Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor



I’d been in Reid’s gym for about half an hour with Billy and I had already impressed him with my excellent ability to make a fist. I made a mental note to thank Reid later for showing me how to avoid breaking my thumb.

Just as Reid had promised, Billy showed me how to put some force into my punches. He’d also shown me some self-defense moves he assured me would shake off even the largest of attackers.

I didn’t want anyone to know about the weirdo stalking me yet, but our session helped to ease the concerns that had been plaguing my mind since my conversation with Lewis. I didn’t know who was trying to get to me, or whether I would be able to fight them off if it came to that, but at least now I felt confident that I could have a good go.

“Let’s stop for a drink, shall we? I don’t want you passing out on me.” Billy pulled off my gloves and handed me an ice-cold bottle of water that I drink half of, not realizing how thirsty I was. “So, why the sudden interest in boxing, Hettie? Is everything okay?” I nodded, swallowing some more water.

“I just wanted to work on my fitness. Being with that man is a full-on workout and I need to improve my stamina.”

“Gross! I don’t want to hear about you banging my best friend. It’s just wrong.” He fake shuddered while making a disgusted face at me. “I have images in my head now. I’ll never be able to look at the big man in the same way again.” He paused for a moment and when he spoke, his tone was serious. “Seriously though, if you need to talk or get something off your chest, I’m a good listener.”

“Thanks, Billy. I promise I’m all good. I don’t think the Viking would let anything happen to me. I’m just working on my stamina. Honest.”

“Speaking of stamina… your friend, Lou, seems to be full of it. I thought she’d never stop dancing or talking the other night. Is she always like that?” I quietly chuckled to myself because she’d love to know that he was fishing for information about her.

“She’s a proper little pocket rocket, our Lou. She’s one of a kind.”

“I’m starting to notice that. It’s strange, but I’m sure I’ve met her somewhere before. She swears we haven’t, but I get a weird feeling that I know her.”

“Maybe you’ve met in a previous life and your souls have been searching for each other ever since.” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

Billy laughed. “Dear Lord, woman, you read too many romance novels. No one’s soul is searching for its other half. I just think I’ve seen her around somewhere. I certainly hope you’re not filling Reid’s head with all that soul mate nonsense. He has a reputation as a grumpy git to uphold, so he can’t be talking about souls and true love.” He shot me a wink to let me know that he was teasing.

But it made me wonder, can he really change how he’s treated women in the past or am I foolishly believing I can be the one to change him?

“Right, let’s get back to it. You ready?”

I nodded as I pulled my gloves back on, holding them out for him to fasten them for me. As he turned to pick up the pads for me to hit, I caught a glimpse of the colorful tattoos that stretcedh across his back and shoulders beneath the loose-fitting black vest top he was wearing. Upon closer inspection, I realize they were hiding scars that covered his back.

Readjusting his top, as if he was worried I may have seen more than he wanted me to see, he pulled the pads up in front of his chest. “Come on then, Hettie. Let’s see what you remember.” I nodded, smiling as I punched them with the combinations he had shown me.