Born Sinner by Cora Kenborn


Cora’s Acknowledgments

Catherine: Third cowrite down, forty-seven to go… Just kidding, kind of. Thank you for still wanting to write with me after the ridiculousness that was 2020. We made it. Here’s to many, many more.

Ronda: Thank you for constantly reminding me who I am and what I’m capable of creating.

Crystal: As usual, thank you for always being there as a sounding board and remembering the details my creative brain glosses over. You’re the best.

Gillian Leonard: I have no idea how you managed to edit and turn two back-to-back books around so quickly, but I love you to the moon and back for it. #teamkumquat.

KC Fernandez and Ronda Lloyd: Thank you for the fresh eyes and detailed proofread.

Ginger Snaps: You are my translation angel. Thank you for making sure I’m always authentic.

Carrera’s Guerreras: You are one hell of a beta team. I don’t tell you enough how amazing you are, so I’m doing it now. Love you all!

Cora’s Twisted Alpha Addicts and Cora’s Twisted Capos: Thank you for all your support and dedication to my work. I would be lost without you.

Danielle Sanchez and the staff of Wildfire Marketing: Thank you for always making me shine.

Lastly, to the bloggers and readers who enjoy and share my work, THANK YOU! Your support means the world to me. As always, without you, I’m just a chick with a laptop.

Catherine’s Acknowledgments

To my husband and my two beautiful girls. I’m running out of adjectives again… Let’s just say that I love how you bring me cups of tea and hugs when I’m writing. I love that I’ve inspired you to write yourselves. I just…love you.

Cora, my author guru. I would be hopelessly lost and clueless without you. Somehow we did it. Not sure how... Thank you from the bottom of my green tea.

Sammy, Kathi, Sally, and Julia. Thank you for cheering me on from the sidelines. You’ve been there from the beginning, and you’re more priceless than gold.

To my wonderful PA, Siobhan. Thank you for hopping aboard the Santiago show and for keeping my life in order. And to my amazing Street Team for promoting me every day! — Joy, Jayne, Joanne, Ashley, Piia, Chelle, Janie, Isidora, Sarah, Tracey, Sierra, Sandra and Laura…

To all the book bloggers and bookstagrammers who are still taking a chance on a sort-of rookie. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To Maria at Steamy Designs.  Thank you for taking on all our demands, not disowning us, and for weaving your magic.

And finally to the readers. You make every invasive scan, test and operation worth it. I’ll be writing these stories for you until they pry my laptop away from my lifeless fingers. Thank you for making all my dreams come true.

