Breaking the Ice by Esme Taylor



I didn’t think being dead would hurt this much.

The blood had long since dried on the side of my face and the cut on my stomach was throbbing. As I tried to sit up, my wrists and ankles cried out in agony. And that’s when it hit me.

I’m not dead at all. I’m bound.

Glancing down, I found myself spread eagle, arms and legs bound to the corners of the bed I’d fought so desperately to get away from. The thick rope Roger had used rendered me completely motionless. A single tear fell from my eyes as I realized there was no way out.

Deep down, I knew that by the time Roger was finished with me, I was going to wish I were dead.

I thought about all the things I’d wanted to do in my life, but had put off because there was always ‘more time’. Those half-written books I was too scared to let people read, how much I wanted to travel, to swim in the sea, to have adventures, and how long I’d remained stuck in my safety zone because I was afraid to step out and live. I’d allowed someone to break my heart and make me believe I didn’t deserve to be happy. I had played it safe for so long that it was the only thing I knew.

But now, trapped in this room, my life hanging in the balance, I could weep for all the things I would never get to do.

Closing my eyes, I whispered a silent promise to the Universe. If I get out of here alive, I will live every minute and do all the things that scare me. But deep down, I knew there wasn’t a way out. This would be where my story ended.

I listened for footsteps, any signs of life, but there was only silence. The only thing I could hear was my pulse pounding in my ears as fear flooded my body. He’s probably somewhere sharpening his knife or reloading his gun, I thought to myself, as a shiver ran down my spine.

Time seemed to stand still. For a brief moment, sleep threatened to take me. I could only assume it was the after-effects of whatever drug he’d given me earlier. Just before drifting off, I was startled back to reality by a loud noise, quickly followed by the familiar sound of something breaking.

This is it. The end. I just hope it’s quick.

I closed my eyes and waited for the world to fade away.