Raw and Curvy by S.E. Law



Iwas disappointed when Mimi texted me to let me know she was going straight home, but at least the day’s over and I’m at the penthouse now. Walking into our apartment, I freeze when I get inside. Why is it dark? My girl said she got home hours ago, so this is strange.

I head to the kitchen expecting her to be there, but curiously, this room too is dark. Weird. The kitchen has had more use in the three months Mimi’s lived here than the five years before that when I lived here alone. After all, my girl loves to cook and adores the chef’s kitchen, so she often putters away, whipping up delicious meals. But today, it’s gloomy and everything’s silent.

“Mimi?” I call out, hoping she’ll appear. But my voice echoes in the large space and I frown. Where could she be?

The master suite seems like the next logical place, so I make my way to our room. But like the living room and kitchen, the bedroom is shuttered. Fortunately, I see a light shining from beneath the en suite door and smile. Loosening my tie, I start undoing the buttons of my shirt. Mimi must be in the bath or shower, and nothing gets me going more than the curvy girl draped only in suds. I could use some bath time with my woman, I think.

But then, I’m about a foot from the door when I hear something and pause. Surely that wasn’t…? The sound comes again, louder this time, and there’s no mistaking what it is. Mimi’s crying, and not just a little, but rather huge, heaving sobs while she gasps for air. Without any hesitation, I throw open the door and Mimi is hunched over in the tub, her curves gleaming wetly. Immediately, I rush over and start rubbing her shoulders. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

She sobs some more before putting her hands down and my heart breaks. Her eyes are red and raw from crying, and her voice is hoarse.

“Me. I’m all wrong.”

“What? No, you aren’t. You are the best thing I’ve got in my life, sweetheart. Why would you say that?”

She shakes her head and meets my gaze again. Her eyes are swollen and so puffy that my heart breaks once more.

“I’m ruining your life, Mason, and I hate myself for it.”

What the fuck?I sit back on my heels because I’m at a complete loss. Everything was going smoothly this morning, and we departed on an affectionate note, so what happened? I look into her eyes and take her hand, which is slick from soap.

“You’re not ruining anything, baby. It’s obvious something happened today, and I want you to tell me what it was so we can talk it out together.”

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter, Mason. I get what this is. I’m nothing but dead weight, and I’m dragging you down with me.”

That does it. Without even taking off my clothes, I climb into the tub with her, ruining my expensive suit. But I don’t care, and ignore the way the now wet fabric clings to my body. Then, I sit against the back of the tub and pull Mimi into my lap with both my arms holding her curvy form tight.

“Listen to me. You mean the world to me, baby, so yes, something that has you this upset absolutely matters to me. Now, tell me why you’ve been crying in this tub all afternoon.”

Her lip quivers and I think she’s going to turn away, but after a minute she says, “I’m hopeless, Mason. I was going to take a cab to Atlantic City today, and then you know what happened? I realized I didn’t have enough money with me.”

I squint.

“But why were you going to Atlantic City? And how can you not have enough money? I thought I gave you my black Amex.”

She looks down, tears rising again.

“You did, but it just shows how pathetic I am! Without you, I have no money. Everything I spend is yours.”

I pull her chin around with firm fingers and look deep into her eyes.

“What’s mine is yours, baby. It’s our money, so I don’t want to hear anything more about it. But why were you taking off for Atlantic City? Was there an emergency?”

She lets out a long, shuddering breath as tears begin to stream again.

“I did the photoshoot for G-Raw, Mason, and I thought everything went well. Carlton was nice and I thought everything was fine. But afterwards,” she sniffs hard, looking utterly broken, “I overheard the creative director, Cassandra, telling him to trash the photos because I’m ugly and overweight. She said the entire shoot was a waste of time, and they only got stuck with me because I’m your girlfriend. Do you know how that made me feel? This is the second job I’ve lost for being fat!”

She starts sobbing once more and I pull her against my chest and rub my hands up and down her back in circles trying to soothe her. For a minute I’m glad she can’t see my face because I’m fucking angry as hell. Cassandra just lost the best job she’s ever going to have. In fact, I’ll make sure she never works in this industry again.

But I have to keep it together for my girl.

“You can’t listen to people like Cassandra,” I say. “She wouldn’t know beautiful if it hit her in the face because she’s never been beautiful in her life. You are exactly the model that G-Raw needs because our audience isn’t interested in rail thin girls. Tastes change and these days, people like curves. They respect real women, and our customers want to see someone lush and healthy, and not stick-thin and starved.”

But Mimi just buries her face against my wet shirt and starts sobbing again, her body shaking against mine as she cries. I wrap my arms around her and hold her for a minute, totally perplexed. Then I gently pull back once more to stare into those chocolate brown eyes.

“Are you sure there isn’t something else on your mind?” I ask gently. “Whatever’s going on, you know you can talk to me.”

She shakes her head, those brown curls swinging against her cheeks.

“It’s not just that, Mason. It’s the fact that I only got the job because I’m your girlfriend! And all of my money is actually your money, like I mentioned. I’m nothing without you, and it kills me to know it.”

That makes my hackles rise, and I hold her shoulders firmly to stare into her eyes.

“Listen, Mimi. We’re a couple, and a happy one too. We don’t go half-half all the time because that’s inane and unworkable, anyways. I bring my fortune to the table, but you bring a lot too. You bring sweetness and light, not to mention harmony and that lush body. I adore being with you, honey, and I genuinely thought you were perfect for the photo shoot.”

Mimi shakes her head miserably again.

“They’re trashing the images, Mason. I’m huge and disgusting, and it’s only nepotism that got me in front of the camera in the first place.”

I shake my head, furious once more.

“No. They’re not trashing the photos. In fact, I haven’t even seen them yet, but I’m going to make sure there’s a billboard in Times Square with your face on it. Besides, how do you think the real world works, honey? It’s always about who you know, especially in a place like NYC, and in this case, you know me. Damn those idiots for bringing you down like this.”

Mimi lets out a long, shuddering sigh.

“But I’m huge,” she says in a dull voice. “I’ve gained weight.”

I capture her lips with mine for a devastating kiss.

“And I love every extra pound, sweetheart. You feel so good in my arms at night, and again, you’re the perfect woman to represent G-Raw. I should know because I know our audience better than anyone else.”

But my girlfriend’s eyes slide to the side, and she avoids looking at me.

“What is it, honey?” I demand. “Let it all out.”

Finally, she turns to meet my gaze, tears welling once more.

“Mason, I’m not just thick,” she whispers. “I’ve gained real weight, and it isn’t just from eating a lot.” She pauses and sucks in a deep breath. “I’m pregnant with your child, and that’s where part of the extra twenty pounds comes from.”

For a minute I just stare at her, letting the words cycle through my mind a few times. Trying to let what she’s saying really sink in. I’m going to be a father?

Mimi drops her head, unable to read my mind.

“I’m sorry, and I want you to know that I didn’t plan this. But there were a few times when we went without protection, and you’re a very virile man. I’m so, so sorry, Mason.”

I stroke a finger down her soft cheek.

“Don’t apologize, sweetheart,” I murmur. “You’re a very fertile girl as well.”

Tears come to her eyes again. “But I want this baby, Mason. I understand if this is too much, not to mention a total surprise, but I’m keeping the child no matter what.”

At that, I take her face in my hands and kiss her hungrily. We’re both breathing heavily when I pull back, and I smile at her so hard my cheeks hurt, but I can’t help it.

“Mimi, sweetheart, I want this baby too. In fact, I want a little girl who looks just like you, with your big brown eyes and chestnut curls. We might not have planned to start a family, but sometimes life gives us what we need before we even know it. I can’t wait to be a father, and this is perfect, honey. I love you so much, and you’re going to be an amazing mommy.”

The pretty brunette looks at me with shock. “You want the baby?”

“God, yes.” I kiss her again. “And I want you. I want us to be a family, and I want us to be together.” Tears start rolling down her cheeks again and I try to wipe them away, but my hands are wet and it makes no difference. “Please don’t cry, sweetheart. It breaks my heart to see you like this.”

She shakes her head while another sob escapes her throat. “No, I’m not crying because I’m upset. These are good tears, Mason.” Then, she rests her hands on her swelling belly like she’s cradling the child growing inside before shooting me a watery smile. “I’m just so happy, Mason. I never expected this, and well … I love you, too.”

My heart takes off in a drum solo as I pull the curvy girl close before kissing her deep, hoping she can feel every ounce of my love in my touch.

“You mean that?” I growl low in my throat. “I know we didn’t have the most traditional start to our relationship with the Cocoslick incident, and then you moving in right away, but what I feel for you is real, Mimi. I love you, and I want us to be together.”

She shudders and sighs before winding her arms around my neck and pressing her damp forehead to mine.

“I know, Mason,” she says in a low voice. “And I realize now that my reaction to the photoshoot was a bit of a knee-jerk. I guess I just had to get my biggest fears out there, but now, I feel much better. Thank you for taking such good care of me,” she breathes. “I love you, and I want to be with you too.”

With those words, nothing matters anymore, and I pull the curvy girl close again for a deep, soulful kiss. After all, the gorgeous brunette is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. Mimi’s sassy, feisty, beautiful, and gives as good as she gets, in addition to being the mother of my child. What more could a man ask for? Now, we have a world of love before us, and I couldn’t be more content.