Raw and Curvy by S.E. Law



Three months later.

“I can’t believe you’re living in a luxurious penthouse in Manhattan,” Leslie squeals on the other side of the screen. “You know there are articles about Mason Carlisle’s building. It’s supposedly the fanciest, most exclusive complex in all of Manhattan.”

I giggle and nod.

“I won’t lie because it’s amazing. I’ve been living here with Mason for three months now, and I still can’t believe this is my life sometimes.”

My high school friend lets out another giggle, but then she gets serious.

“Okay,” she says, “enough about the apartment. You’re dating one of the biggest business moguls in America, so I guess a fancy house should be an expected perk, but what about the important stuff?”

I know exactly what she considers “important stuff,” but I’m not going to give it away that easily. “What do you mean?” I tease.

Leslie mock-frowns.

“Don’t hold out on me, Mimi. I’ve looked your man up online, so I know how ridiculously hot he is. He’s Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome personified! And then there’s that demanding aura that comes through even in pictures. I bet he’s a beast in bed. Please don’t tell me that Mason Carlisle’s small and limp in real life.”

I giggle, thinking about how much of an animal my boyfriend was last night, ordering me around the bedroom and making me come so hard, so many times, that I’m surprised I can even walk today. I sigh blissfully at the memory.

“Imagine how hot you think he is and multiply that by a hundred. That’s what it’s like.”

Leslie sucks in a sharp breath loud enough I can hear it through the phone. “You’re messing with me,” she breathes.

I shake my head. “Nope. Mason’s very gifted, and he knows exactly what he’s doing with his anatomy, trust me.”

She giggles. “Is he just as great out of the bed?”

I sigh. “Honestly, he’s wonderful. Obviously, Mason’s rich and he likes to spend his money on nice things, but he’s still a good person. He treats everyone with respect, and that includes the help. He never makes anyone feel like they’re mere mortals because they aren’t as successful as he is. He’s wonderful.”

Leslie rolls her eyes a bit, brown curls bobbing.

“I mean, I guess I already figured that out. After all, I already have to like him for making sure you didn’t end up back at the Wilshire working for that bitch, Jewel.”

I grimace.

“God, I know. I can’t believe I even considered trying to get my job back after what she did. I mean, seriously!”

“And she was wrong. You have always been hot, girl. I’m glad you found a man who makes sure you know just how amazing you are.”

I smile gently. “Me too.”

But then Les shifts gears.

“So, how’s the art going? Are you going to take the world by storm?”

I brighten.

“I’ve been taking some classes at the New School, and it’s fantastic. You wouldn’t believe all the places in this penthouse that are the perfect inspiration for painting. I mean, the views are enough material to last me for years, not to mention the light. It’s amazing.”

My friend nods with approval.

“You’ve always been passionate about painting, Mims. You should really consider pursuing a career as a professional artist.”

I smile secretively.

“I have been looking over the requirements for a fine arts degree actually.”

“Do it,” Leslie says immediately. “The best time in life to go after what we want is now.”

My friend is right, and I open my mouth to tell her that, but suddenly my stomach rolls. Phone still in hand, I take off for the closest bathroom. I swear, with six bathrooms in this place you’d think there would be one right around the corner, but it feels like it’s on the other side of the world as my feet scramble.

Once in the bathroom, I pretty much throw myself at the toilet in a rush, hurling until I’m sure I’ve puked my guts out. I flush the toilet before picking myself up to wash my mouth out at the sink.

“Hello? Mimi?”

I hear Leslie’s faint voice and suddenly remember that I was having a conversation with her. Uck, my phone slid behind the toilet when I rushed in, so I get down on my knees before reaching around and snagging it.

“Hey,” I say. “Sorry about that.”

“Are you okay, Mims?” Leslie asks, her frown cautious. “You look bad, girlfriend. Your hair’s stuck to your cheeks, and you look really pale.”

I nod, still clutching my gut.

“I don’t know. I was fine one minute, and then my stomach took a turn and I’m pretty sure I puked up everything I had for breakfast. I feel better now, though. That was so weird.”

My brunette friend is quiet for a minute and for a moment, I think we got disconnected, but she’s still there.

“Les? Did you accidentally mute the phone?”

“I’m here,” she replies. But her voice sounds off, which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My buddy’s known me for a long time and she’s always the positive one, so it’s strange for her to go quiet all of a sudden.

“You seem upset,” I say. “Did something happen over there?”

“No no, I’m fine. I just… Mimi, do you think you might be pregnant? I know that the chances are slim, but is it a possibility?”

As soon as those words come out of her mouth, I swear the whole world stops turning on its axis. Suddenly this bathroom feels incredibly small; in fact, the whole penthouse feels too small.

“Breathe, Mimi,” Leslie says. “Just breathe, girlfriend.”

In. Out. I take long, calculated inhales and exhales until my racing heart starts to slow again.

“Now be straight with me,” Leslie says in a somber voice. “Can you remember when you had your last period? You’re a healthy young woman, Mimi, so I don’t understand why you’d suddenly be violently ill unless …”

I try to think. I haven’t had my flow this month yet. That I am sure of. Did I have one last month though? Furiously, I try to remember. Oh shit. I sit down on the cold marble floor and pinch the bridge of my nose. “OMG, Les. I’m pretty sure I haven’t had one in about two months.”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Sometimes our periods just get thrown off whack, that’s all.”

“No.” I’m shaking my head even though she can’t see me. “My period has always been the one thing I can count on because it comes like clockwork every month. I think I’m pregnant,” I say in a low voice. “Mason and I use protection, of course, but there were a few times when … well, you know. It was just so hot, and we couldn’t find a condom in time, and …”

Leslie is quiet again, but then she asks, “How do you feel about being potentially pregnant? Do you want a baby?”

I don’t rush to answer because this is important. Looking down at my stomach, I lift the material of my shirt up so I can see my belly. I have gained some weight since I moved in with Mason, but I thought it was because I’m no longer dieting all the time. I’m enjoying food and enjoying life more, but now that I look at my belly, the weight gain does seem to be predominantly in my stomach.

I press my hand to the gentle curve with shock. The image of a baby with Mason’s brilliant blue eyes, and a head full of my curls pops into my mind and I smile suddenly, understanding my heart.

“It sounds crazy, Les, but I think I want to keep the child. This definitely wasn’t planned, but right now it feels so right to have Mason’s baby in my womb. In fact, I’ve never wanted anything more.”

My buddy nods smartly.

“Then that’s all that matters,” she says. “That child is already so lucky because he or she will have you as a mom, and you’re going to be a great mommy.”

I smile with tears in my eyes.

“Thanks, Les, because I’m certainly going to give it my all. The thing is that I don’t know if the baby’s father will feel the same. This is an accidental pregnancy after all.”

My buddy nods, her brown curls bouncing.

“You just have to tell him, sweetie. And if Mason Carlisle is everything you’ve told me, then he’s going to be overjoyed too. So go for it, Mims. Embrace your future because you deserve it.”

With that we hang up, and I clutch my stomach, marveling at the life within. Who knew life could have so many twists and turns? Yet I feel unbelievably lucky to be pregnant with Mason’s child, and I only hope the billionaire feels the same.