Prom King by Alexa Riley

Chapter Nine


This is really happening. It was only a few hours ago I’d been so unsure of what Apollo and I were, and now he’s got his hand on my sex. He’s also standing in front of me in only his boxer briefs. I might have wondered a few times what he’d look like under his clothes, and now I know. I’d assumed he was built, but this man in front of me is something else altogether.

His whole body is rippled with muscles that flex with each movement. If I wasn't so turned on right now, I might be self-conscious. I’m a bit on the curvy side, which is something that has never bothered me before. My mom is too, and seeing her always embrace and love her body has made me feel confident in mine. I’m sure every person is nervous when they’re naked in front of someone else for the first time, but Apollo doesn’t seem to be.

From the giant outline of Apollo's cock in his underwear, he likes what he sees. Why else would I be the girl he took to his bedroom? I have no doubt that any of the other girls at the party would have gladly come up here with him.

So far, the only downside to my new school is other girls being salty over Apollo’s attention toward me. I’ve gotten the dirty looks and heard some of the whispered comments about how he never hooks up or dates anyone from school. I’m some special exception, and I can’t help but love that.

“You’ve got to say it.” He licks his lips as I trail my fingers down his chest. “Tell me I can have a taste of you.”

“Yes.” I barely finish the word, and his mouth is on mine.

He grips my hips in a firm hold, and I feel his arousal against me. I rock against him, and he groans, jerking his mouth back from mine. The heat in his eyes has my breath hitching.

“You have no idea how badly I want you,” he says before he kisses me again.

It’s like he can’t stop kissing me. I’ve opened the floodgates, and now he's taking it all.

His mouth lifts briefly as he makes his way down my jaw and neck. I feel him lick me there like he’s tasting his next meal. And that might be exactly what I am. I close my eyes and think about him doing this between my legs.

He releases his hold on my hips to push my dress up until it’s bunched around my waist. His hard length rubs right against my panties with only our underwear separating us.

“You feel so damn good,” he says, his fingers traveling back and forth over the tops of my thighs. He’s stroking me slowly and with so much control. “Soft and sweet.”

“Apollo,” I breathe out. He has to know how wet I am because I can feel my panties sticking against me. I’m sure I’m getting him wet too.

When he drops to his knees in front of me, I bite my lip. The sight of him so close to there makes me feel not so bold as before. There’s no missing the giant wet spot now because it’s right in front of his face. I’ve never been so turned on in my freaking life while my whole body throbs.

“Look at all this.” Apollo’s voice is thick with desire. He drags his knuckles over the wet material, and I see his cocky grin pull at the corner of his mouth. “Just for me, beautiful.”

He leans forward and presses a kiss against my panties. Then I watch as he inhales my scent and closes his eyes. It’s like he’s savoring me. This man cannot be real with how he treats me. You’d think I’m the one thing he wants more than anything else in the world.

His fingers grip the side of my panties, and he slowly pulls them aside. Apollo licks his lips as his other hand slips into his boxers. I wiggle, not sure how I can take.

“I can’t take much more,” I whimper. I want to grab him and make him get to it before I die of need. “Apollo.”

“I love the way you say my name, but it’s ten times better when you’re turned on and need me.”

He’s enjoying this slow torture, but finally, finally he moves in closer, and his tongue slides between my folds. The feeling is like liquid heat being poured over my body, but when I feel him circle my clit, I moan. I’m unable to pull my eyes away from his face buried between my thighs. I can’t see his hand in his boxers anymore, but from the way his arm is moving back and forth, I know he’s jacking himself off as he goes down on me. This is so damn hot.

I rock my hips forward because I can’t sit still. His pace is slow at first as he explores me, and it’s like he’s trying to lick up every drop. The more I start to moan his name, the faster he goes. When he sucks my clit into his mouth and flicks his tongue back and forth quickly, I’m done for.

“Apollo!” I cry out and my fingers go to his hair. The orgasm floods my body, but he doesn’t stop. “I can’t.” I try to shift away because my clit is too sensitive for me more.

After another tortuous lick, he smiles against me and then puts my panties back into place. When he stands up, he’s towering over me.

“What about you?” I ask, licking my lips. He lets out a groan that makes me feel pretty damn sexy.

“Don’t tempt me. I already got off once. No way am I getting two orgasms while you only get one.” I huff, pretending to be annoyed. He kisses me and takes the pout right off my lips. “This was about you tonight.”

This isn’t about him getting off? I smile up at him and fall a little bit more. He’s so unlike every other guy around school, or that I’ve ever met, really.

I rest my head against his chest and breathe him in. The hum of the orgasm is still floating through my body, and I don’t want it to stop. I want to stay right here forever and not go back to the party.

“I’m going to need to change my underwear now too,” he says with a deep chuckle. Even his laugh is sexy.

I lift my head to let him get dressed, and while he does, I roam around his room. I think his bedroom might be bigger than the entire house Mom and I rent. It’s another reminder of how out of my depth I am here. Apollo is Craven Cove royalty. I’m the new girl who is likely only passing through. I have no plans for what will happen next in my life while his is mapped out. We’re so different.

“Hey, what are you thinking about?” He grabs my hand and pulls me into his body. He’s back in another one of his tuxedos, and he reminds me of a GQ model.

“Nothing,” I lie. I can tell he’s not buying it, but before he can ask again, a knock sounds at the door.

“Come in,” Apollo says. I try to take a step back from him, but he doesn't release his hold on me. The door opens, revealing his father, who I still haven't really met yet. Apollo looks so much like him, and it’s even more apparent when they're both in tuxedos.

His eyes bounce between the two of us. I know I’m blushing because I can feel the heat burn my cheeks. Mr. Crew’s face is unreadable, but I swear a silent conversation happens between him and Apollo. Whatever that conversation is, it has Apollo glaring at his father.

“The auction is about to start. You're up first. We don’t want all the girls not bidding because they’re waiting for you.”

“Shit,” Apollo mutters, running his hands through his hair. “I can’t. I agreed to that before.”

Before what? Before he went down on me? Told me I’m his?

“You’re backing out on a commitment?” Mr. Crew folds his arms over his broad chest. “This is for charity.” He emphasizes the last word, and I really wish I wasn't here right now.

“I’ll write a damn check myself then.”

“We talked about this.” He levels Apollo with a stare, and Apollo doesn't look the least bit intimidated, and his hold on me tightens.

“No, you talked.” I shift from foot to foot because this is getting awkward.

There’s a silent beat between them, and I feel his chest deflate.

“I’ll do it,” Apollo bites out.

“I’ll see you downstairs.” Mr. Crew steps back and shuts the door behind him.

It doesn't go unnoticed that he didn’t introduce himself to me, or that Apollo didn't introduce me to him. I’m not sure what to make of that or the conversation they had.

“What auction?” I ask, but I’m sure it’s exactly what it sounds like.

“I agreed forever ago to be a part of a bachelor auction. Only high schoolers can bid, but whoever wins I have to take to prom.” His jaw ticks, and my stomach drops.

“Oh.” I try to pull away from him, but again he doesn't let me go.

“You’re going to bid on me.”

“What?” I shake my head no. “I mean, I wish I could, but I don’t have money for that.” I hate the feeling I get inside saying that out loud to him. I don’t think Apollo has ever had to give money a thought for a moment in his life.

“I’m going to cover it.”

“I can’t do that.” I keep shaking my head no.

“Celeste, you have to. For me, please.” He smiles shyly, and his eyes are pleading. “I don’t want to go to prom with anyone but you.”

“Isn’t prom forever away?” It’s only the first week of the school year.

“I’m always thinking ahead.”

I’m not sure he realizes what a luxury that is, and it’s one I don’t have. I don’t know how it’s possible with how tight he’s holding me, but with each second, distance grows between us. At least for me it does.

“You’ll bid for me?” he pushes.

I hesitate for only a moment before I nod. “Yes.” Even if I’m not sure how Apollo and I could ever work, it would kill me to see him out on a date with another girl. “What if it gets crazy? Is there a limit or something?”

“No limit. Not when it comes to us.”

He takes my face in his big hands before he leans down and kisses me. I can still taste my release on his lips, and I kind of love the idea of him going downstairs with me still on him. That’s when I stop trying to get away from him and melt into his embrace. When he kisses me, I forget everything around us.

“We've gotta get down there. You’re standing way too damn close to my bed. If we don’t go now, we won’t be leaving my bedroom for the rest of the night.”

“Let’s do this,” I agree as I bounce on my toes a little.

He takes my hand and leads me back downstairs and then outside. We make our way to the big top and the stage in the middle. I try not to fidget, with all the long looks we get from people. Apollo keeps me close to him and I know that’s why they are staring. All those stupid insecurities start to rise up inside of me. It doesn't help that I’m underdressed. I wish I could be more like my mom and not give a shit. I wonder if that’s something that comes with age.

Apollo stops at a table, getting me a paddle so I can bid. He glances around the room, and I try to follow his line of sight to see what he’s looking for.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“I’m trying to find someone I’m okay with leaving you with.” His eyebrows furrow together, and an adorably frustrated look crosses his face.

“You know I can be left alone, right?” I laugh.

“So someone can come hit on you?” He gives me a look like I’ve lost my mind or something.

“No one—”

“They will. Trust me,” he says, cutting me off. “You have no idea how beautiful you are.” That leaves me speechless.

“I’ll go stand with my mom.” I motion over to where I see her near the stage.

“That might work.”

I fight another laugh as he leads me over to her and then introduces himself properly. He hasn’t run into her again since she caught us making out. After that, he kisses me on the cheek and darts off toward the stage. Half a second later, his father is stepping to the front of the stage with a mic in his hands.

“You’re bidding?” Mom asks, seeing the paddle in my hand. I give her the abbreviated version of what went down in Apollo’s room, obviously leaving out the dirty stuff.

After I’m finished, her eyes search my face looking for something.

“His father is making him do the auction after he said he’s with you?” Her lips purse, something she does when she’s annoyed. “Did he say anything to you?” she asks.

“Not a word.”

“I see.”

Oh shit.

“It’s fine, he was in a hurry,” I rush to say, because I know my mom. If he did anything to upset me, she’d bleed him dry.

“The auction is starting, honey.” She changes the subject. Great.

We both watch as Apollo's father talks about the charity before giving a brief rundown on how the auction will work. Every few seconds his eyes find my mom, and they linger. I glance over and see she’s giggling with the man on the other side of her—something I know she’s doing on purpose.

“First up we have my son Apollo.”

All the girls start to cheer loudly as Apollo steps onto the stage. He comes to the center and slips his hands into his pockets. I wonder how that action can be so incredibly sexy. The girls all keep screaming. Yikes.

“Apollo is captain of the rowing team, has a 4.0, and has been awarded a full scholarship to State.” His father talks him up, but I can see the pride in him as he brags on his son. “Let the bidding begin. We’ll start with one thousand, so I have a bid of one thousand dollars for Apollo Crew.”

Paddles immediately fly up as the bidding begins. Start at a thousand. What in the hell have I gotten myself into?! I watch a few of the girls go back and forth, but Apollo's eyes stay on me the whole time. I’ve yet to bid because I wanted to wait it out. At least until it’s down to a few girls instead of all of them at once.

I notice one of the girls bidding is Amber, and my annoyance is back. I thought she got kicked out. Maybe she snuck back in, but this is a pretty public way to show yourself. Great. Who knows what she'll spout off if we end up going head to head, which I’m pretty sure is going to happen. I’ve seen Amber’s car and the way she dresses. She comes from money too.

As I feared, the bidding comes down to Amber and another girl. I think her name is Cara. I’ve seen her around school before, but I’m terrible with names. Cara drops her paddle, and Amber has a smug look of victory because she thinks she’s won.

I raise my paddle. “Five thousand,” I announce clearly to the quiet room, and everyone turns their attention to me.

Being the focus is my worst nightmare, but when I feel my mom’s arm brush against me it gives me courage. She’s silently telling me she’s at my side and paying attention.

If looks could kill, I’d be so dead from the glare Amber is shooting me.

“Six thousand,” she tosses back.

Oh god. This is getting out of hand. I could get my own car with this kind of money.

“Ten,” Mom whispers to me under her breath. When I peek over at her, she gives me a firm nod to do it. What the hell? I said I wish I could be a bit more like her when it comes to confidence, so this must be my chance.

I lift my paddle again and call out the bid, shocking everyone, including myself.