Passionate Obsession by D.M. Mortier

Chapter Nineteen

The Scientists

“I want them found!” Dr. William Everette roared. He had been in a feverous rage since Katia blinded him the day before. He had gotten his sight back a few hours after Katia left the hotel. Now with the recent failure of his colleague, Dr. Gloria Forbes, earlier today, and after reports of Mac smashing the SUV to almost rubble, he was inconsolable with fury. “My God, we’ve seen the abilities of only the parents and probably only a taste of what they can do. Can you imagine those boys? I want them back. We need to find them!”

“We have the team reviewing every CCTV in London, and we have every intelligence agency in the world on alert and looking for them,” Dr. Forbes assured him. They were in the penthouse suite of the Waldorf, waiting on reports from their various teams working non-stop to find the McAllister family. “There is no way they can escape us. They will try to get Justin Ragnarson and his family home. We will capture them, William. But it seems we have a big problem in Dr. Reiner.”

“Problem? What do you mean? He’s in Alaska, where we have our eyes on him.”

“Yes, but he told us that Andrew McAllister is no one. Clearly after that display this morning, Dean must have given him the serum at some point,” Dr. Forbes insisted.

“I need to see that video to determine what we’re dealing with. As soon as we have the visual evidence of his abilities, we can interrogate Dean. This time if he doesn’t tell us the truth, the gloves will come off!” William was not afraid to get his hands dirty or even to become deadly. If people had to die for the greater good, so be it.

A knock on the office door interrupted whatever Dr. Forbes was going to tell him.

Two agents came into the room. Stopping in the middle of the large office that overlooked the city, they appeared uncomfortable and nervous.

“Sir. Ma’am. The CCTV footage of the events at the airport were erased.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Dr. Everette growled. “How could a secure tape be erased?”

“I don’t know, sir. The tape stopped when the woman and child entered the vehicle, and the rest of the tape is blank.”

“Who has access to these tapes?”

“It’s mostly the Home Office and Department of Transport, but the airport border control maintained the footage. They are saying that no one from their agencies erased the footage. In fact, it seemed as if the wreckage never happened. The tape was rolling and only picked up the jet but not what was happening with the other vehicles.”

“Only someone powerful could have done this,” Dr. Forbes hissed.

“They have someone high up in British Intelligence working with them,” Dr. Everette muttered. “Giselle, the MI6 agent, told us that McAllister had some agency connections, but she didn’t know which one.”

“I have some contacts in the Home Office.” Dr. Forbes angrily gathered her papers and her handbag. “I’ll find out who did this. You need to deal with Dean because he didn’t warn us that he gave the serum to McAllister,” she persisted.

“I want that footage, the Ragnarsons, and the McAllisters! You said that the CIA and Homeland Security had the power to give us the assets we needed.” Dr. Everette was almost frothing with excitement. “If the McAllisters have half the powers we suspect from our serum, every intelligence agency from every country will want that serum. And it won’t matter which agency is helping them because all the others will be against them. They will have every intelligence agency and military in the world after them. That footage is key. We have to convince them that we can harness that power.”

“I saw McAllister in action, and you experienced Katia’s abilities,” Dr. Forbes insisted. “Our testimonies have to account for something.”

“Without the footage, we have no proof that the powers exist or what the serum can do,” Dr. Everette dismissed.

“We already have commitments from the British and Israeli military for the serum.”

“Their commitments are contingent on proof. So far, we have nothing to give them. Nothing!”

“We have our experiences as proof! And when I find that footage, we will have even more than that.”

“We thought McAllister was an FBI agent, Dr. Forbes. Apparently, we were wrong,” Dr. Everette sneered. “You think anyone will trust our word after we have been proven wrong so many times? No government will allow us to use the serum without definitive proof. Find the missing footage, and then talk to me!”