Born Sinner by Cora Kenborn


Mexican folklore callsit La Boda Roja, the Red Wedding—a day meant for celebration, but one that ended in death and betrayal.

Once the toasts were made, the bullets started flying, though who fired the first shot remains shrouded in mystery. Valentin Carrera loyalists claim that the ill-fated truce between the two most powerful cartels in the world was severed by a Colombian trigger finger, while Dante Santiago’s men maintain that war was declared by Mexican treachery.

Others say that there are two sides to every story, and somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

To the next generation, their hate became a new hate. Their pain became a new pain. La Boda Roja became as real to them as if they’d stood on the battleground themselves that day.

Eventually, they took their bad blood across the border.

New York fell to the new Santiago Cartel order. New Jersey fell to the Carrera regime.

Twenty years ago, two kings declared war…

And only one dark prince can end it.