Passionate Obsession by D.M. Mortier

Chapter Seventeen


I should have slept like the dead after being kept up most of the night by our seemingly insatiable passionate gluttony. Throughout the night, when I was not reaching for him, Mac was reaching for me. We made it to the shower in a sexual daze twice, and both times we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other even there. I was either pinned to the tiled wall or bent with my head to my knees, and the muscles of his buttocks bunched and rippled as he entered me in long, potent thrusts, his thick length slipping and sliding into my core with bruising, erotic rhythm that wrung hoarse, tortured cries from both of us.

My entire body, especially my breasts and pelvis area, was so damn tender from Mac lusty nibbling, probing, and sucking that even the 500-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets were irritating against my skin. Given my healing abilities, my soreness only spoke more definitively of our overindulgence. However, I didn’t have time to dwell on my painfully sensitized body. I needed to tell Mac about my abilities and what the doctors were planning.

I meant to tell him last night about my abilities, some of which I had no idea I had until I got pissed at Dr. Everette yesterday. I knew that I could tap in or sense the emotion of others, but I had no idea I could take away their senses. When Dr. Everette had smirked over seeing me and Mac’s ex in the same day, I was so angry I snatched his sight without realizing that I was doing it. Especially after what I’d just witnessed in my astral-projected self, I wanted that bastard to disappear; too bad my powers didn’t extend to that.

Mac had obviously been awake for a while, as the bed was cold beside me, so I was shocked that it was only eight in the morning when I looked at the clock on the nightstand. Mac and I had only fallen asleep around four, but I couldn’t sleep any longer. I had one of my involuntary astral projects while I slept, eavesdropping on Dr. Gloria Forbes, and it had woken my ass up. We needed to get the hell out of here if Justin, his wife, and their daughter had any hope of surviving.

I hurried into the bathroom to rush through my morning business. As I was coming out of the bathroom, the bedroom door opened.

“Mom’s awake!” Colin yelled. He had blitzed into the room and blitzed back out so fast I didn’t have time to reprimand him.

I followed in his wake a lot slower with a shake of my head and a huge smile of relief. It did my heart good to see him so happy and carefree despite the upheaval over the past week and a half. Mac and I must be doing something right that allowed our sons to feel so confident that we would protect them, and they were not intimidated by any threat coming at us.

“I have breakfast ready,” Mac said as soon as I walked into the small kitchen. He placed a plate of toast and a spinach omelette on the table, beckoning me forward.

The boys were already halfway through their breakfast of eggs, sausages, and waffles.

I kissed the boys on their syrup sticky cheeks and crossed over to Mac to kiss his lips before taking a seat. “We have to talk, Mac,” I told him urgently. I had already taken too long to tell him what’s going on.

“You ate nothing for dinner last night. Whatever you have to say can wait until you’ve eaten.”

“It really can’t.” I paused to look over at our sons, who were staring at me intently, seeming to know something was up. Already, they were ready to enter the fray, ready for action. However, I didn’t want them to experience any further darkness. They had been exposed to too much already. “Boys, are you done? I need to talk to Dad.”

“Are we going to beat up some more bad guys?” Liam wanted to know.

“We can help you, Mama,” Colin assured me.

“Not this time, babies.”

“We’re not babies!” Liam puffed out his chest as though it would make him look bigger.

“Well, it doesn’t matter how big you all get. You will always be my babies.” I smiled despite the tension that was gripping me, the worry.

“Boys, go watch TV while your mother and I talk,” Mac told them.

While Mac took the boys out of the kitchen, I wolfed down as much of the omelette, toast, and coffee as I could. Mac had made the coffee strong and robust, the way I liked it. I was impressed because he didn’t like his coffee so strong. The man paid attention and always tried to take care of me. My heart did a little happy dance at how amazing he was.

As soon as the boys were entranced in front of the television watching Jungle Book on Disney, Mac sat at the kitchen table with me.

“That should keep them busy and hopefully they won’t listen in on our conversation.” Mac sat back lazily in his chair. And as I have come to expect from him, he looked at me expectantly, waiting to deliver on whatever I asked. He looked the epitome of relaxed, strong, confident male. Seeing his big body encased in the dress pants and shirt I had washed last night I was remembering him climbing into our bed last night in only a towel around his waist. He had been so beautifully masculine with golden skin stretched over his massive shoulders and biceps and his broad muscular chest covered with a light carpet of hair that ended inches short of his ripped abs.

“So, before we get started, tell me, how are you?” His piercing sapphire gaze seemed to sear into mine, warming me from the inside out. It was clear that he was thinking of our night of unrestrained passion.

I flushed, recalling the seismic emotions and sensations he had wrung from me. What I felt for him seemed to be expanding and growing with every touch, every kiss, every time we made love. It was an obsession, a passionate obsession that I know Mac was well aware of. I couldn’t hide how I felt. It seemed to bleed into every moment I had with him.

Even now, I couldn’t stop the dopey smile and dreamy gaze in my eyes as I looked at him. However, I had to focus on the danger that was imminent. “I will be doing a lot better once you rescue Justin and his family.” I know my voice came out sounding sharp, but I was worried that if we didn’t move soon, Dr. Everette and Dr. Forbes might get creative with Justin. And with his wife and daughter in jeopardy, Justin might not put up much of a fight. Nakia was almost six months pregnant. No, Justin wasn’t going to fight and chance putting his family in danger.

“What are you talking about? Rescue Justin and his family from what?” Mac sat up straighter in his chair, all traces of amorous banter forgotten.

“Dr. Forbes had her people pick up Justin and his family from their home.”

“What? How do you know this?”

“You asked me yesterday about my abilities.”

He sat forward and placed his cellphone on the table in front of him within easy reach.

“You know about the heightened senses, and you saw yesterday that I can also subvert someone’s senses, but what you don’t know is my ability to astral project.”

“Astral project? How?”

“Look, Mac, I would love to go into the long story about that, but Justin needs us. While Dr. Everette was here trying to capture us, his partner, Dr. Forbes, was busy detaining Justin and his family. Colt and Imani left because they are usually the targets, but this time, the scientists went after Justin instead. I involuntarily astral projected to the plane Dr. Forbes is transporting them on a few hours ago.”

“How much time do I have?”

“They think Justin knows where we are, and they’re preparing to give him the same serum given to us if he doesn’t comply.”

“But that could kill him.”

“As you know, they don’t care. They intend to try contact and threaten us with that, but we need to get to Justin and Nakia before they hurt them. If anything happens to them because of us, I couldn’t live with myself. Can you please help them?”

“You know I will, but I need more information than just, “they took Justin”. I don’t know where, when, or how they took him.”

“They took him and his family from their home in Miami and escorted them directly onto a flight to London because we’re here. However, after experiencing our escape from Gabrielle’s flat, the airport, and at the hotel, Everette and Forbes are hoping we will come without a fight. They have no idea what they are dealing with, no idea exactly what our capabilities are. They think that everything that’s happened is because of me and the boys. Thankfully, you are a complete mystery.”

“No one will know it’s me because I will be in the shield.”

“Unfortunately, Justin doesn’t have his shield on. Knowing what a lethal soldier he is, they stripped Justin of everything he had on, thinking that it was too dangerous to leave him with anything of his.”

Mac frowned. “I’m dying to know how you know all of this, but can you get me a little more information? Does Justin know where his gear is? To get all of them out, I will need his help. What about Nakia? Does she have her shield?”

“I will look again at Nakia to see if she has her shield. However, it may be best to get them when they land at Gatwick at eleven this morning.”

“That’s in the next two hours.” Mac took a second to look at me as though he was in awe of me. “I need to make a few calls,” he murmured with a heavy sigh.

I knew the impossibility of what I was asking. The security around Gatwick when that flight got here later this morning was going to be insane. I followed in his wake, unsure what he was planning, but I wanted him to know that I would be there with him every step of the way. I found him speaking quietly into the cellphone and pacing in a room that I realized was the study.

He stopped speaking, covered the mouthpiece, and looked at me expectantly.

“I realize that what I’m asking of you is an enormous task. I can help. I can make it easier.”

He nodded, accepting my offer without question. “Let me organize some distraction at the airport, and then we can talk about how you can help.” Mac held my gaze as he completed his call with the person he had on the phone.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the danger, I was so mesmerized by the blue depths of his gaze that I couldn’t look away. All my senses were locked on him. Instead of hearing his phone call, I heard the husky rasp in his voice and the steady beat of his heart. I don’t know what it was, but it seemed as though we were connected on another level. I knew that he was feeling the same things that I was, so I was not surprised when he pulled me against him gently, settling my soft curves into the hard planes of his large frame.

He sat in a leather chair and settled me into his lap as though it was the most natural thing in the world. He calmly completed his call.

“That should keep them busy,” Mac said with satisfaction. He lowered his head and kissed me gently. “Now, what were you saying about helping?”

It was as though he had snatched my breath from my body with that simple kiss. All of my senses were eager and clamoring for more of him. I curled into his warm body and laid my head on his chest, fairly sizzling with awareness of him. It took a few long slow breaths before I felt coherent enough to speak. “I can help you in my astral self,” I told him in a voice barely above a whisper. My throat was still clogged with emotion.

He tightened his arms around me one last time before lifting me from his lap and standing. “Come and tell me as I prepare my gear to leave. My ride will be here shortly.”

So, while he pulled on dark fatigues and weapons in a room he described as a tactical room, which had been hidden behind the wall in the study, I told him how I could be his eyes and ears. He was initially skeptical until I sat on the cool tiled floor of the tactical room, closed my eyes, and gave a detailed description of the inside of the plane Justin and his family were traveling in, where they were in the plane, how many guards were with them, and repeat verbatim the conversation between Dr. Forbes and Justin. And yes, Nakia had her shield.

“What the fuck?” Mac’s voice was soft with shock and reverence. “Have you been able to do that since the serum?”

“Yes, but I didn’t know that I could. I used to only be able to do it in my sleep, but I experimented once, because I wanted to see where you were, and that’s when I realized that I could do it while awake. However, I have to blank everything from my mind and give up awareness of everything around me.”

He gave me a devilish smile with a glint in his eyes. “So, you wanted me for some time.” There was so much masculine satisfaction in that one statement. “Where was I when you were looking for me? In the shower I hope.”

I rolled my eyes and told him drily, “Well, I didn’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t you with your tongue down your girlfriend’s throat.”

“Oh?” He didn’t look so confident any longer. “Was that all?”

“I didn’t care to see more, so I left.”

“That must have been a long time ago.” He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable. “I haven’t kissed Liz in years.” We stared at each other for a few tense seconds, each of us absorbing and acknowledging the significance of that before Mac asked, “Was that the only time? Was that the only time you came looking for me?”

“I’m afraid that that one incident cured me of my obsession with wanting to know where you were, at least partially anyway. I never got the urge again until yesterday when you left us so abruptly. I can’t explain it, but I had a very bad feeling after you left.”

He looked away from me, and I got the impression that again he was trying to hide something from me despite the conversation we had last night. I heard the loud propellers of the helicopter approaching and couldn’t help but think that he was saved by the bell. It was at least a mile out.

He gave me a tiny phone that fit into my palm, while he attached a Bluetooth earbud phone to his ear. “You can reach me when you press one on the keypad.” He kissed me on my lips hard one last time. “My ride is here. Let me know if anything changes in the scenario on Justin’s flight.”

“I will also find where they have stored Justin’s shield so he can help rescue his family. Otherwise, doing this alone won’t work.”