m pretty sure he was parking cars at the event last weekend.

I start to stand so that we can move to another area. This is where Apollo told me to sit, but I guess I misheard him.

“Not you, Celeste,” the other guy with him rushes to say.

“I’m with her,” Emerson responds to them before winking at me. It’s not flirty but mischievous.

“Yeah. He’s with me,” I confirm and finally they get the hint. The two freshmen don’t seem to be happy about my response, but they scramble back toward the water.

“There are some catty bitches that are mad Crew is all over you.” He casually nods to a group of girls by the water, and I see what he’s talking about. “It’s so weird to people.”

“He’s not all over me,” I’m quick to say, but then I let my hair fall forward to try and hide my blush. Okay, he might be all over me. “We’re a couple. I don’t get why it’s weird.” We’re not super affectionate in public. In fact, we’re tame compared to some of the couples that roam the hallways of Craven Cove High.

“It’s weird because it’s Crew. Mr. Do Everything Perfectly. All he cares about is being the best. I suppose living in his father's shadow is hard. Girls weren't on his radar. Well, they weren't until now.”

My eyes automatically find Apollo’s dad in the crowd. He’s standing near the boats and waiting for the race to begin. This is my first time at a rowing race, if that’s what it’s even called. Mr. Crew looked my way when he arrived, but that was all. I’m not sure what to make of him, but I don’t get the feeling he cares for me much. I do, however, think he has all kinds of feelings for my mom. Ones that are making me uneasy, to say the least. At this point, “messy” might be a better word.

I don’t know what I did to him to get his unreadable stares, but my mom straight-up took his credit card out of his hand and used it at the spa on us. He all but fell over his feet to give it up to her. He might see me as something in the way, more so now that his son and I are getting tangled together.

“I haven't really met his dad,” I admit.

Apollo will mention him here or there. When I first met him, I thought they were close, but lately I get a sense there is tension. I worry I’m the cause of that, and I would hate to come between them. I’d never want someone to come between me and my mom.

How can he be good with my mom but not me? The confusion has me feeling insecure and questioning my relationship with Apollo. We are from two very different worlds, and it’s not like we fit together in either of them. I’ve also had the luxury of hearing a few people say that.

Then why is it when we’re alone it feels so right? I’ve had friends come and go in my life, but none have been consistent with how much Mom and I have drifted. With Apollo, it’s easy when we’re together. It’s when the rest of the world starts pushing in around us that these thoughts rise up in me. I wonder if Apollo feels the same. If he’s always trying to be Mr. Perfect, it's really not going to work long term.

Emerson nods toward Apollo’s dad. “He’s always here, but I’m one to talk. I’m always here too. I mean, look around.” He wiggles his eyebrows at the men down by the water. They’re all shirtless, and some of them are wet.

“I suppose it is a nice view.”

“Better not let your man hear you say that. He’s the jealous type.”

“No he’s not.” At least not that I can tell.

“Sure, dollface.”

A whistle blows, and it draws my attention back to the water as they all begin. I’m surprised how much I’m into the races as the boats begin to compete. I’m also surprised at the jealousy I feel when other girls shout Apollo's name when it’s his turn. I think I might be the one with jealousy issues, and I hate it.

Before I can even understand what’s happening, it’s over. Apollo’s boat pulls into the marina, and I decide to push thoughts of jealousy away when he heads straight for me. He laughs as he lifts me off my feet and spins me around in a circle. He won, of course, but I’m not shocked by this.

“You were amazing,” I tell him when he finally puts me back down.

“You have no idea what happened, do you?” He smiles as he says it.

“You crossed the line thingy first. That’s something.” His chuckle is deep as he leans down and kisses me again.

“What’s up, Emerson?” Apollo says when he finally lifts his mouth from mine. For a moment, I completely forgot that there are people all around us. Most of them are looking our way and at how close Apollo is to me. “What were you two plotting up there in the stands?”

“Not much. Celeste agreed to be on the prom committee with me. I mean, she’s going with you, so it’s only fitting.”

“What?” I blink at him, knowing I didn’t agree to anything like that.

“You did?” Apollo eyes me with confusion, and they both wait for me to respond.

“It might be fun.” I shrug, thinking I might actually like it. I’m not involved in anything else around here, and Emerson is the only person besides Apollo who’s asked me to do anything.

“Lo, I need you over here. People are waiting to talk to you,” Mr. Crew says as he walks over towards us. I try to duck out from under Apollo’s arm so he can go, but he doesn't let me wiggle away. “They’re waiting.”

“I got your girl, Crew. Go do what you need to. We’ll meet you at the party, so she doesn't have to wait around like a groupie,” Emerson says, and I glance up at Apollo. He turns his glare from his father to Emerson, who only smirks. “I think you and everyone else knows she’s not my type.”

“She’s not a groupie.”

“That’s where we definitely agree.” Emerson smiles and nudges me with his elbow.

“Are you cool with that, Celeste? I don’t want you wanting around,” Apollo asks.

“Yeah, do what you need to. I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. I’ll come straight there after I’m finished.”

“Mmky,” I answer before he leans down and gives me a quick kiss.

“Keep your phone close,” he says before finally releasing me and heading toward his father.

I watch him go, feeling my lips tingle at his touch.

“He’s gonna look back, I know it,” Emerson teases. “I got twenty on it.”

He isn’t wrong. Apollo glances back, and his eyes connect with mine. I can only think one thing as my heart flutters and I smile at him: That man is going to break my heart.

Emerson throws his arm over my shoulder. “We need food first, dollface. I’m thinking fries and ice cream.”

As he leads me to the parking lot, I laugh and agree. We’re almost to Emerson’s car when I see a guy leaning against it.

“Who is that?” I ask, and Emerson looks up.

“Oh shit,” he says quietly, and I feel him grab my forearm. “Just, um, be cool.”

We keep walking to the car, and the guy that’s leaning against his car pushes off and smiles at us. He’s big like Apollo, but leaner. He’s got on a tight T-shirt with the school's swimming logo on it.

“You must be Celeste,” he says as he tucks his hands in his jeans. The motion is meant to look casual, but there’s nothing about him that’s casual. “I’m Shy.”

“Ironic, isn’t it,” Emerson snips as he tries to move in front of me. “Excuse us, we’re late.”

“Come on, Emerson. I’m not here to cause trouble.”

Emerson pauses and cocks his head to the side. “Tell it to the judge. Now if you don’t get off of my car, I’m going to call the cops.”

Shy holds his hands up and backs away, but a smile still tugs at his lips. “No offense, I just need a moment with the lady.”

Emerson looks hesitant and like he’s weighing his options. I see the same thing. If he lets me talk to him, this will be over quickly. If he puts up a fight, it could escalate beyond what he wants to deal with. After a second, he sighs and backs away.

“I’ll be right here when you’re ready to go,” Emerson says and narrows his eyes on Shy.

“Walk with me,” he says as he steps between Emerson and me. He doesn’t look up as he keeps on walking toward the courtyard near the school.

I decide to get whatever this is over with. “What can I do for you, Shy?” No need to play dumb. I’m not one to beat around the bush.

“Direct. I like that.” He smirks as he comes to a stop and faces me. “I can see why Crew likes it too.”

“What do you want?” I say, more sternly this time, crossing my arms over my chest. It’s a mistake because Shy’s eyes zero in on my cleavage.

“I’m here to offer a friendly warning,” he says, his voice calm and cool.

“All right then, let’s have it.” For some reason I feel like I’ve called on my mom's no-bullshit attitude because I’m much more nervous than I’m letting on.

“Watch your back with the Crews. You have no idea what kind of family you’re getting mixed up in.” The only thing I feel is confused as he looks around and then back to me. “You don’t know them, and you don’t know the whole story.”

“I think I know enough to decide for myself.” I start to take a step back, and he reaches for my forearm.

“Wait,” he says, his voice firm, and my feet root to the ground. I look at where his hand is holding on to me, and he drops it. “Your friend over there can say whatever he wants about me, but I know the truth about Craven Cove’s royal family.”

“Which is?” I press my lips together, hating that this guy is giving me any reason to distrust Apollo.

Shy leans back and gives me a casual smile like he hasn’t just dropped a bomb between us. “You’re an outsider just like me, Celeste. The best thing you can do is keep your head down and stay away from the Crews. Graduate from this place and get the hell off this island.”

“Thanks, I’ll do that,” I say before turning around and going to Emerson’s car.

“Oh, and Celeste,” Shy calls, and I stop to look over my shoulder. “I’ll see you around.”